Jacob Morres

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Posts posted by Jacob Morres

  1. On 8/21/2023 at 5:05 PM, Insightful27 said:

    I just started my first year at Uni and I know nobody (I went out of state). I'm not sure how to go about building a large, fun social network that doesn't revolve around clubbing, partying, and alcohol. Finding a spiritual community would be great, but the vast majority of students aren't into serious spirituality. 

    Any advice? 

    If you go to a big school in usa ull find tons of small spiritual communities 

  2. A think a value is just something that is very important to you? 

    For example when I'm misaligned to my value of equality , it makes me feel really bad, like this is not who I want to be nor the impact I want to have on the world 


    So I guess a value is just a manifestation of what you feel is most important 

    Value = important 

  3. Productivity insights p3;

    we fall to the level of our systems

    - james clear


    I only think about making 3 good decisions a day 

    - Jeff bozos 

    - come up optimal morning routine

    - come up with optimal morning journalling structure


    No fucking way I deleted my fucking p1 productivity notes. I'm Kms ...


    By memory...

    big goals is just the small in aggregate

    - sam altman 

    A project is just a ton of subtasks 

    - tiago forte 


  4. @Carl-Richard I see yeah, i could def see a distinction where you are meditating and you are not actually playing bc your main focus is on something like spirituality/meditation. 

    But there's definietely a way to improve your endeavor with mindfulness, it's actually like really well (scientifically) studied. More focus, flow, clarity, presence. It's great stuff honestly 



  5. Definietely

    There are men who are into connection, emotions, love and all that. Men who like older women, personality more, don't care about looks. If you look you'll see it's common af. A lot of them. It's more about discernment for the guys you are looking for

    Also make sure to differentiate between words a man says versus their personality. 

    There's a difference between a guy who says he's X (maybe like emotionally available), and a guy that IS X (in this case emotionally available). So learning to discern here can help.. 

    So in the case of emotionally available, you can see if he holds space, is empathetic, can listen to your emotions etc. 


  6. @Snader opposite happens for me. My main intention is focus so when i do mindfulness practices my focus actually increases 

    I'm using focus as my intent and using mindfulness as a background boost. Idk if that makes sense 

    I'm using mindfulness with labeling which has concentration baked into it so maybe this why 


    Tho I've had a friend I brought this upto and he does vipassana. He said he doesn't do meditation when playing bc he loses focus. Idk if he's doing it wrong tho 

  7. 42 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

    That may work for neurotypical folks, but for those like me and @LSD-Rumi who have OCD, labeling practices or techniques can actually turn into a compulsion if we’re not careful

    u might be able to apply the practice to the compulsive "practice" I think 


    This has happened to me before, using a practice as a reactive compulsion. But the compulsive one not even a practice , i later realized,  i was doing it in like an ocd compulsive way 

  8. https://thehorizonsun.com/features/2020/12/18/the-swedish-prison-system/

    America could use Sweden prison system. 

    Sweden apparently treats prisoners as people with psychological needs and prisons as rehabilitation centers 

    They also apparently have the lowest prisoner re-enter rate

    In America, prison employees usually  say the phrase "you'll be back" to the prisoners. It's a known trope which speaks to how poorly they are run