The Buddha

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Posts posted by The Buddha

  1. 4 hours ago, Nahm said:

    They all, without exception, experience thought attachment, which is and is the perpetuation of the ‘traditions & doctrines’, which is aversion to, of, away from, the Truth. It is fear of cessation / end of the thought attachment / monkey mind, activity of thought which is ‘the separate self’.

    As much as I agree, you must build an ecosystem for enlightenment, otherwise it's going to be almost a cryme not to offer enlightenment as a possiblity. Building tools and wisdom that can be developed over the time is crucial for evolving this dream, I mean there is nothing better to do. You must ground the teachings and make them useful in a way that can be meaningful. Isn't that what is anyway? Isn't that what Actuality of being is anyway?

    4 hours ago, Nahm said:

    ‘Profound insights’ is still thought attachment

    Could be the case but what is beautiful about profound insights is that they are the only though which somehow make a bridge to the beyond. Probably because the beyond is integral and also permeats the thought, at least in the beggining as it still infuses the thinking phenomena.

    4 hours ago, Nahm said:

    The desire for, points to ‘the ego‘, or ‘separate self’

    That is totally true. However, to be in the world you must also desire. Desire for enlightenment, for example, is the desire that ends desires. Also you must desire to breath, to eat, to take shower... Probably you can arguee that all that happens by itself, which is a fair point, but I don't buy that one can be totally desireless-free-unbound, for you must maintain (as far as you want to be alive) and sustain the physical body. You must be biased towards life and not towards death, maybe it is not desire what is making that but it's a something else which I ignore, or a recontextualization of desire. However, desire is an amazing pointer I'm very grateful for that. I'm being very peacky because I'm very biased towards the trascendental and I'm really working to also honor my human nature and experience, to express fully the divine in human form rather than just being "in the clouds" all day long.


  2. 1 minute ago, Mason Riggle said:

    The 'dissolving' of the ego can also be seen as the 'growing of the ego', where instead of getting smaller and smaller until it disappears.. it gets bigger and bigger and recognizes itself as 'all of it', at which point there is no difference between 'ego' and 'that which is not ego'. 

    I think the epitome of that are the claimings of I am God. Not even God can say it is God because then there is a reflection in itself a duality. Almost always that claims are the ego identificating itself with the One.

    On the other hand, I feel like what you said is the same as dissolving. For when is smaller and smaller and it dissapears, where is it? Everywhere. Both paths may lead to the same.

  3. @Mason Riggle I get you, however that river must also manifest as individual separated unities. Therefore, what is wrong is not that you are represented by the body-mind-spirit phenomena but to mistaken that for yourself and not as a representation of yourself. It's the identification with what is going on and the survival of that. Probably is a recontextualization of reality, like when you are playing a game you are full on it but you know it's only a game. That could be a way, otherwise I find it a delusion not to be able to express both as the All and the part.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Kyle Gjerseth said:

    Could you say more about that? I feel the same way to a small degree but my understanding was that it's necessary to pursue what you desire. Maybe I need to rewatch that episode.

    There are thousands of other methods to burn karma which are much more effective and healthier. To indulge is when all the other methods failed and you just exhaust the craving in order to cause a cognitive shift in your system.

    One of the best methods to clean karma is listening to Sri Rudram. I strongly recommend you to start this video 1.5h before the sunset and to have it on the background, or better to be fully on it.


  5. It is one thousand times easier to create a new habit than to destroy a bad one.

    Also probably it's just an ego trick to indulge again in endless pleasure search, which as you might have discovered does not satisfy you and also you know where that road leads to. Pleasure cannot make you happy that is it's nature, it cannot satisfy, you must cognise and realise this, you must digest this understanding. Otherwise, your life will be an endless desire and cravings. For sure you must burn through them, but the right diamond discernment and understanding must be applied. Which is: that did not make me happy, is not making me happy and will not make me ever happy. Nobody has evern been happy lost in pleasures, it's imposible. You must order your life what goes first must go first. Your will-power is unbeatable you just have never used it to break free from all your life-negativity-patterns. Understanding is like a lightning or you get it right here and now or you are not getting what I'm saying, that is the right discernment about this post.

