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About kireet

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  1. Is DMSA a supplement or a drug?
    Is DMSA a supplement or a drug?
    If some government fool told you that eating rat poison was "okay", you'd do it.

  2. I know what I should be doing, but I don't
    I know what I should be doing, but I don't
    It makes perfect sense.
    I explain all this in the LP Course.
    What you were doing before wasn't real labor. Now the real labor begins: Emotional Labor

  3. Book list update?
    Book list update?
    They have not opened the portal.
    Opening the portal requires more than just a few trips with your friends.

  4. Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
    Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
    The books we're talking about.
    I think they can be life-changing, although personally, to me, I found his yoga not as potent as the Kriya we're discussing here. It probably gets more potent as you go to his advanced programs, but his introductory program didn't seem potent enough for my liking. It would make sense to me that he, being very responsible, would save the most potent techniques only for his most advanced students. And I don't like jumping through all those hoops to get the most potent techniques. I want something I can learn at home on my own. Hence I prefer Kriya. But this not to say you shouldn't do his programs or that his teachings are bad. He's knows what he's doing. He has to be very careful about taking his yoga to millions of people. At those scales, a lot of things can go wrong, so you have to teach very responsibly and focus on safety.
    Generally speaking, the more mainstream a teaching gets, the more watered down it gets.

  5. Fear of being stuck in wage slavery
    Fear of being stuck in wage slavery
    Yes, such a period in one's life can be stressful and exhausting.
    Starting a biz is not easy and eats up a lot of time and energy. But if you do it right, it will pay dividends for the rest of your life.
    Starting my own biz was one of the best decisions I ever made, enough though it was challenging and stressful at times.
    Just make sure you don't burn yourself out.

  6. Are Others Conscious?
    Are Others Conscious?
    I was resisting the realization that my mother and brother's suffering is just my imagination. It isn't real. It's part of the dream that keeps me attached to the dream.
    There is no me from your POV. I am just an idea which keeps you attached to your dream. You invented me so that you could feel real.

  7. Leo, what is your opinion on Sexual Transmutation?
    Leo, what is your opinion on Sexual Transmutation?
    It's a real thing and you can do it if you want. But if you do it in a repressive, neurotic, or egoic way, it will backfire on you.
    Sexual desires must be genuinely transcended through spiritual work. You cannot just suppress or deny them mechanically without expecting problems. Which is why many of these no-fap people and Catholic priests suffer & struggle so much. They are doing it dogmatically.