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Posts posted by Karmadhi

  1. On 28/05/2024 at 1:51 PM, BlueOak said:

    Because this is not historical it's going on right now. Civilians have been bombed by Putin for two and a half years, and his troops have committed numerous atrocities and war crimes against people they know and love.

    Yes, but I was refering to their attitude before 2014. There was tons of hate. 

    On 28/05/2024 at 1:51 PM, BlueOak said:

    The region itself has constantly been invaded by Russia, and their governments have been messed around by Russian leaders.

    Yanakovic was democratically elected. Being messed around yes but that is normal. Every big power does so. You think US doesnt? They influence my home country all the time. It is a big power thingy. I do not see people pissed about it except Ukraine. I wish it did not happen in general but that is how the world is. To be frank, what made Ukraine anti Russia is the appeal of the west and its wealth. It is very tempting to start looking westward when you see how rich it is compared to Russia. 

    On 28/05/2024 at 1:51 PM, BlueOak said:

    Russia has never stopped doing this or evolved into a more stable or harmonious neighbor

    Yes, they happen to push their shit on others.

    On 28/05/2024 at 1:51 PM, BlueOak said:

    Ukrainians got on just fine till Russia stirred up trouble with its Donbas militias. Almost everyone knew the Russian language; it wasn't two radically different cultures; there were a lot of EX-Soviet similarities. Now, there is hatred, which will exist for a few generations. I couldn't comment if the west and the east were specifically different to be in or around; I mean, the north and the south of England are somewhat different, which brings a bit of tension, primarily done in good humor. I hear it's the same in Italy; some of that is normal across different geography and local customs.

    The hatred now from the war is normal.

    But why didnt Ukraine let those regions become independent? It was at first the goal to make them indepndent republics. They themselves wanted to. Or am i missing something?

    Just to be clear. I do not like Russia nor their government. To me all the stolen territory should go back to Ukraine Russian leaders charged for war crimes and the whole government replaced with a liberal democracy.

    I just dont think they are much worse than the US from a foreign policy POV. So in terms of invading, bombing, toppling government, destablizing and pure selfishness. 

    US has invaded and destroyed more countries than Russia has to be frank.

    The only thing US has better than Russia, is how they treat their own citizens which is miles apart from Russia.

    But in terms of pure foreign policy, to me it is basically trash vs garbage.

    Even if Russia magically became a democracy like the US is, I would not think things would improve considering how bad US foreign policy is (and they are a democracy)

    EU policy I like much more, especially those of small countries like Scandinavian, Belgium, Ireland.

  2. 4 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    @Raze Too graphic to me 😰🔞 They can say how evil Israel in their opinion is without such streching tactics, unless they are desperate.

    You need to see it in full display to see the suffering your country is causing.

    Reading about it is not the same.

    The main reason people are so emotional and pissed about this war are the endless footage of burnt, dead, blown apart kids circulating since October. 

    Compare it with Ukraine where there is no footage of dead people, just destroyed buildings. People barely care about that war anymore from a humanitarian perspective. 

    Dead kids make people react more than anything else.

    Meanwhile there is basically no footage of dead kids from October attacks. If you wonder why people seem to downplay those attacks so much.


  3. 12 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Being in Tel Aviv at this time with all the hostage posters and activism is incredibly powerful and for me feels like being part of history. I was yesterday at Tel Aviv University and I saw both Arab and Jewish student-soldiers casually carrying big guns around their hips. Both together to defend their country and society against true genocidal savages. These students don’t take their highly functioning democratic society for granted.

    Many people like for example a good portion of secular Iranians and even some media personalities of Middle Eastern origin advocate for Israel exactly because they’re intimately familiar with what I said above.

    Not everybody is building cultish temples for Palestinian victimization and in effect viewing them like animals incapable of any responsibility.

    Integrating healthy stage blue on which yours and every other functioning society is built and genuinely understanding Israel's POV doesn't make you less woke but it does make you less of a woke idiot(;

    There are protests right now by Israeli liberals and activists calling out the atrocities done in Gaza.

