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Posts posted by JosephKnecht

  1. 1 hour ago, lmfao said:

    I don't know to what extent social media websites should be allowed to block certain speech, or allow certain speech. So I don't know if this was right. If you consider all these different websites together, they form a monopoly over communication and hold the fate of humanity in their mind. At this point, these websites are so large that they aren't just private companies who can do what they want. 

    That is what I have been trying to say. I do not follow Stefan, and I was unaware of /r/the_donald until they removed it from Reddit. 

    We should not delegate the freedom of speech to large companies that basically have a monopoly on our communication channels. 

    If Youtube could ban Alex Jones, Stefan, and others, what would prevent them from banning Leo from Youtube? 

    I am sure in the hundreds of hours Leo has uploaded, someone might interpret something as hate speech. 



  2. 1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Using the statues example: I think the most important thing is to remove statues at the margin: confederate statues that honor men for their white supremacy and fighting to continue slavery.

    What is a statue but the immortalization of human stupidity? A statue is an attempt to solidify the image of a hero who in the times which he/she lived fought for that which society believed to be just. But society changes, and so does justice.  

    Now take a more enlightened perspective. Every statue in a million years will be perceived as a deluded idiot who fought for something that was already perfect in the eyes of God. It was only his Ego that saw imperfections and tried to make it perfect. In the end, we should bring down every statue, not just the confederate ones. Or maybe, we should let them stand as a symbol of human stupidity. 

    1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Yes, it’s challenging to determine who draws the line and where the line should be drawn.

    If you can't decide who draws the line, then don't draw the line. 

    Sites like Reddit, Youtube, Amazon have gained monopoly power over the way we communicate. If they gain the power to censor communication, eventually they might seek power to control what, how, and when we communicate. 

    One of the reasons why the Internet is so successful and prevalent is because it doesn't censure any communication. The internet protocol allows for complete freedom in human expression. There is no "hate" in bits of information. Every bit is equal to every other bit. The hate is only in our minds that perceive hatred. You can't eradicate hatred by censuring speech but only by changing human perception. 

  3. 23 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Reddit is a privately owned and run website. They are allowed to ban hate speech if they desire.

    I agree with your points. However, who becomes the arbiter of what is "hate speech"?

    The one who decides what is hate speech wields all power over free speech. 

    Reddit is a privately owned company. That is true. However, Reddit is hosted on Amazon AWS. What if one day Amazon decides that posting memes about Bezos is hate speech and shuts down Reddit? A company can not be the arbiter of free speech. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Good to see reddit purge hate speech. They were in need of better moderation. 

    Which one is more important? Hate speech or Free speech? Hatred or Freedom?

    You can not shut down a community like that. The community can create their own forum where they can continue perpetuating hatred. In fact, when they recreate their communities, their hatred will increase because others were trying to silence them. 

    I am not defending their hatred. Only their freedom to hate. :P

  5. On 6/22/2020 at 6:42 PM, JayG84 said:

    Are there other people here that are going through the same thing? 

    Everybody is going through the same thing. I am also going through a similar situation. 

    There are already too many gurus and philosophers. The highest teaching you give to the world is not what you say or write, but what you do. You must embody what you have learned and become that.

    Conceptual intelligence is only useful only when the intelligence stops drowning in concepts. You can conceptualize the most beautiful universe inside your mind or you can also choose to experience the universe without concepts. In the end, it is not what you know that matters, but what you achieved with what you knew.

    It would be great if everybody became enlightened and everything becomes perfect, but perfection is fucking boring. Just imagine everyone singing Kumbaya my Lord, and dancing in a circle for all eternity. Imagine how that would feel. That doesn't sound like heaven to me. Sounds more like Hell.

    It is more dynamic to have everyone on the spiral rise and fall. That is the purpose of spiral dynamics. 

    You must find the heaviest cross you can carry, and try to carry it with the best of your abilities. If the cross is too heavy, find a lighter one. If the cross is too light, find a heavier one. 

    In the end, we all must carry our own cross to the other side of Hell to get to Heaven. 

  6. giphy.gif

    When you are still afraid, but God gives you a small push. 



    When you get so high that you start looking for the ground. 



    When you start losing your grasp on reality.



    When you start to gain back your grasp on reality. 



    When the dream is trying to seduce you. 



    Just for the LOLs! 

  7. I was pondering the difference between knowledge and experience. Which one do you think is the more valuable one?

    Is it knowledge? Are you willing to surrender all experience to become a monk, secluded from society so that you can obtain the knowledge of the Gods?

    Is it experience? All you willing to surrender all knowledge and throw yourself into reality in hopes that reality will teach you what the Gods wished to experience? 

    Is there value to knowledge never applied? 

    Is there value in an experience never acknowledged?

    I used to believe that only knowledge could save the world. I believed that if I have read enough books, learned about the self, I would understand the true nature of reality. But now that I have the knowledge, I understand how hollow it is without the magic of experience. You never truly know everything until you experience it. And experience doesn't come from books or lectures. Experience only comes from experiences.

    Your Move Chief!

  8. On 6/26/2020 at 6:26 PM, Knowledge said:

    Your only goal here is to break free, this realm is a zoo, why stay here when you can die and become free again?


    @Knowledge I think knowledge is one of the biggest distractions. :) 

    6 hours ago, mrslick said:

    Hi, this is my first post in this community.

    @mrslick Welcome. Are you Mr. Slick or Mrs. Lick? I don't want to use the wrong pronouns. 

  9. 1 hour ago, dimitri said:


    Leo just a human being as anyone else in this forum.
    So, of course he has his own beliefs to let go.
    He just super open minded and has immense desire for the Truth.
    In other words, he is brave enough to lose everything for nothing.
    So grateful to imagine this guy Lol  

    Nobody is perfect. If we were perfect, we wouldn't be here

    I prefer to perfect my imagination. :) 

    No weak/strong minds. Only perfect minds. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Member said:

    @JosephKnecht How you'll be able to tell that you're talking to the spirit of Ra and not something else?

    I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We communicate now. 

    That is how he "talked" in the book. He tells you who he is.

    But how do you know that you are just not imagining his voice in his head you may ask? I can't answer that question for you. Only you can. 

  11. 5 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    I’ve actually been seriously considering attempting contact with Ra on my next trip. I’m not sure if LSD will do the trick, but it’s all I have access to for the moment. I’ll certainly post the results if anything noteworthy happens. 

    There is a description of very elaborate setup that you must create in order to invoke the spirit of Ra. It is well described in the first book.

    It involved the Bible opened on a specific page, candles, and other props. If you want to call Ra, you must create the right phone. LOL 

    I don't think LSD will do the trick, but maybe you can find new ways to connect to him. If so, I am curious to hear what he would say now. So please share. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, PukkaDanks said:

    As an aside, anyone who watched the video do you have any feedback

    I am trying to work on my communication and feel my voice and general energy is quite boring and monotone

    It was well edited. I liked the "Table of Content" you provided in the beginning so we know what content was coming later in the video. 

    The voice was appropriate, and I guess the energy level also since you are talking about meditation. 

    I would have liked to know more about which books, literature, learning methods you used to start your meditation journey. Sometimes it is nice to do a good "literature study" before you embark on a long journey that would last for years. 

    Also, you briefly mentioned the non-dual state you have achieved through meditation. I would be curious to understand more about that. 

    Just my two cents. :)