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Posts posted by Username

  1. @Rolo  Are you using porn when you are anxious? You may have deep fear about something and this is the way to release.

    Maybe you are scared of being dominated by a female, or you are afraid that your girlfriend will be transgender, or you hold strong indentification with being heterosexual. Maybe you should imagine yourself being gay?

    When you hold strong preference you create a tension. Watching uncomfortable videos (confronting with your great) help you to release it.

  2. 5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    This is a heartbreaking feeling for me. I get it that they are selfish. That they ignore me for extremely long periods of time. That they don't like me or want me and their actions reflect that.



    And no amount of me complaining and trying to fit in or impress them will work because they simply don't consider me a part of them. 

    Aren't you selfish too? I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with you. I think that [currently] you have a mindset in which you lack something and expect someone to fill that gap. Probably they have similar expectations, they might be even more "needy" than you.

    Try to improve quality of their life without expecting anything in return.


    E: take into account that I do not have any family problems. I feel that I got more than I deserve.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    @Username Yes, I think that this whole story of reincarnation comes from intuitions that ancient mystics have had, it does not have to be 100% correct, or not even approximately, but I do see interlocking patterns, predestined family histories, structures that evolve ... but it doesn't have to be true of course.

    Maybe we look at it totally wrong and this is very biased linear perspective. If someone in "past" had similar energetical structure I might be able to communicate "telepathically" with them and because of that I think that it was past me. Traditional understanding of reincarnation makes sense only when we believe in time (which is false perception).

    *By telepathy I mean communication based on similarity. You can communicate well with yourself because you are very similar to yourself ;) It's relatively easier to do that when you have similar core / or there is a polarization (eg. masculine - feminine) / or you are being in a state of no self.

    17 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    @Username About the totally enlightened idk, maybe you could be 99,9% enlightened, any Buda that is meditating all day,needs to be fed, egoless, just presence

    It depends how you define it. There can't be any existence without a falsehood. If you are too enlightened you may get disconnected from your body accidently.

  4. @Breakingthewall  It is all relative word game. However I don't think that ego = energetic structure.

    I would compare human to plasticine. You start with some amount of it, you change it's shape and add/remove some over time. After death plasticine (energy) is left and it forms something else. There might be some kind of continuity. However it is relative thing to say that a person incarnated into something.

    You can't be "FULLY enlightened" without complete destruction. If I take LSD I am enlightened but energetic structure is very similar and I still experience my body.



  5. Just realize that you aren't always there. You are not conscious all the time. When you take a psychedelic gaps are filled and weird things start to happen. You gain control over reality and you can more control over it. I experienced something like jumping between timelines - lack of stability. This is also why it's good to meditate - to learn how to be present no matter what.

    I believe there is something like reincarnation after physical death. When your body is destroyed and you can no longer be attached to it, "you" will find something energetically suitable.

  6. It happened to me to share something. The issue is that people do not have any first hand experience so they can't relate. There is a risk that they will get things totally wrong.

    If it is possible I would encourage you to share it. It's dishonest to keep it for yourself. Treat it as a possibility to become more authentic.

  7. On 14/01/2021 at 9:25 AM, xxxx said:

    4 am - 10 am now. 

    6 - 7 hours is good enough for me. 

    During university, I trained myself to sleep for 4 - 5 hours, without feeling tired.

    It’s pretty flexible, I think.

    You have a broken circadian clock because of artificial light. I have very similar sleeping pattern. However if I spent whole day outdoors I can easily recalibrate to wake up very early. I don't have any suggestions how to fix it. I'm using red bulb to induce melatonin production and use screen filter but it's not enough for me.

  8. I think I made some improvements. HIIT and weight lifting helps me to enegize my body. I will try to reorganize my day - wake up earlier and start my day with exercises.

    Exercises help to enegize but there is still a lot of tension in my body - it doesn't help it nearly at all. Some physical form of yoga is definitely needed.

    I also found this video

    It seems that I have a domince of Ida. Probably this is my real issue.

  9. For me It was a worst nightmare. It wasn't scary, I was just tired of 10 minutes of infinity. It felt like never ending cycles of suffering - exactly the same as in "real" life but much faster. I just visited that I could vanish.

    However just after a trip I felt instantly ready to trip again. Something like a rollercoaster ride - you were scared but want to do it again. I'm still scared to repeat vaping and I'm postponing it.