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About BlurryBoi

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  1. ❗️ obsidian emo
    Blog post on Emotions
    I just wanted to add that ChatGPT is amazing at helping you logically differentiate between different emotions.  Many diferentces are subdle but important for your emotional vocabulary.
    Of course, the most accurate understanding comes from direct experience and personal contemplation, but a theoretical background helps a lot
    Feel free to share any that are missing on the blog post 

  2. ❗️ important
    AI can help you with Life Purpose
    I recently bought the Claude Opus 3 after seeing it on Leo's blog and found something really creative that you can do find your life purpose and ideas for task/projects to get you there. I generated a PDF from OneNote with all my notes from the Life Purpose course, uploaded it to Claude, and asked it questions to help get me on track. Some of the best questions I asked were:
    -Given what you know about me, what are some different ways I could formulate my Life Purpose statement to make it sound more authentic? 
    -Give me a vision of what my life could look like if I was living my Life Purpose, be specific
    -Give me a list of tasks and projects that I can do in order to get on track with my Life Purpose
    -Brainstorm a list of people who have a life purpose similar to mine and a brief summary of how they did it
    It's not a substitute for doing the real inner work but I think that it is a great tool to use especially if you took the Life Purpose course and want help brainstorming an working on your Life Purpose

  3. Use Ai
    Leo Does Political Philosophy With Advanced AI
    Reading books is very slow and comes with a lot of filler content which isn't relevant to a question at hand.
    Solo work is important, but it can be hard to work based off nothing. The AI helps to seed your mind with fresh ideas, like having a brainstorming partner.
    And two minds are more powerful than one, if they communicate well. You can use the AI to find gaps in your logic, which is hard to do solo.

  4. Use Ai
    Leo Does Political Philosophy With Advanced AI
    Let me know what you think:

  5. You who claim to be God, answer me this: why are there souls suffering in hell?
    You who claim to be God, answer me this: why are there souls suffering in hell?
    God is an Infinite Dream. You can dream up hell, demons, dragons, aliens, whatever you want.
    God is literally made out of demons, dragons, kangaroos, aliens, and such.

  6. Voice
    Developing a unique distinct voice
    I wrote a list of how above.
    Lately my vocie got deeper because I am was gaming in loud ass clubs, forcing me to project my voice a lot more.
    When you project your voice a lot the tissues in your vocal chords tough up like calloused hands, producing a deeper, richer sound effortlessly.
    Gaming in Vegas will give you the voice of a titan

  7. Nice Rap lecture and theory.
    Nice Rap lecture and theory.
    Lupe Fiasco gives a good lecture about rap in an MIT media lecture:
       Actually good to learn, and does have several overlaps here in What do you guys think about it?

  8. Perfect Songs
    Perfect Songs
    Share songs that are close to perfection; ideal; archetypal.

  9. How can I get out of poverty?
    How can I get out of poverty?
    Look for jobs or businesses which pay much more than average. Such things can be found with effort. You have the internet so do lots of research.
    The way I started my first business was I literally just asked myself: "What is the highest profit thing I can sell?" I searched around online and found a thing with insanely high profit margins.
    Getting rich is all about profit margin.

  10. Best Psychedelic Trip Music Mega-Thread
    Best Psychedelic Trip Music Mega-Thread
    Dude there are some real gems on there, good post 