    Those Israelis are what you would call "the best humanity have to offer", they are the equivalent of anti Putin Russians or anti Nazi Germans.

    Unfortunately such people are few.

    Since you coined this term here "the best humanity has to offer", I would use that for Israelis that are against the war crimes in Gaza and against right wing Zionism.


    This is the best humanity has to offer.

    Eternal respect and love.

    They should lead Israel towards a better path.

  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_War_(2008–2009)

    It is shocking how brutal Israel has always been on Gaza.

    It is the same tactics, the same crimes as today.

    And back then there was no October terrorist attacks.

    Whoever blames this on Hamas massacring civilians is full of shit.

    They always targeted Gaza as a whole even when there were no killings of Israeli civilians.

    The only difference now is that the scale is 40 times larger.

    It is sad that those kids that became orphans or had kids die from this, ended up joining Hamas and maybe being implicated on the October terrorist attacks.


    Also this one, but this is fairly more known.

    By reading this, I understand where the hatred of Palestinians comes from towards Israel.

    I cannot seem to find where Israeli hatred of Palestinians comes from.

    The last proper attack against Israeli population was in 2001.

    And the last proper war was 50 years ago.

    Where do the 20 year olds get this hate in Israel?


  5. 3 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    Legally in that Jews migrated there legally. What's hard to understand about that? They went through normal legal means to emigrate there, and purchased land legally

    Ok, but was the land they bought 60% of Palestine? Also did the number of Jews that migrated there legally become 60% of the people that lived in the land? If yes, then I stand corrected. I am not against the partition plan but to me whenever you split land, it should be proportional to the people that live there. The majority gets most of the land. But that is my bias. 

    Again, the issue I got is that a British guy can claim Israeli citizenship meanwhile a Palestinian cannot. That is a big issue.

    4 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    This one is pretty lazy, and I think you can do better. You're comparing Jews legally emigrating to an area after the holocaust, and then having the UN create a partition on occupied land to Putin forcefully starting a military operation. 


    Legality is tricky because laws change with time. If by legal you mean the Palestinian government  (yes, they had passports even), approved it then it is fair game. If by legal you mean the UK said "these people will come here", then that is a red flag. Because UK has their own interest and agenda.

    6 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    Putin forcefully starting a military operation. 

    Issue is the excuse they use for it. Israelis say "we are here because the land was ours 2000 years ago". Putin says "Ukraine and Russia were 1 entity 1000 years ago and therefore we claim it again".

  6. 19 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    My point in saying that was that Jews migrated there legally and had strong ties and connections to the land.

    The land used to be part of the British mandate and it was theirs to do as they please. What do you mean by legally? Palestinians had no say in it.

    19 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    They didn't just randomly show up with intentions to harm Arabs

    They wanted their land because their bible idolizes it.

    19 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    The region never had a distinct national entity since the days of biblical Israel, it was always under occupation from one empire or another.

    LOL, it was called Palestine and it was all Arabs with muslims being the majority. Not European land. There is a speech by Hitler given in 1939 where he reads a letter written to him by FDR telling him "not to attack these countries". One of them is Palestine. So it was indeed a state, at least in the eyes of FDR. Now you can say the national identity was not there, sure. But that land had a name.

    19 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    Post holocaust Jews had saw an opportunity to come back to their home land, and they took it. 

    Also Putin saw an opportunity to make Russia and Ukraine 1 again and he took it. Now we are also cool with Putin it seems.

    19 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    Maybe you're right. Would the arabs have accepted such an offer?

    If they hadnt then it would have been more understandable I guess the Israeli position. But I wish the Arabs had not declared war at all and this issue to have been solved. I think Arabs were on the wrong to declare war and then Jews went too far with the Nakba and did countless horrible atrocities. I have heard testimonies of Israeli soldiers that fought at that time and they were very very disturbing. They seemed to find it funny. They openly said that great injustice was done to the Arabs at the time. So both sides have blame.


    19 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    Yes, I'm for Palestinian statehood. I just don't think we're going to reach this utopia where the entire region is called "Palestine" and they're all living there in harmony with equal rights. It's a pipe dream. Something like that can happen in the distant future, after they've been peaceful neighbors and generations slowly leave religion behind, but you can't force it on them externally.