  6. I have noticed that there is a thing which is common to all traditions and doctrines. They all without exception talk about the ego.

    And if I'm truly honest I don't fully understand what is ego. It's so fishy that seems impossible to tackle.

    The only true insight I had of ego is "I am not necessary" wich are those kind of moments where you are pulled out and you are not, yet you are.

    I hope you can bring some light and profound insights on the topic, especially a good pointer would be very appreciated.

  7. Well since I was born I had an intense longing for Truth. On quarantine I watched his video: What is Truth? And he just woke me up, since then all my life has been dramatically impacted in ways words cannot convey. He just knew the answer for things I didn't even know could be answered.

    In general he shows me my own possibilities of things that can be realized. I have a very different approuch to the same thing, for I really enjoy guru transmission, but I love to receive that from him, because his style is very unique. I'm surprised how much he has helped me with non-spiritual topics, to set the foundations for my life, because spiritualy I'm pretty done in the sense that I'm guided at every breath by my Guru-Parampara, but I still have to manage lots of survival and foundational stuff. Otherwise, I am not grounded at all and I can't impact in meaningful ways, I know it is my time to be in the world and live by the highest principles and standarts. Other masters don't give advice at all to create a good life and if they do they are not in touch with the absolute which then idk if it's suitable for my path. That is why I'm grateful to Leo, because he is truly integral all-embracing, from God to having amazing sex. I think honestly that is what has been missing in spirituality for a long time, to embrace all dimensions and aspects of existance with diamond discerment and true understanding.

    Thank you Leo because I will not only wake up thanks to your teachings but I will live my best life!:x

  8. It is said to be the second song all human beings must listen to at least once in their lives. (The first song if you are curious is Carmina Burana's)

    Hildegard von Bingen - Canticles Of Ecstasy

    Hildegard von Bingen was a German Benedictine abbess and polymath active as a writer, composer, philosopher, mystic, visionary, and as a medical writer and practitioner during the High Middle Ages.

    Hildegard von Bingen was also fully God-Realized and awake.

    Don't want to sound cliche but you must listen to it. It's the only one who gives you the highest of the highest and profound deep groundedness to the core of whatever this is. All music does one or another, but both is unheard...

  9. What I have realized is that you have to let go of God for God. You can't even realize God for you are making two, you and the realization and at least I don't feel God is even One.

    If we are actually serious about God whatever is it, it's God. So, there is no point in saying beyond God or that he is confined, arises, or within whatever. Whatever you come to ______ is God. What is very true is that you must also have to leave God for God, for God is also not God. And is not even self-aware that is God because that is again two, there is a reflection. So the only thing I'm trying to add, is that if God is The one, I think it's even a better pointing to say it is not even one, as the one is one in comparison to what? It's a such One that it cannot be One.

    Also I want to add that I feel consciousness is too shallow at least for me, it just seems what is to be the case now but I don't feel it as necessarly primordial as Truth or Love. For me consciousness feels just as the conductor of anything to even exist but not primordial and always-already-ever-existing-reality.

  10. Some days ago I connected the dots, hope I can express myself clearly enought so that you can get the message, for it has real value.

    All reality is evolving (in the absolute sense, as in a Word you writte and delete, for the best Word to happen), as existance keeps evolving, all parts of it must evolve aslo, otherwise they die (get absorbed by those who are expanding). As humanity is part of reality, so it must evolve as we have been doing, the awakening procces must also evolve and change, for it is also very much alive. The first wave of sages, I would say were the rishis in india, the shamans and the high-priests in Egypt and Mesopotamia. In that point, the enlightenement had it's own path, it's own technology to arrive to awakening. So it is not that those techniques if applied nowadays do not work, but it is that now reality is much more evolved and those paths cannot lead to the full potential that now life presents. The second wave, would be Buddha, Christ, Krishna and Mahoma. Which brought again new ways of arriving to a more adavanced state of realization that before was not possible. As I see it, you cannot be enlightened but you can live enlightenment. Enlightenment is not the same in the past as now, for it is imposible. Is there anything in your own personal experience that is not constantly fluctuating? Even your identity is constantly changing everyday. We are arriving to a point where all religions and spirituality is again starting to be out of date (an understanding, which ironically is at the core of all religions, the second coming of christ, the buddha maitreya, the profecy of Mahoma, the Rainbow Warriors from shamanism). All religions speak exactly of this particular time that we are living as the tipping point for a new human consciousness to arise, one which leads all previous understanding and technologies totally dead.

