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Posts posted by Mannyb

  1. 1 hour ago, BornToBoil said:

    @Acche I study business and administration in the university right now. But I also need to study a lot on my own: sociology, economics, politics, history, etc.

    I have been thinking about starting a youtube channel, but a bit later, when I feel like it. 

    As man you’re a slave to your fears - and desires - as god you’re absolute freedom I studied the same and more on my own as well, and I also thought about starting a YouTube channel. I then finished uni & went on a self development journey. It’ll be a struggle, trying to help the world as a man. As god it’ll be effortless and you’ll know you’re stage turquoise. Only when egos die (and let place for god) will stage turquoise leaders be welcomed by most. Hence the power of the aforementioned quote by Ramana Maharshi, my beloved

  2. JP's doing his best from a hyper-rational perspective, I remember being stuck in that paradigm.

    I definitely loved 12RFL, I invite you folks to put your prejudices aside and learn what you can from him.

    Not everyone is aware of our true nature, doesn't mean they don't have points to make or anything of value to teach us, quite the contrary might I say.

  3. As a man I can tell you the main thing that’d get you better men attracted to you is to do whatever you can to make yourself more physically appealing. At least being quite physically fit will give you better proportions like the hip to waist ratio, and taking care of your skin. By simple becoming hotter (which all of us can do to some extent with self care) you will have more freedom to filter out men out there (men also filter women & what matters most for men are looks). 

  4. @Girzo It’s about the left imposing their will by controlling capitalism, give abortion LGBT rights, & raise taxes for the Biden Green deal.

    On the other hand the right imposing their will by protecting capitalists, stopping most abortions LGBT rights, & lower taxes some more.

    Will be interesting to see how it plays out on the states level over the next years to make the right choice even more obvious for all of us.

    Americans could also look at other more developed countries, they tend not to like that or even admitting not to be the best in the world.

  5. If Trump is out of the equation, what’s up with Kamala becoming the president? Do you guys think she would make a good president?

    Biden could remain president, that would at least be fun to witness (like when leftist Hollande was France’s most embarrassing president, he didn’t even run again). Trump was already pretty embarrassing for half the population so I guess it’s the norm nowadays.

    Kamala seems like she’d be tough but democrats themselves didn’t like her so much. She’ll have to please progressives while dealIng with republicans. If she manages to do it well, it seems like she has the best opportunity to show us what Hillary didn’t get the opportunity to. 

    Do you guys think Kamala would be better than either Biden or Hillary? Would she be like Obama? Could she make it to a second term? 
    If Biden sticks to the presidency, though I highly doubt it since he said himself that he is Kamalas running mate, would he do a better job?

    Guess what I’m trying to ask is simply who’d make a better president Kamala or Biden? Should they acknowledge Bernie and his support, make a place for him in their government? After all half the democrats prefer Bernie, including obviously most of us in here to be honest.

  6. Thank you my beloved for this!

    You're taking me back to the beautiful state. May you be blessed (it is already the case). 

    I'm going to keep on reading this beautiful Book of Secrets. Thanks for the link provided.

    Reminds me of this statement from Master Spira in his Meditation: The Jewel of The Self: 

    Have the clarity to see clearly that to which we refer when we say I am.

    Have the courage to stand as that at all times, under all circumstances, and in all situations.


  7. "Dozens of independent polls all have Biden up big, including pollsters connected to republicans such as Rasmussen and FoxNews."

    Well @Forestluv here's the 1st poll (October 25) putting Trump ahead 48 to 47 nationally. Whereas the previous week Biden was leading 49-46 (Oct 18).

    Another week before that it was 50-45 for Biden (Oct 11), and 52-40 for Biden (Oct 4). Is there a trend here, or is it being manipulated in favor of Trump?

    Here the link to the poll:

    Trump is over Biden in Florida by 49 to 46%, and in Michigan by 49 to 47%. Biden leads in Arizona, another perennial battleground state, by 48 to 46 %.

  8. @Forestluv Lets not try to imagine in which party they’d be and look at reality for a second.

    AOC and Biden like Trudeau, Trump doesn’t. Same with Macron, same with the socialist vs conservative divide in Spain and in the UK. 

    it’s pretty obvious also in my country Austria, like anywhere in the world, there are two sides right now, socialists friends of the EU on one side & nationalists friends of Trump on the other. 

  9. @Jed Vassallo AOC Smart? I don't think I have to answer that one. But let’s do it anyway. 
    1. She thought there were three chambers of government 

    2. She thought the Pentagon misappropriated $21 trillion dollars but the fact is, the Pentagon has never received that amount of money.

    3. Ben Shapiro offered to debate or sit and talk with her (clearly knowing he would embarrass her) and she responded by saying she doesn’t respond to people who try and catcall her. ( I’m not a Shapiro fan at all, but cmon man, go and “own him” if you actually can).

    4. She thought there were 500 million people in the United States, stating that 200 million make up 40% of the total population in the us.

  10. @Hardkill I have and that just doesn’t compare to the rallies, blacks for trump, women for trump, Latinos, the demonstration in Florida... If they regret it so much they should try at least to be Louder, to get themselves noticed, go to Biden rallies or town hall and express their views. And with the treatment trump gets from the media and Biden / Harris’ poor records in office, I would also not discount shy voters.

  11. @Forestluv And I was referring to the people close to / behind Trump (Like part of the GOP], I agree Trump probably doesn’t get involved with the details.

    The thing is that it’s not trump the left will have to fight but something bigger than him in the future. 

    Biden doesn’t seem very capitalistic, he’s pro establishment / big government / crony capitalism ( which is more against real free markets).

    Biden is an opportunist and will change his views to get more power / money.
    AOC is an ideological socialist, not much of an intellectual 1.  

    In Canada they would both be in the Liberal party with Trudeau, and in Europe they would both be with Macron in France, labor party in the UK, Socialist party in Spain and so forth. 

  12. @Forestluv Imo anything coming from mainstream institutions is increasingly harder to trust. Trump's tax cuts weren’t purely instinctive.

    And even if Biden wins, the transition won’t be a walk in the park.

    I’m just saying that conservatives are not gonna remain silent while folks like Biden, Harris, AOC, Pelosi, Booker, get more powerful and make the us more socialist.

    Stage blue will fight stage green in other words.

  13. @Forestluv 1. Maybe Biden’s been given this unprecedented lead out of desperation, knowing he’s a substantially weaker candidate than even Hillary was, and perhaps to make sure 2016 doesn’t happen again. 

    2. Trump hasn’t been that popular among the more pro establishment republicans institutions, he had to debate the moderator from Fox News Chris Wallace after all. 
    3. Still, if so many are against trump why not go show support to the only person that has a chance to defeat him?

    4. How do you know Trump doesn’t plan? Or at least has a team that plans things behind the scenes (maybe lead by Mike Pence & others)

  14. @Jed Vassallo 1. Can we really trust polls after 2016? 2. Could these polls be made to show Biden as favorite to get people to vote for him? (As they did twice against Bernie, and perhaps once against Trump?) 3. If Biden is to win by a landslide, why are his rallies so empty? (as opposed to Trumps’, Pences’, Bernies’, and even Hillarys’ in 2016) 4. Remember Trump won’t give in easily, he’s got something planned