    I dont either. A two state solution is the best way forward. The issue is that Israel is blocking it at the moment. Spain Norway Ireland just recognized Palestine some days ago and Israel got mad and expelled ambassadors. Even 10 years ago when Sweden recognized Palestine, Israel got mad.

    They do not want a proper Palestinian state.

    That is the issue.

  7. 26 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    Those "European Zionists" you speak of were expelled from their homeland Israel centuries prior and now emigrated back to the region using legal means after suffering a literal holocaust. Throughout that entire time, they kept a very strong connection and faith in their religion which revolves around Israel.

    They suffered a holocaust by Europeans. Why should Arabs have to pay for it? Give them a part of Germany and nobody would have complained. Arabs feel rightfully angry at having to pay for European devilry. 

    Regarding Jews being expelled, perhaps it is true, however it is so long ago it does not justify them claiming the land now. By that logic Putin is right to claim all of Ukraine since 1000 years ago Ukraine and Russia were 1 entity (Kievan Rus). See how absurd the logic is?

    26 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    Before the war, a third of the region was Jewish.

    Then the UN partition plan should have given them 1/3 of the land, not 60%. Also a lot of Jews were dumped there by the UK from 1910 onward which is why 1/3 of them were Jewish. But sure, give them 1/3 of the land, not 60%.

    26 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    But even putting that aside, it sounds like you're fine with all the Jews being expelled from the region in 48 because you're pro Palestine and you picked your side and that's that?


    That was indeed wrong but it was a consequence of Israel ethnic cleansing. But it was wrong, it is not something to defend. 

    26 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    I think the main thing Einstein lamented was not seeking out peace with their Arab neighbors

    It was against Jewish nationalism and all the devilry that would come from it. It seems he was right when I see Ben Gvir as a minister.

    26 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    There's one small Jewish state the size of New Jersey, and 30 Muslim states - which you don't seem to have any issue with.

    That is irrelevant, the people who lived there and got kicked out or have lesser rights is still painful. A British guy that has never set foot on Israel but allegedly his ancestors were from there 2000 years ago, can claim Israeli passport and live there with all rights meanwhile a Palestinian whose ancestors have lived in that land for centuries cannot claim citizenship and have lesser rights.

    Cant you see how absurd that is?


  8. 38 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

       Yes, that's basically it, they want their land back, and Palestine to be recognized as a state.

    Basically Arabs say Israel is not a state, meanwhile Israelis defend themselves by going back to Kindoms of Judea and other stuff dating back over 3000 years.

    Then Israelis will say Palestine is not a state, meanwhile Palestinians will defend themselves by going back to 1920s and 1930s where you had the "Palestinian Mandate" which even Roosevelt indirectly recognized as a country on a  Hitler's speech in 1939.

    Clown show.

  9. 6 hours ago, hundreth said:

    There is an understanding that the Palestinians and much of the broader Arab world wants Jews exterminated. And for that reason, they are having trouble empathizing with thousands of Palestinian civilians dying and living in hellish conditions.


    I think this is a bit of a lie though.

    I have spoken with many hardcore Arabs about this. Basically they want their LAND back.

    Not to wipe out Jews, they do not care about Jews per say. It is about LAND.

    If Israel magically gave Palestine back all their land from the 1947 mandate, I think they would stop hating you guys so much.

    They basically see the whole 1947 UN partition plan as bullshit done by the US/UK and do not see it as legit. That is why Arabs went to war with Israel. There were already jews living in that piece of land and things were fine. They were treated quite well and they lived in harmony with the muslims there. Everything started going to shit when European Jews came there and then it became a melting pot of random nationalities claiming Israeli citizenship. If that land was only kept for Arab Jews within an Arab country, I think Jews there would have been fine. Fundamentally the issue here is not Jews, but ZIONISM. If you are a non Zionist Jew you will be loved more by Arabs than being a non Jewish Zionist. But that is my interpretnation.

