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About BlurryBoi

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  1. @Keryo Koffa lot of good things, thanks ! I'm seriously starting to evolve my perspective on the role of those different tools/substances and their respective inadequacies, and possible Synergies.
  2. @Javfly33 maybe this Love you felt on this dissociative came mainly from your Contemplation or ammount of Experience with spirituality. Im mainly coming at it from the begining/base of the pyramid, from a disfunctional/unressourceful stage of life. Lacking in both Love and Consciousness.
  3. @Keryo Koffa @Javfly33 ketamine is pertinent for burnout, no doubt, small doses when necessary to calm/wisen an overactive mind. But when talking about really tripping on it, i've been experiencing a profound lack of Love with it, painfully intense craving for Love. Like diving into the void without a protective suit, emptiness seeping into the heart. Thats my main problem with it. I need to realise/awaken my Heart to Love. And it seems to be quite the opposite substance for that situation. Although i've just had an idea : What if the answer here isnt 1 substance, but a careful Synergy of complimentary psychedelics ? Like instead of dosing 100% LSD or DMT etc (and overstimulating a fragile system), i would go for : - 9/10th of Ketamine (to trip deep without overstimulating) - 1/10th of a Psychedelic like 5-meo-malt or Shrooms or Mdma etc (to awaken with Love) Like a pinch of spice, wich might be enough in an extremely receptive/malleable altered state of consciousness from the ketamine.
  4. It doesnt have do be brain-damage. You and i know the human health System is extremely complex, theres like at least 10-100 other facets that can be disrupted in a complex hard to pin-point way, wich can subtely unravel other facets overtime. Etc. And here it can be simplistically boiled down to the facet of the energy-system, something about over-using your limited ressources, disrupting the wholistic system overtime.
  5. You are actually right on. This complex phenomenon we simplistically call "Burnout" is not to be underestimated (as we keep doing from ignorance). This is one of those cases where a state takes the stage and corrupts the lense/nexus through wich everything is experienced/digested. And when you're stuck in it, well you're deep in this stage of quagmire where the threshold to overstimulation is not to be threaded lightly with, as it is closer and closer than you expect. Thats why people in this situation can't afford to trip like healthy people do (with healthy digestion/regeneration), as it leaves you painfully drained to the bone. But triping can still be crucial to help realise/awaken from toxic Knots you're stuck in, and thats where the search for a Low-Stimulation Psychedelic substance that wont take a toll on this fragile, burnt-out system, is important if it exists. Its all basically about finding the right/specific psychedelic substance for you're unique/niche state, 101. Notice he is talking about over/high-use of psychedelics, and of course this is true, this is the principle of Dynamic-Moderation wich applies to most if not all aspects of life. Now notice the context here isnt about finding a fantastic psychedelic that you can do everyday to magically unstimulate/heal you from burnout (as even sleeping pills would deteriorate your health overtime if not used sparingly). Rather its about finding a psychedelic that has a way of increasing consciousness wich is not through increasing stimulation (im sure its not just about hyper-activation but also inter-connection, wich i hope could also be done in a low-energy way)
  6. I'm asking because (not an exageration) i've been burning-out from being stuck to go through a hellish stage of life, profoundly devoid of Love. And lately i've been close to my limit and starting to really surrender (painfully), but each time i'm deeply surrendering i get to the point where i'm at a threshold to an existential cliff, and it feels 100% devoid of this (nutritional/healthy) Love. So it really feels like behind that threshold can be a boundless Bad-Trip for someone already traumatised/exhausted/unable to Love. (I wouldnt be suprised if complete surrender releases DMT from the brain, and i understand that you gotta be real careful about triping while ill) Kind of like i would finally let open the floodgates of hell (wich is passing by my mind everyday) to corrupt/penetrate my mind and soul into hellish insanity. (Through LOVE of course ) So the inquiry here is : maybe its not enought to "just surrender and everything will be ok", maybe you need to do it skillfully/wisely/lovingly if your gonna 100% surrender, or your might get foolishly corrupted/consummed by a crocodile/hell who's been lingering for the moment you vulnerably give up your survival/mind/soul. Thanks for your wisdom/experience about this
  7. For example, LSD, THC, 2CB, Shrooms, and i assume all the DMT variants seem to consume/activate a lot of energy, wich is a problem when you're stuck with chronic burnout and other exhausting illness. Correct me if im wrong but i think awakenings/psychedelics experiences like realising Love can also happen in a low energetical way. It seems Ketamine would be a good answer, but its not really a psychedelic nor a great molecule for Love. Maybe some specific strands of Cannabis, but i'm not sure about that. Thanks in advance
  8. What about actually creating a simple pinned post Ressource for anyone in dire need of help/lucidity when stuck during/after traumatic "badtrips". Instead of loosing them/yourself spiraling down the toxic rabbithole/maze, we remember where to go for pertinent directions to reframe/transmute negative positions. Kinda like @FlyingLotus made to naviguate leo's blog videos Like clarifying The different Facets of spiritual Problems/Trauma you can end up in with psychedelics, and linking to the best of the best ressources for each facet when you're STUCK in it. Basically some kind of Post-Mortem. And then people can simply link back to this hub to help someone on the forum. (could be pinned in the mental health section) @Leo Gura That would be some next-level stage yellow move, requiring deep levels of holistic understanding Because lets be real, most people stuck here wont go to all the trouble just to see a therapist/psychiatrist who wont know shit about psychedelics/spirituality and just repress their lack of understanding with meds...
