Richard Purdy

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Posts posted by Richard Purdy

  1. I had a traumatic experience with DMT. I took too big of a hit, and got traumatized by it. Now I’m scared to do any feeling or trauma work, out of fear I will reactivate the trip again. I feel like I can’t work on my root chakra since that was the main thing active during the trip. I was shot through a red tunnel and it freaked me out.


    Is there any good tips to help me get out of this rut? I feel stuck. And feel like I’m running into a wall. I can’t even do a minute of meditation out of fear of same feelings resurfacing. 


    Any recommended guided meditations, tips, methods, to heal myself from this?


    ****Note, this happened 2 years ago and I have shyed away from any spiritual work the past 2 years. Also, this trip was actually in a dream I had, not real life. But it felt very REAL, like real life. I’ve never done DMT in waking life.


    I appreciate any help with this. I don’t know what to do at this point so I’ve decided to post what happened here to see if anyone has advice

  2. @Michael569 @undeather Yep that's me. Funny how you found it that quick, I'm feeling exposed :D Thank you for the feedback.

    I recorded it with my iphone. 

    I also find it really hard to remember what to say in the middle of recording and find myself freezing. Also a lot of ums and uhs and shifting back and forth. Those are my main bugaboos. Before I record I'm also extremely anxious viewing it as a big deal.

    @Michael569 Your channel is great. What editing service do you use?


  3. Started my channel a year ago, getting back into it. I have 12 videos. It's got like 20 views per video which were all by me. I'm looking to grow a bit but I'm new to the game. How do these people organically get an audience? I'm looking for self help minded people. My videos are pretty captivating too but no one watches. 

  4. @Leo Gura When you give meaning to things and create things with your mind, What's this topic called? I sometimes believe things will cause me harm, and give meaning to my constructions so much so it begins to be my reality. It feels so real to. It's like it snowballed into something REAL and actually created. I'm tired of it. What's this topic called and where can I learn more

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    It means that meaning is a projection of your mind. You can of course project all the meaning you want, but eventually you will have to face the fact that you created it and that there is no meaning outside your constructions.

    I've never seen such a good explanation. Not even trying to kiss your ass. The people I've seen on youtube no joke have no idea what they're talking about. I want to have that experience of realizing how "it's all in the mind"

    What is this topic called? 

  5. I would just deal with the issue of money first then follow your passion. I recommend wholesaling real estate, I'm 21 and have been doing it for 2 years and the commission you can get is astronomical. You'll have to do your research on what gets you money with your skills. Once you have your money then make all the movies you want. You don't want to be asking for money at first from your passion, you want to do it from a place of fun and inspiration. Get that money need dealt with first

  6. On 5/29/2023 at 2:34 AM, Razard86 said:

    1. Stop contradicting yourself. You ask for a human being answer. This usually means you want something in the realm of the materialistic paradigm when you refer to human.

    2. After asking for a human immediately start asking for spiritual answers and then have the nerve to ask about nothingness? These questions deal with concepts that are not part of the normal human being paradigm.

    Let me rephrase. I want the spiritual answer, but said in a way I can understand. I want the breakdown. Wtf happens? Can you still go back and watch people alive after your dead? That's my main question here.

  7. How do you connect with loved ones who passed away? I want a practical answer here, at my human level of understanding.

    Don't give me a one sentence answer like death is an illusion or I'm imagining it. Being that those may be true, those one sentence answers are hard to articulate from my point of progress. Give me a human being answer. Here's what I want to know:

    Where the fuck are they? Where did they go?

    Can they see everything I'm doing? Do they know what I'm thinking?

    What are physical/spiritual symptoms that they are around/watching me right now?

    How do I communicate with them?

    After a year of being dead, are they just hanging out in nothingness being able to do anything they want?