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About Meliodas

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  1. This is the most important realization of yours . Now you have opened the door to live happily . Happy Actualization
  2. well if someone maybe got like a 10000 year life span which he could solely dedicate to awakening , even then you would be anyway near FULLY enlightened
  3. @Hojo Well that is the most beautiful thing , even if you live infinite lives , you wouldn't fully explore the infinity of GOD . Isn't it ?
  4. In this video Osho say "enlightenment is just the beginning " which is very similar with what @Leo Gura often talks about . Sharing this because the most common POV held by spiritual people is that enlightenment is the end goal . Interestingly Osho also had a different POV than most which is very interesting . what is your opinion and has this been your experience also ?
  5. Are there different types of truth ? Linguistic truth / Rational Truth / TRUTH
  6. How is the concept of Holons / contexts within contexts related to PM ? Are there good and bad ways to do and undertake PM philosophy ? How can PM philosophy be done ? What are limits of PM ? What lies beyond the limits ? Which parts of the world have a high percentage of the people who have the level of development where they can do PM ? What are the bounds of contexts when we do PM philosophy ? How to apply PM to different areas like science , Political Theory , Sociology etc. ? How can PM deter or advance in helping humans to do better philosophy ?
  7. maybe because they were your 'deepest' awakenings . In those , although you may have understand the consciousness itself , but isn't it possible that that even these deepest awakenings dont reveal the nature of the dream itself , because it may not be "deep" and may require a different approach to be known or understood .
  8. Fair , makes sense . Wouldn't you think reincarnation is a good answer to this ? if you study books on reincarnation and so many people claiming and having past life regressions + so many gurus claiming to remember their own past lives (Sadhguru & Osho) . Now , sure most of the stuff available about this is bullshit and full with religious dogma of hinduism or buddhism , but there is ample reason to think that it may be true . I dont know if you have read into this stuff or interested in it , but i think if you haven't you should have a look at it. Personally , my hunch is it exists . Why though ? wouldn't this understanding contribute to a great theory of reality that we live in ? the nature of things that take place ? why they take place ? why we are what we are ? this could potentially answer many questions previously unanswered . Although my hunch is reincarnation surely exists , but still would like to hear if people have good reasons supporting the contrary
  9. Well that is interesting . Wouldn't the existence of karma imply a series of past lives leading up to / forming up a shape which is largely due to action of being in those past lives . While when you say genetics , it probably implies random chance and something that is due to nature giving us something and not really earning it ( like in the concept of karma ) . So how are they same and why don't you distinguish between them ?
  10. Yes I assumed that would be the case , like different drawings are not superior or inferior to one another (because that depends on the observer) , but just a different expression which the blank pure paper could take on itself without any judgement.
  11. I see , so from your answer it seems that awakening was like a blank sheet which contains all possibilities of all drawings at once , and the Alien Awakening was a clever , beautiful and vibrant drawing which was far superior to what you would call the human drawing . Is this analogy correct ? Thank you , it was a insightful conversation.
  12. I see the scale you're talking on now . From context , i would assume the ability to have alien consciousness would depend on the biological hardware you're blessed with ? So what about :- 1) You as a human could experience Alien Consciousness ? (although at cost of a extreme danger of health ) Would that mean there are infinite higher degrees ( because reality = infinity) that you cannot experience because of limit caused by form ? 2) Suppose you leave the human body (maybe after living and dying) and become disembodied , would you able to experience different expressions reality ? 3) given that you said it is higher than 99.9999999 % of all humans who ever lived . You said a similar thing when you awakened in 2020 after your 5 MeO retreat (when you experienced something similar to MahaSamadhi) . Would you rate that as higher degree of awakening or this alien awakening?
  13. when you say higher to "human experience of reality" , do you mean the consciousness of mundane human life ? Can it be possible that some human (genetic freak ) could be born with Alien Consciousness or something similar?
  14. @Leo Gura you keep mentioning that it is different and not higher ? does that mean that :- Alien Consciousness is just a different expression of God/Infinity and not anything higher (i.e. God includes all types of alien) OR that Alien Consciousness is completely higher realm and different from any other thing that you earlier thought of as consciousness ?
  15. lol , but why didn't you put a story on instagram granted the blog and email was not working ?