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Posts posted by Mannyb

  1. 11 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    @Mannyb does he?

    'Consciousness is the one thing that can not be an illusion' - Sam Harris

    'I might be a brain in a vat' - Sam Harris

    I don't think he's committed to the notion that the Universe 'exists'. 

    He’s not committed to the opposite either, and that is why ‘he’ suffers, because he believes in a him that would always have to be agnostic. Because science will never get to the end of it, it’s an infinite regress, there’s always a cause for something in his causality based paradigm that stems from his belief in time and space.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    @Natasha 'you are not controlling the storm, and you are not lost in it, you ARE the storm' - Sam Harris. 

    Does this sound like Harris doesn't grasp the concept of 'oneness'? 

    What is a Harris? One thing is intellectually grasping, another thing is real felt understanding, love & beauty. In duality, Rupert has both intellectual and emotional embodiment of the understanding of our nature, which SH seems to lack.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    @Leo Gura Who's consciousness? 

    When you say, 'YOU' are all there is, who are you talking to?' Yourself? 

    When you say 'Sam Harris is locked into his paradigm', who are you talking about?' Yourself? The appearance of Sam Harris? 

    It's a little strange to claim, 'YOU are all there is, but there is also Sam Harris.'



    It’s called making a concession to duality in order to have a conversation, Rupert does it all the time and it’s the only way to communicate.

    Imagine how messy and impossible to understand everything would be if one couldn’t make distinctions in order to address any topic, not possible. No one’s here, nothing is happening, so nothing matters. We’d have to remain silent.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    @Mannyb I think we mostly agree. 

    There can only be a 'you' and a 'me', who exist materially, from a Materialist perspective.  

    To even have an opinion about the conversation between Sam and Rupert, is to take Sam's position, that there is a real difference between Sam and Rupert which can matter. 

    Either I am @Leo Gura, Sam, You, Rupert, God, Everything... or I am not. Or I'm neither/both. 

    To assume I am not you, is duality. 




    Agreed, awareness has no opinion, I just love & am everything (including “you”). In order to converse I / we must make a concession to the belief in a subject/object duality, language’s limiting indeed. It’s been a lovely exchange, thank you!?? 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    What shall we talk about?  

    If you and I are 'separate' from each other, that's materialism. 


    If we're not, then I'm talking to myself. 

    We are in this forum to interact we each other & have higher level conversations. What else?

    We share our being, yet we both have a finite mind-body and have lived distinct lives, distinct experiences, thus talking is interesting.
    You are oversimplifying things, I can talk to you (which is what I’m doing) & still know we aren’t 2

    Life is a paradox, get used to it. We are both separate & one, it’s not materialism. Materialism is the belief in matter, something quite different. ?? 

  6. 54 minutes ago, RedLine said:

    Straight to the point:



    Lol Nice try you pretty little devils! ? ??  It’s akin to sayin’ stage yellow=turquoise, just transcend them both into nothing & btw “consciousness is impermanent” lol! Could you ever not be aware? How would you know? Ponder that. Go inquire ?? Careful with pseudo Advaita’s “there’s nothing here and nothing to do” type of rhetoric. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    Is Sam Harris really a Materialist, or is 'Sam Harris, materialist' being imagined by you, God. Could he 'be' any other way than how you, God, imagine him to be? 

    Does this comment occur, materially, anywhere other than 'within awareness'? 

    If 'imaginary reality' is indistinguishable from 'real reality', does it matter which is happening?

    Both. No.


    Reality is imaginary & really happening. Being illusory doesn’t imply it not being real, it just means that reality is not what it appears to be, hence the term “non duality”. It doesn’t matter which is happening, because there ain’t two to begin with. Your questions are seeking two, yet there is only one, only you, only I, only God, Namaste ??.

  8. 3 hours ago, Dino D said:

    No one can observe an external world, only their direct experience which they can make stories about as much as they like. ( I dont observe your room, it's there for you, not for me, so there are two direct experiences... your experience is external from mine and i cant access it, so our consciousness is not the same, if it would be the same then I would be omniconscious or omni aware)

    that you use to convince yourself that they are not fabrications of your own mind ( you use your own mind and experience to deny other peoples experience and things that we call facts and that we can prove and explain, you forcefully annihilate everything with your first person experience, and you put your experience as an absolute, as God as DOGMA, but it isnt, because when youre dead everything else happens, and we can take videos of it, and what not, and you can not make one thing without our rules, or can you become a plane and fly me to asia? only in your dreams and never in your God reality whitch you cant change one thing (without work, doing or human activities) and where you dont control anything)

    You aren't actually listening to anyone- youre also not, youre giving answers with no seanse or logic, and that can easily be disputed... maybe youre even right, but your arguments are false...

    han feeling the need to respond impulsively so that you can feel that you're right, which is all people like you care about doing-same for you, and what if im right, then I should contemplate until I agree with you, only then i can be right or what... this is not personal men...