  11. Reminder Of Why You're Here
    Reminder Of Why You're Here
    I feel that people here need a reminder of what this place is about.
    This forum is not like other social spaces on the internet where the function is to rant and rave about whatever stuff surfaces to your reptilian brain. The function of this place is your development, maturation, and evolution to higher consciousness and selflessness. So this place has a bias by default. It is not just willy-nilly post-whatever-you-feel-like-because-this-is-internet,-land-of-infinite-freedom. This requires intention. This requires caring about truth. This requires observing the reactive habits of your ego-mind, which include: rationalization, projection, denial, confirmation bias, emotionality, gaslighting, blaming, judging, moral posturing, etc. This is not a place to vent or promote ideology. It is not a place to attack others. It is not a place to waste time as you avoid doing work on yourself.
    I see many here posting in ways as though you never even studied any of my work and you are not interested in becoming more aware of your self-deceptions and egoic reactions. It's time to cut the monkey games and behave in ways that align with what is talked about in the videos. I am not perfect at this, I work on this too every day. I don't need you to be perfect about it, but I need to see you trying.
    This forum is a place for going meta. It's a place to scrutinize yourself and find ways to make yourself better, not to nitpick others or engage in debate. It is not about the content of what you post but the structure of your mind and why you think the way you think and do the things you do. It's about deconstructing yourself.
    Think long and hard about whether you are on board with this mission. If not, then this place is not for you. Go elsewhere online where you can be free to act out your ego and battle other egos. That's not what we do here. Going forward I will be keeping an eye out for this, looking to see if each of you is here to do the work, or just to vent ego. Those venting ego will eventually be kicked out.
    Every time before you post, as you write your post, I want you to stop and ask yourself, "How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways?", and "Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness?"
    In a nutshell, I want to see people doing more self-reflection and being more conscious of their behavior at the meta level. Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?
    Basically, I want more Tier 2 discussions rather than Tier 1 discussions. So make sure you study that difference and strive to discuss topics in a Tier 2 fashion. Tier 2 requires you to be more aware of your biases and less self-absorbed in your personal emotional baggage and survival agenda. Notice how most of the stuff you post is just a cry from your survival agenda, nothing more. Like a baby crying for candy and throwing a tantrum or using tricks to manipulate others.
    You are still allowed to have fun here, but don't get carried away with petty human nonsense. Watch your own tricks like hawk. No one else can do this for you. This is your job. This is how you grow. It's not about me policing you, it's about you learning to police yourself because that's what conscious beings do because they respect life.

  12. Chess consciousness
    Awakening to infinite chess
    I was laying in bed one morning trying to fall asleep as I entered a profound state of consciousness. Let's just call it Chess Consciousness, because Alien Consciousness is a thing now, and thus I proclaim my right to my very own name. Thank you very much.
    Anyway, it's kind of difficult for me to describe in words, but I'd say that my entire previous reality, including all the senses, memories and concepts, had been reorganized into an infinite game of chess. Consciousness was the board, and similarly to how consciousness can take on the quality of redness in the color of red, it had taken on the quality of "chessness" in this case. Everything was reinterpreted through this deeper sense of chess. So the sound of a bird chirping basically wasn't being interpreted as the sound of a chirping bird, but somehow correlated with a move inside the game.
    It began by me just laying in bed and moving around as you do in sleep. My body had already fallen asleep, but the mind was still fully and vividly conscious. I moved a leg and it was suddenly threatening to capture a hand. So I moved the hand out of the way, just for it to be threatening to take the nose. Suddenly there is a bird chirping, the chirping is threatening to take the sensation of the bed pressing against the body. There is no defending it. Suddenly that whole sequence of moves became a much larger piece on an even larger chess board that was intersecting with the current chess board. These larger pieces would make moves and all of their moves would accumulate into a much larger piece making moves ad infinitum. It was a completely paradoxical and strange loopy sort of reality. My person had become nothing but a meaningless fragment of that whole machine, but I was the machine itself! I was the very essence of chess! I was all of it. Every move, every piece, every part of the whole, individually and collectively as I was playing this game against my very self.
    I don't remember waking up, I just remember being awake at some point and just going "What the fuck was that?!". I didn't take any drugs, I was just practicing wakeful dreaming. I hope to be able to reproduce similar effects in the future.
    I've been having weird, strange loopy and seemingly non-nonsensical dreams of infinity lately, so that dream definitely plays into that whole theme really well. It felt like what I'd image a low dose of Salvia or DMT to feel like, though these substances would've exponentially amplified the lucidity of this state. It honestly made me excited to try either, once I've accumulated more psychedelic and lived experiences.