  9. Idk, i guess things like microdosing/macrodosing MDMA, maybe combined with a 5meoDMT/MALT for a safe good-trip and/or deep LOVE Realisation Maybe some supplements/drugs around Oxytocin ?
  10. Hello hello, here's some context : (or just skip to the last line) Imagine your body/mind is ill/dying from chronic lack of Nutritive Love (and you neglected it) so now you find yourself alone in extreme dehydration in the middle of the desert/hell so in practice you cant "just keep walking 100 miles to the next water source", or "just drink the dew/humidity on the ground" like "just do pickup/relationships/selflove" because its too damn hard/impossible to even exist in this state of extreme exhaustion from lack of water/love. This is quite a doozie Cant just Rest/sleep it off because even existing is too hard in this state of extreme deprivation of an essential nutriment. Cant just go pickup/find/build a good enough loving Relationship because i'm in a near-death state already, so walking/working for weeks/months is not realistic here Cant SelfLove enough because im an unconscious devil who cannot love nor realise god, it would take a long time/momentum to get good enough to really shift/feel enough relief from the actual flames of hell my ass is stuck in now Psychedelics could be the saving grace to shift the situation, but from what i understand, going in it so deprived could just intensify/mirror this hell back to me lol and dude in this state i cant handle a badtrip empty of Nutritive Love So yeah, of course i'm very proactive on all of those aspects (i get it) But some people can be stuck in a hellish state so impossibly difficult and unable to "just save oneself" fast enough before gameover/alt+f4, so some kind of effective medkits/drugs meanwhile that hydrate specifically those Physiological Love Needs would be crucial to find. What molecules would be pertinent ?
  11. @Verg0 Scientifically, MDMA can become neurotoxic if you take Caffeine 24H before&after the trip, and/or if you trip in a particularly High Heat environment without cooling your body.
  12. @Ima Freeman dude im in a very similar place in my life ! Meditation is basically the best thing i discovered for my mental health, wisdom, lucidity and happiness. But Ego struggles haaard, i have so much irrational resistance to it (check "the war of art" by s.pressfield). And with chronic burnout im always self-deceived in random daydreams and subtle-bullshit expectations. Something that can help you for this is to : Intimately Reflect on your uniquely different and Legitimate past experience, with full Authority and independance from other's "ways/howto". So that you can re-CLARIFY the WHY(s) you are doing Meditation for. And then looking back, intuitively WHAT type of meditation has been actually Resonating The Most With YOU for this purpose. And figure out HOW to maximize this specific thing/way (in the meditative process, but also around it in how you setup your daily life). And Focus ONLY on your top 1 (for rigid mastery) or top 3 (for flexible pertinence). (check "elastic habits" by s.guise) As an example for me : i clarified what is (and isn't) Most Pertinent, For My Unique Situation nowadays : its Not to meditate for concentration or lucidity/awakening, and not even for wisdom insights. Its to meditate for deep Rest and to cultivate Equanimity (so that i can basically train myself every day to let go and Accept Unconditionally whatever happens during Psychedelic trips) So i ditched 99.9% of the guided meditations i've been collecting for a while and distracting myself with. And i've designed what process works best for me in actuality. I also have been designing my Routine and Priorities so that (in a Flexible but Structured way), i reserve enough Space/Time/Attention to really meditate. And i have a little bit of THC on the side, so that mutliple times a week when i feel like it i can gently familiarize myself with the psychedelic world, undistracted.