    Now with this Gaza war, you will have an entire generation of Palestinians wanting to kill you and an entire generation of youth around the world despising Israel and calling it a genocidal terrorist disgusting country.

    The damage done to Israeli reputation is as large as the damage done to Gaza materially.

  10. 6 hours ago, hundreth said:

    I don't know anyone who says "babies are terrorists."



    This is from a politican.


    Another one.

    I also saw tons of soldiers that were in live streaming with Palestinians saying this type of stuff. Also random Israelis. Also some people on show medias. I do not have direct sources right now to send you. But i saw dozens of these examples.

    6 hours ago, hundreth said:

    Hamas does use human shields by operating in civilian infra. However, it doesn't absolve us of not using enough care and discretion to avoid civilian casualties. 

    Yes. Israel does not care and often targets civilians on purpose. Or it is willing to basically destroy entire buildings to get 1 guy.

    6 hours ago, hundreth said:

    I also hear that teenagers are given weapons and instructed to go into combat, resulting in additional death of children. I think this is a valid criticism

    Can you send some sources for that. Never heard that. I can imagine a 15 year old guy might, but I am talking here about kids younger than 10. The median age dead is 5 year old according to a norwegian study.


  11. 6 hours ago, Samsonov said:


    I have some questions to ask you, if you do not mind. I am really curious.

    First, what is the public opinion of the war, especially now. What do Israelis think about the countless war crimes they are accused of and especially for the footage that comes out of Gaza of dead kids.

    Secondly, is the desire for revenge still there or is it mostly gone after 7 months of war. I could imagine at the beginning it was very high.

    Lastly and most importantly, why do I see so many videos of soldiers being happy about destroying Gaza, killing people etc, including also political analyst etc. How does an IDF person rationalize it when they snipe a child (I saw footage of a dead kid who had been sniped in his head).

    This is an educated society with a functioning democracy and wealth. How can they degrate into such animalistic type behavior? Especially when most of them have not been personally affected by the Hamas attacks. Even if they have, it is not like with Hamas fighters who many were orphans (much higher degree of being impacted by the enemy).

    USA had terrorist attacks happen to it, so did UK, France and Spain. But never have I seen such hatred and collective moral degradation of a whole first world rich educated society.

    I am really curious to understand.

  12. 1 hour ago, Samsonov said:

    It's just horrible to see how this mechanism is working from the inside, every israeli personally knows someone that is somehow connected to the 7th of october horrors, and is now too scared to express himself in anyway is critical of israel. Fear is lurking in the streets, the whole nation is acting as a hot headed organism, it is intolerable.

    The comparison to nazi germany is dark and accurate. Like the son of an abusing father that perpetuates the abusive pattern. This is generally the story of the jews, cycling between eras of abuse and being abused of, dating back to the slavery in Egypt, keep on feeling sorry for themselves and playing victim, by that justifying doing pretty much the same, I find many jews misunderstanding the current situation and accusing the global opposition as antisematic or racist, even accusing the hamas of racism, like this is the main motive for their hate and violence. The persecution of WWII has caused (I think) Israelis and jews ti become over-defensive about their jewish/israeli identities, becoming sort of paranoid about something similar ever happening again.
    I personally think the globe should step in and take action, my naive solution is for countries all over the world to help by allowing israelis or jews to settle in, forget about the whole zionistic ideal and come back to another era of "galut" (exile) from israel, letting the arabs take hold of the territory...

    and the muslim wave taking over europe and the world is another issue xDD raising major problems within democracy, also heavily felt here in Israel

    Wait, are you Israeli?

  13. 34 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    But a small damage also counts as 1 house? how it is being counted?

    I am not an expert but I think "destroyed" means either if the actual building is gone (razed to the ground as people say) or damaged beyond repair so it has to be demolished.

    "Damaged" means that the building is most likely no longer usable by people to live in (or conduct human activities) but it can still be repaired.

    Note that repairing a building costs money so sometimes it is actually cheaper to just demolish it and build a new one. It depends on the type of building. For example in Germany after WW2 it was cheaper to demolish the beautiful European style buildings that were damaged and instead build some cheap ugly ones Soviet style. Reconstruction of that type of building takes a long time and money since they have a lot of details in them.