  13. How Self-Reference Builds the World - my new paper
    How Self-Reference Builds the World - my new paper
    I invite you to discover my new paper "How Self-Reference Builds the World" where I show how starting from self-reference as the entity with the property of looking-back-at-itself, all qualia, thus consciousness, can be obtained.
    The paper can be found on my internet profiles, such as:

  14. Psychonauts Unite! -- Share Top Lessons You Learned From Your Tripping
    Psychonauts Unite! -- Share Top Lessons You Learned From Your Tripping
    This is a mega-thread for experienced psychonauts to share their top lessons and dos and don't when psychonauting.
    As I'm developing my new course I want to integrate any of your insights, lessons, tips, and wisdom which I may have overlooked or failed to encounter in my own experiences. So if you share ideas here I may integrate them as lessons into my new course.
    What are your top lessons when it comes to psychedelics and how to use them most effectively and safely?
    What do you wish you'd have known before you started?

  15. Actz on psychdl
    🍄 on Psychedelics 🍄
    🍄 on Psychedelics 🍄
    • Blog post on How To Research Psychedelics.
    • PsychonauntWiki is a good resource for research.
    • VIDEO:  How To Plug Psychedelics - Nov 2018 - (Summary is here)
                Must Watch Episodes
    Ep 268. How To Use Psychedelics For Personal Development. (Summary)
    Ep 434. How Psychedelics Work - Making Sense Of Psychedelics.
    Ep 483. The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics. (Summary)
                Substance Reports
    Ep 267.  Magic Mushrooms:  The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms!
    Ep 275.  5-MeO-DMT:  5-MeO-DMT - The Magic Pill To Enlightenment & God.  (Summary)
    Ep 298.  AL-LAD:  Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work.  (Summary)
    Ep 312.  2C-B:  Experiencing Physical Death.
    Ep 492.  5-MeO-MALT:  Introducing The Other God Molecule.  (Summary)
    Ep 507.  Ketamine:  Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality?
    Blog Video. DPT:  The Other God Molecule.  (Summary)
    Blog Video. Salvia:  What it’s Like to Smoke Salvia Divinorum.
                (Leo says Salvia is very dangerous and does not recommend doing it)
                Blog Posts: Safety and Psychedelics  ⛑️
    • The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics - Oct 2017
    • The Antidote For Pre-Trip Anxiety - Aug 2017
    • 5-MeO-Always On An Empty Stomach - May 2017
    • No Trip Sitters - May 2017
    • Why You Should Never Do Salvia (6 mins) - Aug 2017
                Forum Threads
    • The Ketamine and Dissociatives Mega-Thread
    • The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    • The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    • The 5-MeO-MALT Mega-Thread
    • The DPT Mega-Thread
    • The Trip Reports Mega-Thread
    • Psychedelics Safety and Protocols Mega Thread
    • Psychedelics Informational Resources
    • Psychedelic Research Mega-Thread
    • Best Psychedelic Trip Music Mega-Thread
    • Psychedelic Memes Mega-Thread
                Enlightenment & Psychedelics Episodes 🤯
          • Almost every episode in the Enlightenment section of Leo’s Blog Videos.
    Ep 283. Interview With Martin Ball - Using 5-MeO-DMT To Become Enlightened
    Ep 347. Enlightenment Experience Explanation & Key Lessons.  (Summary) (a response to ep 346)
    Ep 437. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days.  (Summary)
    Ep 495. Leo's Worst Bad Trips - Psychedelics Gone Wrong
    Viewer Compilation 🥳: Incredible, Powerful Concepts on Life & 5-MeO-DMT
    Blog Post and Video on Mapping Consciousness With High Dose LSD
                Tripping in Real Time Episodes
    Ep 346. Enlightenment Experience Happening In Real Time - LIVE! 🛋️
    Ep 431. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 1. 📦
    Ep 432. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2. 🛋️
                Misc Episodes
    Ep 329. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 1.
    Ep 331. Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 2.
    More Blog Posts on Psychedelics
                Trip Report 🧳
    Jun 2017:    Psychedelic Visions
    Jul 2017:    More Serious Than You Ever Imagined (note) 🤯
    Sep 2018:  Salvia Trip Report
    Jun 2019:   Dissecting The Psychedelic Experience 👽
    Jun 2019:   Who Are The Machine Elves? 👽
                Research 🔬
    Feb 2017:    Alexander Shulgin Documentary - Psychedelics Chemist (note)
    Oct 2018:    Psychedelic Receptors 📄 🧷
    Mar 2018:   Breaking Convention YT Channel 🤯
    Mar 2018:   The Origins Of Mind—Thomas Ray 🤯
    Aug 2019:   Psilocybin & Personality Change (note) ⁉️
    Aug 2019:   Microdosing Research ⁉️
    Jul 2020:     Legal MDMA Therapy Almost Here! (note)
    Jan 2021:    Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences 🤯
    Jul 2021:     Ketamine Klinic (note)
    Jan 2017:    Drunk On Mushrooms
    Feb 2017:   The Despicable War On Drugs
    Mar 2018:   Dark Room Retreats & 5-MeO-DMT
    Mar 2018:   A Society Built On Psychedelics—Bwiti Tribe
    Sep 2018:   Your Brain On LSD
    May 2019:  Denver Decriminalizes Mushrooms
    Apr 2020:   Timothy Leary (note)

