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Posts posted by JohnD

  1. @The observer You're not answering the question. What are you trying to describe by using the word 'grace'?

    The bullshit paradigm is useful when applying it to your own mind and perceptions. It does not work to play as a defense mechanism when your arguments face scrutiny. To argue as if you can make a bold claim and pull back on it with no backlash is ignorant. If you bring up some bullshit, be ready to justify it with more bullshit. That's the bullshitting game.

  2. On 4/29/2020 at 4:20 PM, Arbolesmentirosos said:

    The mistake was to think that this wouldn't affect my life that much, it turns out Im very sensitive to negativity

    Part of me hears you and thinks she's burdened you with some of her emotional baggage, as I've had a similar experience. She sounds narcissistic, and doesn't seem to consider your feelings (not out of spite but unconsciousness and incapacity). Narcissists are unconsciously adept at projecting or storing their emotions in others.

    How much of your energy, thoughts, attention, & actions focus on her throughout the day?

  3. I used to play tons of video games. I had my xbox in my room and played probably 2 hours a day on average. Eventually I started meditating, and had the instinct to take my xbox out of my room.


    A year and a half later, with a year of daily meditation under my belt, I started playing again with friends. What I found was that I was able to process emotions from my childhood that I had stored while playing video games. I was able to untangle complexes from my childhood just by playing with a higher level of consciousness.


    If your intuition is telling you to get a switch, I say get a switch!

  4. This is my experience.

    I've had a deep masculine block or wound in the past inherited from my father. Recently I've tried shrooms and this helped me gain awareness of the wound. It's centered in my throat and manifests in closed off chest area, downturned shoulders, and tight neck muscles. I've realized the resistance and tightness is the physical reaction to the underlying emotion, and when I focus in and relax the resistance and energy blocks, the energy flows, and I feel the masculine energy again.

    I plan on spending more time focusing on and integrating this understanding for myself.

    Body awareness has been the most valuable tool I've found for this specific block.

  5. @docs20 Sounds like you're still struggling with fear. It's the same old advice any pick-up artist would give you. Approach, approach, approach.

    Really, it's more than that. You must recognize your fear, and face it. When you find yourself fearful, follow through anyway.

    This applies to all walks of life. I think Leo has a dreamkiller episode about this, or perhaps a full video about doing the emotionally challenging thing.

    If you approach a girl despite the fear, your mind now knows that the fear is only that - fear. The fear is present and active while your emotions are telling you to approach. When you face this fear over and over, you gain deeper and deeper confidence in doing whatever you're doing in the face of fear.

  6. 22 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

    the best way to let go of anger is to get fucking angry and let it out

    i put on my boxing gloves and punched the wall like 100 times

    best therapeutic session ever

    As far as I can tell, this isn't how you deal with the root of the issue. Yes, this is cathartic, and releases the built-up anger, but it doesn't take away the source of the anger, and it builds back up again, requiring another outburst. I would go with the advice about letting go and journaling.