Vincent S

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Everything posted by Vincent S

  1. It’s funny that you mentioned that. Because during my second LSD trip (and a few after that) Something similar was revealed to me. At the peak of these trips/realizations, I went above this Infinite Mind, and saw that it was Everything. But what made it more confusing, was that I was shown that there was something beyond this Infinite Mind. I looked up and It was pitch black. But I saw an opening of a tunnel in the far distant. As soon as I was approaching it, the peak subsided and I went back in to the mind, where this life was contained in. But that begs the question: If it is an Infinite Mind: Why was I able to go beyond it and observe it from above? That would mean that there is something outside of this Infinite Mind or Maze of Everything. Also wouldn’t be Infinite if it was seen from above, that would make it finite. Unless it has different layers of more Mind, inside of each other. Extending forever… Bubbles within Bubbles. I have been able to break out of this Mind, a few times. Where I observed pure Infinite Void. Before hitting that Infinite Void, I passed Mind and entered that tunnel. But was only able to observe Formlessness and Nothingness, while being “there”. But it’s so complex in that “space” that whatever words I choose to describe it, would just lead to confusion and do no justice to what it really Is. This was and is so f*cking profound that I have gone to great lengths and been trying to go around this fact with all the other awakenings and have tried to understand those initial awakenings/trips. Maybe will gain some clarity on this in the upcoming trips. Will keep deconstructing. Cheers ✨
  2. Beautiful. Of course it is so. But to lead an ego mind in to either trap (ego thinking it is God, or ego thinking that there never was anything) can cause a lot of unwarranted suffering, new illusions and set people off to the deep end. Psyche of a human is very very fragile. I know you mean well with your posts. And kinda have to meet where people are, and reflect back to them what and where they are stuck at, but sometimes we make more harm than good by telling them they are God. Yes they are, but not in the way they "think". What I was trying to say in my previous post was: Don't fall in to the trap of believing you are God in the sense that you "think" you are God. Likewise, of not falling in to the neo-advaita trap and denying everything that is and calling it: "There are only seeming things happening. I don't exist." But who Is saying then that this "I" don't exist? People can take that and be completely disillusioned with everything they do, and they become this detached zombie in the world, going in to their thoughts and thinking that they don't exist. Which won't lead them to awaken in to their true Nature. @Michael Jackson Please don't see this as me pointing this whole thing at you. I'm not. I'm pointing to the reader and the writer
  3. What was the last straw, before this dawned on you? What made you realize this?
  4. @Michael Jackson @VeganAwake When you pass by a wild flower in the forest, does that flower scream and shout: "I am a flower"? Does that flower say: "I am not a flower, there never was a flower to begin with"? The flower simply Is what It Is. With or without having to say what it is and what it is not. No need to get caught in saying that you are God, and no need to get stuck in having to deny what you Ultimately are, and go in to this void of there was never anyone to begin with. Because there is no beginning, or end, there is what Is. It's a Paradox. It's just raw magic. Enjoy it while it lasts. Don't get stuck on either side here. Find the Balance and go the middle way.
  5. Doesn’t have to be. Can you find a way to stay on your path of development, meanwhile you are creating something in the relative? Are you absolutely sure with your choice of college study? Is it in line with your development? Do the two complement each other? If not, are you open to find something that does?
  6. @Razard86 Lovely ??✨ Keep up the good work ?
  7. Just like you did now. A new perspective
  8. Haha reality is you ? I just noticed your other post about conscious relating and you said: “When there is a reader, here comes a writer. thanks for your reading and a feedback! ???? hang in there, I will post more, writing right now about “falling in love with my true self” ❤️.” I am laughing so much right now, because I realized that what “I” think I wrote here, was what you wrote here, through me. It’s all You ??? There was no I who had the experience above. It was you, and “we” think we are writhing about a past or a future experience or something that happened in a spontaneous Now, outside of time. This is such a mindfuck. Happened with another member the other day as well. And I realized later that It was me, telling myself something I was about to experience ??
  9. Haha love the NFS analogy. Good one. And of course it is so. In the beginning it’s you, in the middle it’s you, and in the end it’s you. And they are all one happening/one being. Yeah, no kidding. It’s like being blasted with all the beliefs, self structure programmings, and every single thing you ever took for granted and accepted with blind naive faith, everything you misunderstood, or saw only from a relative and finite perspective. All that merging in to one single jolt of awakening and it being thrown in your face. Of course in a loving way. Rightfully so, to help yourself to wake up. But it’s not always easy to see it as Love. Because, sometimes we are so attached to the things being reflected on to us, or shown to us in the light (conscious). When we have had so many guesses and ideas of what they are and what they could be, when they were in the dark (unconscious) Key for me has been to just let it flow through me. Accept whatever is being shown. And since reality is just a giant mirror, even the reflection of whatever you are, or thinking that you are: Has to be reflected back to you, and if you don’t see, hear, accept it for what it is and what it is not. True and Untrue, your perception, assumptions and reactions to the reflections, will itself reflect back to you, the way you see, perceive and label those reflections. If you judge it and deny it, it will feel as you are being denied. If you accept it and show affection, love and understanding towards it, it will feel like you are being showered with Love and all the healing you have ever wanted/needed. I love getting to a state of this pure reflection point on LSD, where I just lay on the bed with some meditation music on, and just stare in to Nothingness, so much so, that she becomes my mirror. And so I send all that I am, and all the realizations that I have had through this life, all the understandings and all the things I have ever felt and experienced: with my eyes and all my being (giving, masculine), with all the love in my heart. That gets sucked in and integrated in to the Nothingness, and then my connection to Nothingness within me: feels that, realizes what it Actually is. Gains insights and awakenings, and then exudes and radiates that back. And then I connect myself to my receiving aspects (receptive, feminine), and get absolutely blasted with all the Love and understanding of what Nothingness feels for me. So it goes out of me, reforms, reshapes, amplifies more of what it is, and goes right back in to me. But all of it is happening for one being. It is seen as one, after such a long time of separation and duality. It is like masculine and feminine becoming united. Love and Consciousness becoming one. Form and formlessness becoming one. And you are just right smack in the middle of it. Writhing in Ecstasy. Having an entire body, mind, spirit and soul orgasm. It all becomes one, and you become It. Cold tears are running down your warm chin, as you are being Transformed and touched by God/Reality/Yourself.