  16. Chronic fatigue
    Chronic fatigue
    Chronic fatigue can literally have 50 different causes. You must test each possible cause one by one.
    The error is to fall for the simplistic idea that there is one cause and one solution. What worked for someone else likely won't work for you because the odds are like 1/50.
    Start with getting comprehensive blood work, especially check your thyroid, hormones, and vitamins comprehensively.

  17. Omfg ai music video
    AI makes LSD Fractals!

  18. Beautiful language
    What makes a languages beautiful and other language ugly ?
    Tongue rolling = beautiful. Spanish, Italian are the most romantic of the romantic languages. They also tend to be lighter and faster, like a bird chirping.
    Heavy wet languages with lots of phlegm-y sounds like they're horking up mucus = gross. German, Scottish, Irish. I think the term is glottal stop, but I'm not a linguist so I'm having a hard time describing the exact "ugly" sounds associated.
    In between you've got something like Portuguese which sounds like a wet Spanish to me. 
    Russian has lots of tongue rolls like Spanish but they're much shorter and all the words sound harsher overall.
    Dutch is ugly to me because it's like German with even wetter sounds, plus they add a lot of OOO sounds that makes it sound ridiculous.
    Danish/Norwegian/Swedish have a similar problem with the ooo noises and tone randomly rising up and down that makes them sound silly as well.
    The various tones in Chinese give it a singing quality and make it more beautiful.
    Japanese sounds intelligent and competent. I don't know if I classify it as beautiful or ugly, it just commands respect, similar to a really posh English accent.
    Korean is a bit too choppy due to the short words.
    I'm probably too biased to say if English is beautiful or ugly, but I'd say it's too slow. On average Japanese is spoken at 7.84 syllables per second while English is only 6.19. So a Japanese person can say an additional 100 words per minute or almost an extra 6,000 words per hour!

  19. Quote Healthiness
    Is weed healthy?
    Once you start wandering outside what is purely essential, you're starting to move away from health.

  20. LP and AI
    Leo's Post About AI
    "And the kicker is, if your reaction to the above is to fall into fear, depression, and inaction then you have definitely failed to evolve and you will definitely be replaced."
    "For you youngsters there is a huge life purpose opportunity here for shaping the next evolutionary step of mankind and civilization."
    @Leo Gura do you have any thoughts yourself about what kind of actions / life purpose could that be?
    The only ways to influence this issue that I can come up with are connected either to technology or politics? 
    What if you aren't interested in those? Is there still something useful you could do?

