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Posts posted by Mannyb

  1. 1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

    Can you want her without being needy? Is wanting from the ego?

    Can wanting not be needy, for example if it doesn't come from a place of scarcity?

    How could you even approach without wanting her? 

    Or are you just tricking yourself and her, or acting as if you don't care, but deep down you do care?

    Staying in the moment, approaching just to approach "freedom from outcome" 

    Loving yourself so much that you just want to spread that love to her and others

    All those things are easily said but that's difficult. :) 

    If you want her in order for you to feel love, it is needy, and it is ego.

    If you want to share the love you already feel, you give, and it’s God.

    Best approach without wanting someone, just want to share your love with someone. ( travel bum productions is a great non dual Pua).

    As long as you’re tricking, you’re playing devil ? games, it’s not ❤️.

    Last 2 sentences you’re correct, it’ll take a lot of inner game tho ??.

    Once you’re in a place of abundance? it will not feel difficult at all.


  2. 12 hours ago, Moksha said:

    Not all. I knew God as a child, then I grew out of God, then I rediscovered God. The reunion with myself is more than surprising. It is infinitely more beautiful and unconditional than I could have guessed.

    That’s how it works for our Self, so actually all of “us”, Self. “We”, I, God plays hide and seek. None can be separate from the experience.?? 

  3. Dear Yuliya,

    “Two objects can never meet. Two people can never meet. What we call a meeting or a relationship is only the shining of this shared love. It is my experience that when a loved one departs, love shines even more brightly that usual. All that remains is the pure love in which and as which we truly meet.

    The same is true of the great parting called death. The apparent other is no longer outside. They now reside in our heart as pure love, which is in fact where they always resided. Why would one feel sorrow or regret in such a case? The particular means of celebrating that love that we had become accustomed to over the years may no longer be available, but the love itself will be present and available as always.

    In fact, death is simply the dissolution of an object, a person, in its source and substance, which is love. So death is not the problem. It is identifying ourself as an object, as a fragment, and thereby identifying another as an object or fragment, which seems to obscure this ever-present, all-pervading love.

    Our friend is the face of this love. Their parting is the great gift of love to itself, as was their presence. Death and love are one and the same, but from two different points of view. Death is for the person what love is for the self. Therefore, we never lose a friend.”

    - Rupert Spira

    You are not suffering, my beloved. What you’re actually feeling is the immensity of absolute universal love. Namaste ❤️ 


  4. @Preety_India It is unconscious indeed. Beta could be healthy obviously just won’t turn her on the way an alpha will. Isn’t logical attraction an oxymoron, thus trying to change nature? Sounds funny tho I’ll give you that, and will use that terminology in the future. Props for acknowledging hypergamy, many would dispute it.

  5. @Display_Name Great answer, sense the same thing going on. Recontextualization, that’s what awakening is about, yes. @Preety_India Read up on hypergamy, which is what drives female attraction, that’s what he alludes to here. And it’s  also completely natural for women to go from instinctually falling for an alpha to try to engineer “logical attraction” towards the beta providers. Yet women, like men will always remain under the control of God, it’s nature, it’s survival, it’s part of reality. Be aware of nature, don’t try to change it, that’d be akin to teaching a pig to fly (it’ll bother him & won’t amount to anything, in this case you’ll be bothered, God’ll keep loving, I always do ?? ). 

  6. @Etherial Cat All is Self. Dating and attraction are two separate things (I’m making a concession here, All is actually one), I am attracted to a specific type of woman (physically speaking) and expanding my sense of self hasn’t really changed that, yet that doesn’t mean I’d enter a relationship with them based on the attraction (it tends to fade away). 

  7. @Preety_India Sexual attraction is based on physical cues for health. You seem to be taking this quite personally. There’s no such thing as logical attraction, you can’t train yourself to be attracted to specific people, you’re simply either attracted or not. Attraction is unconscious, that doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. You will get attracted to beautiful people (beauty is a sign of good genetics). Now, wether you get into an intimate relationship with someone is a completely different subject, such a relationship will best be based on love, rather than attraction. In that case, when deciding to enter or exit one, applying logic can be useful to some extent, although a mutual understanding of what a healthy relationship is coupled with love + intimacy is best. In the end don’t over complicate it, follow god’s will & all your actions will spring from love towards more love. Namaste ?? 

  8. 3 hours ago, BornToBoil said:

    @Acche I study business and administration in the university right now. But I also need to study a lot on my own: sociology, economics, politics, history, etc.

    I have been thinking about starting a youtube channel, but a bit later, when I feel like it. 

    49 minutes ago, BornToBoil said:

    @Mannyb  I am on the self development journey alreay. It seems that you for some reason reject the possibility of doing both at the same time.

    In order for people to be ready for turquoise leaders, you first need to help them move up the spiral.

    Stuggle is fine as far as I am concerned. Easy and effortless life would be boring as hell.

    Good job being on the journey, you will get it as you go on. Helping you is the best way to help others. Easy and effortless is best! Considering you asked for THE BEST WAY, it’s also called the direct path.