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Posts posted by Verg0

  1. Deciding on a niche is only good for your clarity on who you are targeting with your marketing. 

    People don`t buy "coaching" and do not care what your coaching is called. Coaching clients don`t buy the coaching process, they buy the outcome / results. 

    A niche is a specific target audience, not a coaching speciality. 

    Try to formulate your offer in this way: 

    "I solve this type of problem for this specific type of person in this unique counter-intuitive way that reverses their deepest fear”

    "I help X, achieve Y, so they can Z" 

    "Helping who with what specifically"

    → Join your target market and speciality together in one concise phrase that identifies your most-wanted target group and the problems or goals you address for them. 

    (“Career transitioning for midlife woman”) 

    Hope that helps, I am in that process myslef. 

    A good book is "A coaching business in a book" by Sarah Short. 

  2. I love the word ecstasy. 


    "late Middle English (in ecstasy (sense 2)): from Old French extasie, via late Latin from Greek ekstasis ‘standing outside oneself’, based on ek- ‘out’ + histanai ‘to place’." 


    This does not always mean that it's a pleasant experience. 

  3. I've got one since September last year. It appeared after my MDMA + 3x 5-MeO-DMT breakthrough experience. Well, actually not directly afterwards but a week later when I got tonsillitis. But I guess it relates to the psychedelic experience. 

    It's pretty loud about a 8/10. Even the nurse was surprised by the volume when I did a test. 

    I tried relaxing homeopathic medication to calm the body + high doses of magnesium+ high doses of other supplements for the immune system (like zinc, harness, d3 and so on.) Didn't really work at all.  I checked that there's nothing wrong with the ears and did a psychological test to examine if it has something to do with psychological stress or mental disturbances (it doesn't).

    Strategy for now: Acceptance. No judgement. Looking what Leo has to say about it. 

  4. Lately I've been more curious about the question of 'What is Meditation' and 'How to practice it'.  But the 'How' implies a method. 

    So over the years I've kind of tried out and explored different things. 

    Zazen, breath awareness, chanting Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh Mantras, Concentracion, Mindfulness, Yoga of different kinds, Contemplative Prayer, 'I am awareness', Self Inquiry| Enlightenment Intensives, Neti Neti, Tantra, Vipassana, other Buddhist Methods and so on and so on. 

    During this journey, I lost touch with the understanding that meditation is a happening, a blossoming, whole within itself. It doesn't have a reason or a purpose. I forgot that. So I searched for something ... The 'Most effective / true / resonant' technique or 'practice' to get me to God-Realization / Oneness / Awakening / Enlightenment/ Self Understanding/ Peace / Bliss .... And whatever else "I" desire. 

    So much Selfishness on the journey to Selflessness. 

    Now after a Vipassana Retreat I realized again that you cannot "do" meditation. The Vipassana technique (as taught by Goenka) was related with so much "Doing/Work/ Effort". Completely besides the point of Meditation as I understand it. 


    But now there is still the question: 

    I want to live meditation. Create the atmosphere of body, mind and surrounding that meditation can blossom. 

    With a path or a 'Practice' to go into depth with. The exploring of the wide range of perspectives and techniques is wonderful, and there are infinitely more to explore. And almost all claim that THEIR thing is THE thing. Still I feel a calling to dedicate myself to something , consistently to go more from breaths into depth. 


    How to decide? I find it difficult to commit to only one single "practice" or tradition as many are so wonderul and many resonate. 

    There might be value to deepen understanding and experience in one particular field (like zen, daoism, Shaiva tantrism, etc.) and really go deep with it. 

    But there might also be value in continuing to develop my own understanding and my own 'practice' and walk my own path. Without accepting or commiting to what any authority or framework is saying. Cause that's what true Spirituality is. Deepening your own understanding of reality and developing an intimate connection with Life, Love and God. 

    But then my mind comes in again and says : "But how to do it?" 

    And the search for the end of seeking begins anew. 


    But I also realized during my retreat: 

    To enjoy the process of seeking the end of seeking is to find it. 

  5. I would recommend you go and work really hard to afford iPEC. 

    It's a really good program. 