    In Gaza I think its cheap buildings so perhaps it might be feasible to repair some, but it still has a cost and the place is now basically broke. I think the aid will go first to repair essential stuff like hospitals, schools, etc which are gone now.


  14. 8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    What is the actually statistic of the percentage of buildings in Gaza destroyed?

    A source would be nice.

    Sure, this is the most recent I could find. 


    It says 62% of all buildings in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed or 290.000 housing units leaving more than a million people homeless.

    Eight of every 10 schools in Gaza are damaged or destroyed, according to UNICEF. As many as 625,000 students have no access to education.

    All hospitals have suffered critical damage, with only 10 out of 36 able to function partially but they are increasingly overburdened.

    Note, this is from April 7th, so almost 2 months ago. 

    Considering that this was before Rafah which now is being daily bombed the current values are higher.

    Also I saw they are bombing the north again due to Hamas regrouping there.


  15. 5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    But here you are exaggerating. Israelis are nowhere close to bombing everything in sight. They could bomb every house in Gaza but they do not.

    Yes, they bomb excessively, but your characterization of it is very exaggerated.

    It is not exaggerating when you have 70%+ of all buildings in Gaza destroyed (and the war is not done).

    I am not saying they do it in 1 night, they do it slowly over time but in the end everything is gone.

    It is like a death by 1000 small cuts, it adds up on time.

    If you see the ruins of Gaza it does not look much different from cities like Dresden.

    I never claimed that they do it in 1 single night, but they are indeed bombing everything at Gaza gradually over time.

    1 block today, 1 block tomorrow, 1 school today, 1 university the next week.

    All universities in Gaza are destroyed, almost all the schools, most hospitals have been bombed.

    This is what I meant.

  16. @Hatfort

    5 minutes ago, Hatfort said:

    They bombed a refugee camp of tents that the IDF told them it was safe to be. Many died in the explosion, many died burned alive because the fire spread fast in the tents. Most of them women, including pregnant and children. and It's not the first one, but there's very graphic footage of this one, so it got more repercussions. Why the fuck did they tell them that place was safe and then killed them?

    This is how the IDF has been operating, they are targeting and killing innocents on purpose. There's the mass grave beside the hospital with people handcuffed and shot dead. There's the six-year-old girl who called from a car surrounded by her dead family asking for help, Palestinians informed the IDF they were going to rescue her, and then they killed the girl and the two medics who volunteered to go and save her. What the fuck was that? There are reports of Palestinians who say how their clearly non-combatant family members have been shot. They have shot at hungry civilians asking for flour to eat. They bombed vehicles full of people that were moving from their homes to the South because they told them that would be safe. Now they attacked Rafah in the South, which was supposed to be a red line for Egypt and even the US, because they don't want to leave oven one spot in Gaza standing.

    This is a genocide, you don't need the perpetrators admitting they are doing it with this exact word, although they have referenced genocidal passages, so there's that. Of course, they would prefer if they had left to Egypt, but since that's not happening, it's happening what we are seeing. The objective is the same, to get the land for themselves, and make it Israel, because they believe it belongs to them, some because of the Bible, others because they have been educated in the Zionist ideology, whether they are religious or not. There are so many disturbing images that the IDF soldiers take of themselves destroying buildings, they are claiming the land with the Torah in hand, they are looting the valuables they find, and disrespecting previous inhabitants belongings. The soldiers don't see Palestinians as their own, in fact they see them as their enemy, because it's clear in the long run they will never agree to live as second-class citizens whose lives don't matter, as they shouldn't.

    It doesn't hold up that they are just targeting Hamas and rescuing the hostages for many reasons. They destroyed so much infrastructure necessary to live, homes, hospitals, and everything. They are not allowing necessities like water, food, and medicines, so starvation is suffered by the civilians. The Israelis are stopping trucks with food, that's disgusting to new levels never seen before. So it's the government, the army, and the civilians, they are on the same page. They are on it and they will continue as much as they are allowed to.