  21. Ai and music
    Future of art?
    Here is  some more (even though I don't understand exactly how curated the following AI was if I'm going to be honest).
    This is cool because in the future musicians could work in tandem with AI's. Maybe you could use an AI to translate your brainwaves into sounds and then you could literally "think" music into existence, in the same way that engineers are building prosthetic limbs that analyze the stimulation of your muscles in order to perform certain movements? A difficulty as an artist is that you have to translate your ideas into a real piece of art using some kind of limited medium. You could have a great idea for a piano piece, but you might lack the technical ability to perform that piece on an actual instrument. This sort of technology might take care of such limitation.

  22. Art and AI
    Future of art?
    As many of you might've seen already, there is a cool text-to-mage AI that allows you to generate images from a simple prompt. Recently they rolled out a new feature which allows you to use a reference image. This is very interesting, because I've been dreaming of such a technology for a while. Image drawing a simple image (with paint for example) and telling an AI to draw something from that image and an additional prompt. You don't need to know anything about shading, coloring, perspectives or whatever, the AI does all of that for you. 
    Now, the text-to-image AI is quiet new and has only been released to the public a few months ago, so it's still kind of shit, not gonna lie, but I still think that it's amazing, because we're getting a glimpse of the future of art. This thread isn't about the text-to-image AI in particular (there are enough threads about that already, I just think that it makes my point clear). I just wanted to talk about how AI could influence art in the future. Here are a few images I let the AI make (the images are okay, but just the very fact that this is possible is fucking cool!!)
    You are legally obligated not to laugh at my paint drawings.
    Prompt: Volcano erupting at night

    Prompt: Futuristic city

    Prompt: Ancient tower, on a mountain, hidden in the clouds

    Prompt: Palm tree on a beach (burning palm tree on a beach for the 2nd image)

    I  hope that y'all see the potential of this technology? This is amazing! And it's been out for a couple of months only! Imagine how good this technology will be in another 20 years.
    So how do you think could artists utilize AI?

  23. Also movies
    Movie Recommendations
    Thought I would create a thread for others to post what movies they have enjoyed the most. I am looking to watch more movies to have something to look forward to. 
    I personally like movies that include sci-fi, good stories, educational, better understanding of ego development/spiral dynamics, higher consciousness, emotional, twists, comedies, 
    I think some of the older ones can be the best
    Feel free to share your favourites though

  24. Meta forum
    DO NOT just "Use this forum"
    Don't randomly scan this forum frequently. 
    don't just read any post or thread
    90% of it is all b.s and distraction 
    90% of people here are mediocre ... or they at least have different or even opposing goals to you. 
    Therefore, follow the people you resonate with most and find consistently valuable or interesting or share the results you wanna see, follow those people and forget everything else. 
    My point is less is more ... in fact I might just stop scanning the forums ever entirely and only follow a select few people who consistently provide practical answers ... I already wasted so much of my life so remember that for 95% of you this forum is just netflix, and youre better off just watching netflix because it's more fun the crappy futile posts youre reading here. 
    I wasted some time here until I understood this. 
    Now I just ignore 95% of the forum, be picky have high standards. 
    Even on a PD Forum, most people are mediocre so why the fuck am I gonna follow you if you don't get/or not working your ass of to ... get laid or have 7 figures or achieve some crazy goal yet or you're just lazy and want to post about Jordan Peterson crying or kim kardashian?
    Stop following losers or you' stay one. 

  25. Meta forum
    DO NOT just "Use this forum"
    Be deliberate. You can use the forum to research certain topics that you need to work on, with the search function.
    Don't just randomly click on any topic unless it piques your interest and you think you can get some value out of participating it or getting new perspectives. 
    It's not what you do but how you do it.

    Are you using this forum out of compulsion? Or are you using this forum out of intention? Are you conscious of how much value you're actually getting out of this forum? 

    This forum should be tertiary to your main sources of knowledge (books, courses, etc.) This forum can be used for pulling nuggets, but it's not the best for focused learning.