    You aren't comfortable with entertaining anything other than what you know,- I am, I said non dulaity can be true, I didnt experience 5 meo, so I'm opet 4 everything, but you cant explain it to me right now, and the fact that I dont get it, and that sam hariss or anyone else relevant doesn't get it (and those people are so much smatter then you and me) applies that your explanations and arguments are bad or wrong)...

    arguments that any person off the street would come up with if they hear anything which goes against their rationalist dogmas they learnt at school- why are yours arguments (not you, this whole forum) so bad and easily overthrown with logic and examples... it just doesnt make sense what you talk, look at it with a truly open mind... i observe the room, yes my brain renders it, then i see what i see, telling the room isnt there because i see the rendered version, and to claim the only truth is my rendered version or experience is wrong... because you see your room, you have your experience, THAT I DONT HAVE, so there is something other or external, being it matter, or just other experiences or other consciousness... your anallogy makes no seanse... its like if a camera would speak and it would say there are no world (cars, threes) there are only photos in camera memory.. for the dogmatic ony first person beliving camera this is her truth... but i know for shure that her first person digital photo of the world is the illusion and the world is outside, there is something outside of the cameras digital experience, there is not just the photo of the car (that is actually fake) there is the car that is real (or hologram or whatever, but there are two camera, digital photo in camera memory, car, its not just the cameras memory witch non dualist put as dogma, the camera memory is here your memory or aware experience, youre dogmatic)... non duality is like a DOGMATIC camera if you get me...

    and I'm open for being something else, but you should be able to explain it without a doubt, to prove it and so on... non duality is the only one that says, i can't prove it, i dont have any mechanisms, take 5 meo dmt, i cant fly, everything is a dream bla bla bla, and on questions on sleep, death, other person experiences, who controls and creats all of this, how, with wich will, HOW DO YOU DO THAT, and so on... you can't answer

    My dear. I’ll be here for you when you’re ready, don’t worry. In the meantime, read as much as you can about Rupert, the direct path and the non dual teachings, watch the videos, do the practice, meditate, and be TRULY open. The right arguments were given, & yet you won’t listen. May you awaken soon my beloved. Namaste ?? 

  9. 30 minutes ago, Dino D said:

    In this world, the onlY relevance is not me. 

    So if I didnt experience something IT DOES NOT MEAN IT DOES NOT EXIST.

    So i didnt experience you, or your room, but its there, youre there and it will be there if i die now... You will see it, live it, not me...

    Non duality derives conclusions from the first  person experience like there is only that or like this is only relevant, and when someone says how does other stuff still happen then you answer jibberish...

    For me there is only my room, non dual conclusion would be: there is only my room,, the planet and univers does not exist, its all just my tought... Bla bla... This is so obviously wrong that debating it hurs me, and if it still is true, then ,,you people" obviously dont have the right tools to explain it or prove it to ,,normal" people, not evan close...




    How could you know any of that is true? You start again by implying a world exists, when you never had such experience. Instead of making assumptions go to your experience! All you ever know is the knowing of your experience. Your whole life you’ve only known experience! Your claiming not to experience something is only a thought ? You only assume a world independent of you is out there, yet how could you possibly know that? It’s not “you people”, there are no people, so called people appear inside your mind!

  10. 18 minutes ago, RedLine said:

    You are the one who is making distinctions: finite mind vs infinite mind.  You are saying that he wasn´t aware during surgery because he was in finite mind mode. What a metaphysical believe!

    There is no mode lol ? I’m saying that one seems to appear in the only existing one. It’s not finite vs infinite, rather one only ♾ thing seeming to become many.

    Look at your response, “you are the one” I’m you, you are me yet you pretend you don’t know it. Such answer stems from a belief in separation, your suffering does too btw. 

    The biggest problem with materialism is that it’s the cause of suffering, as long as oneself believes to be separate in an unconscious universe made of matter, one sets oneself apart from one’s own infinite love!

    I totally get where you’re coming from and will always be there for you. When you ask for explanation be open to it, instead of debating. Notice how that’s your devil mind playing tricks on you. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, RedLine said:

    That distinction between the not awaken finite mind vs an hypothetical infinite mind always present is an intellectual construction you are making, it is not direct experience.. The fact is he wasn´t aware during surgey. 

    What you call hypothetical is all there is! All you’ve ever known is an infinite and eternal here and now, is it not? What’s hypothetical about it? Upon awakening you’ll have a first hand experience of all this being it, gods mind and infinite love.

    You imply Rupert is a person when you have not ever experienced such a thing. You only experience senses, thoughts & perceptions. Inquire more & see! ?? ❤️