    Beautifully said man. 

    You do not need to go further than to hear the genocidal statements made by many high ranking Israeli politicians to see what is going on there. 

  17. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    As bad as the bombing is, Israelis are not invading like a barbarian horde and executing every civilian in sight.

    Bombing everything on sight is not much different than shooting everything on sight.

    I do agree that Hamas is stage Red mostly but from what I have seen their actions looked more like a stage blue thing.

    Israel tried to portray them as Stage Red to gain sympathy but now a lot of the things they said have either been debunked or simply lacked evidence.

    Some things stage Red does is: Kill someone by beheading (no footage of someone actually being beheaded alive), Tie people and burn them alive (No footage of that either even though Israel claimed it happened) etc.

    I have seen the footage that is out there and what I basically saw is their militants going in and shooting everyone they saw on sight.

    That is basically a Nazi SS approach. Stage Red and what Israel tried to portray is a Mongolian/Viking approach. There is no footage to back that up.

    It is indeed a war crime and should be condemened, I am not denying it. But it is not a Stage Red type of approach.

    Stage Red would have released footage of crucified people, people being paraded without heads or people being trampled by cars etc.

    This is how stage Red acts. For EG Isis showed live beheadings and showed people being excecuted by being put in a cage and burned alive.

    I did not see any footage like this.

    The worst thing I saw is a German Jewish girl being paraded in Gaza, her body seemed intact but it was clear she was killed by the point she was being paraded. That is a Stage Red type of action.

    Regarding rape, I am sad to say it basically happens in every war. US troops did it, Russians do it, Israelis do it (Plenty of reports of rape in Gaza and even before in Israeli prisons), so it is still a common thing. Israel is not above Hamas when it comes to rape. I can send plenty of sources to back that up. However, Hamas did seem to have done rape too.

    Now, if you have seen footage or concrete proof that shows more than what I said, I am very open to seeing it and changing what I wrote here. 

  18. 27 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    Many things you wrote here are false, and part of them are maybe not false but more rare. Please provide proofs/links for them because your accusations here are very far reaching.

    There is a case on the interntional criminal court citing most of this stuff. That is enough proof to at least consider it.

    What proof do you have for Hamas beheading babies?

    If you want to play the source game, two can play at that.

  19. 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    In Afghanistan before the US pulled out they accidentally bombed a whole Afghan family house and killed like a dozen family members for no good reason. That kind of stuff happens in war.

    Leo this is not the first time this stuff happens. There are hundreds of such incidents to the point where it becomes clear that it is a system issue, not just a mistake. You cannot have 15.000 kids only be mistakes. If this was an isolated event it would be totally another story.

    5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    But also the US has a much more professional military.

    Israel has one of the most modern armies, tons of aid, very educated and intelligent population. Why is their army not professional?

    5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    But what if the only way to kill Bin Laden was to bomb his house which would also kill his young children? Would you pull the trigger?

    For Osama I would not but for someone like Hitler I might consider. Again, this has nothing to do with the current situation. Israel can send elite special forces there to take care of it if they want. Or just wait for another opportunity when the guy is not in a dense area like this. Rarely you get the "only way" situations in real life.

    Lastly since you brought up the Gaza density. PRECISELY because it is so dense, bombing it like hell is a bad idea. And it does not even work. Hamas knew this would happen so they built tons of deep tunnels and therefore they are safe inside them. In 7 months, Israeli highest estimate is that around 20% of Hamas has been killed. If they were actually serious they would have sent some elite units in the tunnels to drag them out. But of course they are cowards and prefer to bomb kids and just starve everyone.

  20. 2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Netanyahu has acknowledged it was not Israel's intention to kill innocent civilians.  This particular attack was indeed a tragic miscalculation    I admit that Israel has gone too far here - I think they will start reeling it in now finally and curbing the collateral damage.   

    Hamas also said it was not their aim to kill civilians on October 7th.

    Every leader will say that, it is normal.

    If you trust Bibi might as well trust this guy too.

    Bottom line is that you see  people's actions not words.

    15.000 kids dead is action.