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About Miguel1

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  • Birthday 11/10/1994

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    Helsinki, Finland
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  1. I believe he would still be able to order healthy food or perhaps even have a chef / staff member cooking for him. I would say it's one or more of the other options you mentioned and / or he just had crazy emotional ups and downs because of his business ventures that he had to numb and cope with the emotional downs with junk food. I eat quite clean and I eat a lot. Probably because I exercise a lot. But as you say, it's really hard for me to see how I could get fat from eating clean, especially Owen peak fat, even if I ate a ton.
  2. I have also realized that I am a very ambitious person. I want to provide massive value to the world and deeply touch the hearts of many, with a huge vision. Spiritual brainwashing got me repressing this side of me for the longest time.
  3. Hmm. Lasting satisfaction / happiness is tricky because no one is happy 24/7. But yeah, I’ve had huge expectations for myself in many areas of life. For example, personal development. And the journey has been deeply enjoyable with its ups and downs. I would say that I would have missed out on so much joy if I never got into the journey, and surely I would be less happy, not only because I missed on so much joy but literally because personal development has taught me how to be joyful! Other than that, I am a very ambitious person and expect a lot from myself. I want to provide massive value to the world and deeply touch the hearts of many, with a huge vision - and surely I will have ups and downs in the journey. But I think, overall, I will be much more happy and satisfied that I am feeding and embodying this ambitious part of me, rather than repress it.
  4. Very nice insights. I also had "huge" expectations when I first came to this forum a few years ago. But I have come to realize the reality of the matter and accepted it. And you just gave the extra clarity needed here to close the deal.
  5. Happy Birthday Leo! 🤍 Maybe we should have a 40th birthday real-life gathering celebration next year
  6. Thank you for articulating it so clearly. I have been doing a lot of this unearthing the past few years from the spiritual and late stage capitalism brainwashing that I deeply went through in my early 20s. But overall, just also learning more about myself and my personality. Realizing that I am deeply an artist at heart has been a game-changer (thank you for the blogpost of Miyazaki). Realizing that I have a deep love and passion for philosophy and pure understanding has made me so much happier and life more enjoyable. Realizing that my crazy social skills came naturally to me and that it is not to be taken for granted at all, is crazy!
  7. As Leo said, do both! But very good questions indeed. I have been contemplating the same questions a lot over the past year or two and deeply share your thoughts. So I felt like I had to come and share my own conclusions. So for me so far, the conclusion I have come to is: I will do both but, I have decided to make my life's work about Art for now. But the way I do art allows me to mix in a bunch of philosophy, both in the form of writing, and also speaking. + the art itself touches and inspires deep philosophical questions. Since for me... I see that this has much more money than pure philosophy (especially the truly advanced stuff), I will focus mostly on this now in order to become financially free. But I will certainly be doing philosophy and deep contemplations on my free time, while I am working on my financial freedom, since I just have such a deep love for it (it's either the biggest passion just like for you, or the second to art while being very close to being the first). Once I am free, I will also do pure philosophy as my life's work too. But it will happen through a new channel (videos, books) and I wont be mixing it into my main artwork. So it's almost like I will be doing two works (Kinda like Leo does actualized but also game design or whatever art ventures he is into nowadays). But they can overlap. The audience from the first channel that follows my art can follow my pure philosophy from the second channel and vice versa. Perhaps 20% will overlap. Perhaps more because once I am financially free, I will probably shift my Art into a layer or two or three more deeper... touching and expressing ever deeper aspects of life, which has less people interested in and resonating with, but more people resonating with my pure philosophy work. So in a way, I guess, once I am financially free, I wont be doing pure philosophy only through the new / second channel but also through my first channel which is the Artwork - but I don't know if you can call it pure philosophy since it has so much art in it and won't be ''pure'' philosophy, even if the art will be ''deeper''. Finally, once I am financially free, my art work will probably take 80% of my work time and philosophy work 20%. We shall see about that. Or maybe it will be 50/50. Or maybe 20% Art and 80% pure philosophy! Or maybe it depends on the phase of my life and it can fluctuate back and forth! That being said, doing art is so enjoyable for me that I will probably be working a lot! But then again... I will certainly have phases where I am not inspired to do art at all.. for really long periods at once... so I guess it all balances out and my work will perhaps remain on average the 20-40h a week and not more. We shall see. Depends on what I will be doing on my off-time from artwork and if it counts as work (for example studying, contemplating, living life, exploring, and being open to inspirations!).
  8. I could see myself doing this when I was younger. And I wouldn’t say it would have been so much about discipline and commitment - but rather just a deep passion for the game cuz it is a ton of fun. For me at least. Especially when I was younger. Just like having a deep passion or even addiction to a video game. Unless the injury is literally stopping you from playing completely, you ain’t stopping.
  9. I’m dying 🤣 Especially when its all true
  10. Are you Leo half-American by biology or by law?
  11. Your argument here like it has been the whole week is: the model is a man while Black Jack is not. And you got that completely the opposite. The model is a damn wimp in this case. Fucking him in bed for females is like fucking another pussy - they already got one. Look, talking with you about this is completely pointless and a waste of time. First go approach a thousand girls and you’ll notice quickly what behaviours are rewarded and what are punished. You have no experince and you talk like you do. That is the fundamental problem here.
  12. Imagine a tall, jacked, model looking male - but awfully insecure, can’t hold eye contact to save his life, extremely stifled, stutters a ton & trembles when talking to girls Vs. Jack Black. https://www.actualized.org/insights/jack-black —- This is the only thing ya’ll incels need to contemplate.