    What I'm starting to see is that now there is starting to be a third wave of Sages, whose message starts to be radically different from the past. The key point is that before beings in the quest of awekening could only acces a few limited information, now they can acces almost unlimited information about all traditions and can also travel to all parts of the world. Making a higher vision, a higher understanding. What I'm sensing is that the new spirituality that is being birthed now is all-inclusive, life inclusive I would say. No need to be in a cave, to supress sex or to avoid being involved in life itself, playing the game of being alive and enjoying all dimensions and aspects of life. It is clear that all traditions till this point have devoided to some extent or supressed certain experiences of live. For example, a clear one is thought and mind, sex, ignorance, ego, sins or family life. The highest teachings that are being deployed in this era are a loving of all life itself, all reality itself, an honouring of all dimensions and aspects of the human being. On the other hand, I also see a progresive merging of all disciplines, philosophy, psychology, religion, mysticism, science, art, music, dance, spirituality, economics, journalism, nutrition... It is not that they will disappear in just one but that the main focus is shifting to find the connecting points between those, the highest human achivements in history have always been those that could interconnect different aspects of reality. The main focus of this time is reunification. To block some aspects of life worked in the past to achieve enlightenment, it does not work anymore, the same way animal sacrifice stopped working efficiently long time ago. Not even non-dualism will survive because non-dualism is also dead, non-dualism is not fully life inclusive. Before you go on in conceptual thinking, just watch nondual teachers, they are just so gone they cannot enjoy what is in front of them, actually the reason why we are alive in a body and not in spirit, you will have time for that when you die, if not what is the point throw the body, is dual by nature. You can be peacky about this argumentation, but that is all non-dual and self-incquary do, they drive you crazy in loop wholes and you lose contact with the inmediate present reality here-now. It is not that non-dualism is wrong is that it's just one dimension, just another aspect of reality, another dimension of life that must be explored. So it's a really radical shift that we are going through but atleast in my case feels very natural. Nothing that has been said and done in the past was truly satisfying me, because when you actually came down and I was faced with regular life, with everyday life that wisdom was not manifesting in that dimension of existance. Before I thought it was my problem, but as I keep going in my path I realize that it is because everything till this point has been supresing life. Aren't you supressing some aspect of your life to wake up?

    The ones that are building the ground for this massive shift (that I know, in my limited and biased perception) are Osho, Maharishikaa, Krishnamurthi, Adidam, Paramahansa Yogananda and Leo Gura among others. I can see a very clear line in this procces, for me it is Osho, he is the first one to fully embody this third wave of sages. It's like all this masters are meeting all doctrinces in their own being and living by them, something which has never happened before.

    The main point is that humanity is shifting to an all-life-embracing understanding and way of living, while inmersed on a procces of reunification and interconexion of all doctrines.


    Maybe this gets the point:


  11. All spiritual life is a contradiction, you must understand that. Many self-realized beings who realize they are God still pray. At one point you must start to realize that in order to exist, to be in this world you must take decisions all decisions are paradoxical, all things contain their opposite, but it's unavoidable it's what is. Not choosing is also a decision, there is no scape.

    Going for non-duality is not what you think not the approuch at least most people are taking. It's more about being here-now and present, fully engaged with reality and life. Also I'm not sure you are in a position to say you are God. If you go in life thinking that you are God you are going to suffer intensely, because it is not a conscious reality for you. Someone who is in that state and space has brought you that flower but in your realm it's death, it's lost, as a song chanted at the top of a mountain and you are far down. Please tell me, how much of your every day breaths are conscious? How much of you everyday blinks are conscious? That is like a drop in the ocean of how conscious you need to be to say I am God. So I would recommend you to be much more real, to work on your survival, body, emotions, mind and spirit. Understand yourself first. You cannot bypass this work you are also a human being, with your name, family and friends and you are totally lost and soaked in this dream so just be real and work at your level and progress.