  10. Nice one, I was blasted by the insight after my run in the forest. Funny how It all just came now. Interesting! So the noncommunicable is "communicated" through the void of "other" which is just a reflection of what is apparent on the surface of the mirror, and what is being reflected. This is so profound when you take psychedelics with someone else and you sit there and eye-gaze together. Communication gets through the nothingness/void in each other's eyes. Even without psychedelics, but that would require a deep trust and sense of comfort with the "other". Last year when I started having my awakenings, I would go to the bathroom mirror and stand there and gaze in to my own eyes for hours. Everything I have ever searched for, was within me. Or shall I say, beyond me. Beyond the self-structure.
  11. B1, B2, B3(Niacin) and B12 (fortified) you can get out of Nutritional Yeast. B12 is also in a lot of the peels of vegetables. Especially potatoes, if you eat the skin when you roast them or boil them, you get your B12. B12 is a bacteria and is in most if not all soils and in fresh spring water. But since we have a nutrition imbalance in our soils these days, we have to get it through other means. And the meat you eat for b12, that's not all natural I'm afraid. Cattle and farm animals get b12 shots they too, because what they usually eat is soy and other restfoods. Unless you eat grass fed, but that's a bit questionable as well. IMO. Choline vegan sources according to google: Legumes, tofu, green vegetables, potatoes, nuts, seeds, grains and various fruits. Creatine vegan sources according to google: walnuts, nuts, seeds, almonds, pine nuts, legumes, beans, peas and seaweed.
  12. You can either use the mirrors to wake up, or use them to go further into the dream. The choice is yours. And this can only be done in your own unique way. Otherwise you could just use one of the mirrors to wake up. And paradoxically you can. With the mirror walking around looking for itself in other mirrors. That’s the only mirror you have to find ?
  13. Thanks for sharing this. And this one is for you joNi.
  14. Great post! Trap number two would be Parroting. Which is just a followup after the mental masturbation phase. The key is to find your own Authentic Path and harnessing what is Absolutely True for you, even beyond the you, you think you are.
  15. Thoughts appear here where you are. Which is what is the localization of your consciousness. You created thoughts to distract yourself from your Absolute state. Thoughts are nothing but your construction of the self vs reality structure that you have designed, imagined and willfully put yourself in. When you are in a peak state of non duality, through meditation or psychedelics. You are everywhere and everything. But still nowhere and nothing. But for the purposes of continuing your finite self structure, you start talking with yourself, when the peak subsides, or when you go “out” of meditation. And you create a split within yourself. One who is listening and one who is talking. And since reality is nothing but a mirror of yourself: If you see thoughts as a bad and annoying thing, then that’s precisely what thoughts become, bad and annoying. But if you see what it is for, you can start working with it to transcend the limitation, by stop thinking that is a limitation. And that everything is boundless. When you start accepting Everything as yourself, you stop thinking. You are home.
  16. Are you telling yourself love stories? How poetic Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most loving of them all? Thank you for the share, nonetheless.
  17. IMO: Insight is when you grasp the possibility of something in reality being actual. More of a heightened idea, with a kick of understanding the nature of something. While awakening is when you clear every single possible mental baggage and doubt, ideas and fantasies about something. No more speculation. And it becomes crystal clear, for what it Is. Which is Everything. What was searched for has been found, with even more than what was searched for, In an overwhelming way. Insight is more of marking locations on your map to get a localized/globalized viewpoint, and show you how far you have gone or how much of the map you have discovered. Awakening is when you realize that there were no map. You are trying to grasp something that is not graspable. But yet, it is, and it is Infinite. A deep sense of awe and as @Judy2 mentioned, a transcendental component is attached to it. Reality shifting thoroughly. Insight is connecting dots on the relative levels. While awakening is connecting those dots to the Absolute. When you are sleeping on the bed, and someone tries to shake you up and wake you up, the person trying to wake you up: nudges you a little bit, but if you are sleeping heavily, then those nudges are just a prerequisite, or a warming up to wake you up, but it is still not enough somehow, sometimes. Those nudges are insights. But awakening is when you are sleeping on your bed and you are dreaming about something. Lets say you are dreaming of falling. That usually jolts people up out of their dream. But sometimes the falling in the dream seems so real, so you are just falling and falling, without ever reaching a ground. And then you have someone on the outside, trying to nudge you or shake you up to wake you out of the dream. So the person gets worried and hits you with something or slaps you out of the dream. And you go from falling Infinitely, to waking up on your bed, with your mom slapping you across the face.
  18. Beautiful. Thank you for your response. Yes, indeed. At a certain stage, what is left is just Complete Silence. And within that Silence, Everything is Known. Nothing left to say, but to just Be. Can understand why some of the awakened yogis go silent for a few years or dedicate the rest of their lives to silence. Sure is. But even that is nothing in itself, arguing to nothing, about Nothing. All of it is just this. All our attempts and everything we do is just This. Emptiness Dancing.
  19. Thanks ?? Really enjoyed this one. Keep up the good work, you lovely mirror-maker ???