    No rush to buy a shitty program just because you don't have the patience to save up some money for a proper one. 

    There's a high change that that's gonna backfire, then you bought a program for 2-4k which didn't have you what you looked.for and have to start from 0 to save up money for a proper program like iPEC. 

    I'm doing iPEC at the moment and it really is a fantastic program and worth the money. 

  6. I have been sick for over 7 weeks now. And it's deeply affecting all areas of my life. 

    It started as some heavy caughing, I just stopped all physical exercise and went on with everything else as normal, thinking it might go away. 

    It slowly got worse until I realized after 3 weeks that I might need a complete break from everything (which was very hard to accept as I am in the proccess of starting my coaching business, which I loive doing and am very very excited about).  Symptoms were Caughing, Nose blocked, Neusea, Heavy dizziness and just feeling endlessly weak and sick to the core of my being. 


    Took a complete break from everything for over a week. Didn't got better. 

    Mind is cycling from anger/victimhood to respnsibility to acceptance and back again. 

    Week 5: Went to a doc. Taking antibiotics for 10 days now. Still not any better. Symptoms are changing though. 

    Now there is still caughing, nose even more blocked, heavy headaches, infinite weakness and still thi sunderlying feeling of just being incredibly ill. 

    Did some tests (Blood, Checking the lung, vitamins etc.) Everything seem to be fine. I am taking Vitamin C, D3, Zinc, Magnesim daily, and some other stuff occasionally. 


    I am back to do a little bit of work, maybe 10-20% of what I usually do. Taking walks, sleeping a lot, eating healthy. 


    But I have to say, it is very difficult. It has been going on for what feels like a very long time. (Blessings to all who are dealing with much more difficult chronic health issues, now I have a bit more compassion towards people who are dealing with stuff like that). 

    Besides all the spiritual practice, it lowers the joy I am able to experience. Freindships are affected by it. Work is affected. Mental health is affected. 


    "Pain is inevetable, but suffering is a choice" - I would love to embody that insight more, but I realize that it takes a very very high degree of conciousness when the body is so deeply involved. 


    I wanna keep showing up for coaching conversations fully, which takes a lot of energy and it is very hard for me to cancel all these converstions as I just got my first paying client. How do I balance that? 

    I wanna keep on working, at least a bit, as doing nothing (which I have done 1-2 weeks) feels very very boring and is effecting my mental health more than it should. Also I am going through a diffcult phase in my realtionship at the moment (she decided to take a break), which is more difficult to deal with when I cannot distract myself with work. 


    Overall it just feels like is is slowing me down to a degree which is very uncomfortable to fully embrace and enjoy. 


    Any practical advice on what to do / how to change my perspective into a more beneficial one or how to move forward? 


    For the next steps I was thinking about cold/hot exposure, Kambo or traveling to a warm country. 


    As to where it might be coming from I am thinking back to my spiritual crisis from a few months ago, caused by MDMA + 5-MeO-DMT. Since then I have been almost constantly sick. (Before I have not been sick for over a year). Just an interesting observation, might have nothing to do with it. 

  7. Otherwise a great way to connect with the UK community is to go to all the festivals. Super fun and you'll meet the same people everywhere. Medicine Festival, All about Love, LoveJam, Noisily, Buddhafield. Otherwise, many of the psychedelic people are also gonna be at the Jam Sessions and Spiritual Events (like a teacher's talk) that are going on. Depending on your preferences (hippie, science, spiritual, etc) you'll find a place and community that suits you. It's fun and infinitely valuable to connect and build your network. 

  8. @Thought Art  Yeah, I guess I noticed a bit of impatience.  Trusting the process is key. 


    @Leo Gura Aye captain!

     @Yimpa  Well ... Rich seems to be quite rich :D


     @Greatnestwithin  Thanks for sharing your story David!! I'll coach a bit more for free and then start with the 1500$ for 3 months model. 

    "serving my ass off" resonates a lot with me at the moment. It's hard, but also feels like the right path. 

    I'll buy the book from Litvin, I've just recently discovered him through YouTube actually!! 

    It's very kind that you offer to share the resources that have helped you! I would love to recieve them.