    I don't even think that being God is the ultimate, God is not even one. I mean for sure I am full-fleged God also you but I think there is more. Obviously, God that which is the case, but my conception of God is radical that you need to be even open to more than just God, to realize it. Still I think it's somehow of ego to say you are God and even if you realize you are truly God, is that honouring all your life. Because I just see represion everywhere, repression of your human condition or the every-moment-to-moment-existance. Like realizing God would make you not be human or have attachement or be biased or to even hate or suffer. Trying to realize God is not understanding God, it's delusion, one realising oneself is two, where there is not even one. I would honestly recommend much more to just be inmersed in the gift of life itself, why do you even deny or dislike your life as it is? Probably that is the main issue, that everyone is so damn sure that there is something wrong, something to attain, to achieve, to become. Could it be that simple that this is all there is?

  12. How poor reality would be if we could only look at 2 flowers. All flowers are beautiful and add glory to existance. You don't like the flower of psychedelics, it's okay you will be able to appreciate the flower of meditation, yoga or sex. All flowers add to the great sum. When I say all, it's all, tantra is a great example of this, all flowers can be used, no matter what.

    Also you don't decide which flowers you like and which not, it's a natural because you are also an unique flower.  Enjoy your own flower, enjoy your flowers and let others enjoy their flowers. Radiating with your unique fragrance to the whole existance adding to the glory of reality.

    If you don't think like me, it's okay, it's you fragance and I love it.


  13. I feel that in my path I tend to be quite biased towards a certain type of mystical experiences or at least value more some realizations. For example, I enjoy psychedelic insights, trascendental meditations, shamanic breathing... However, as I'm getting mature I'm starting to have a different type of experiences, the cold wind playing with my hair, the birds singing, the sound of leaves dancing, to walk and feel my shoes in the ground, the sun warming up my face... Which lately they are bringing me tears of joy. At the beggining, I didn't pay much attention, because I thought that the real deal where this non-dual states everyone is talking about. However, I have come to the conclusion that this is in fact a great bias, we are biased towards trascendent God and we look down on this crude 3d time-space reality. But in fact All is God, so no difference at all. I'm finding great joy in mundane things for I see God disguised in them, it's not as before that I wanted him naked obvious in front of me. I'm enjoying his play, his ways, and his all-pervading and all-trascendent features. It has been a great duality collapse for me, this exact here-now is as close to God as you will ever get. This is it, also the samadhi is it, going for a walk is it and working in your job is it. His presence is ever-present. Just wanted to share it with you because I'm sure that someone will be benefited from this. I've been very deluded in this bias, absolutely lost in it, always searching for the highest high, the ultimate reality, full awekening, the God-Head... How stupid, always in front of me, it is in fact all there is. Now, my play comes from a different place, to realize him in the most mundame realities and in his utmost magnificient ones. Realizing that God is One and exploring his vastness with equanimity and curiousity. To sum up, don't be deluded and think that nirvikalpa samadhi is somehow more God than working at the office monday 9am.


  14. @Leo Gura 

    The great traditions always had very good feedback systems. Because they realized that someone could be truly enlightened and also be an asshole. So going full-circle and developing your dreamy character could also be a nice thing to do. Because I resonated a lot with another comment about the way you write at the blog, you don't seem at all at peace, much less in ecstasi or bliss. Yes, they are all dreamt, so what? The problem when people wake up is that sometimes they have still lots of traumas or problems locked in the body, however as their consciousness (or even beyond) is absolute they do not care at all. Be aware of this because it is very common, much more than you think. They just wake up and stop identifying with the character and they don't give a fuck at all, because they are awake; yet I still insist Leo, be aware of this trap.

    @Leo Gura