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Posts posted by PenguinPablo

  1. 1 hour ago, nuwu said:


    Sorry, individuals reporting negativity in this context were overtly malignant grotesque predators, describing the messages of mine as « word v*m*t » in their explicit derogatory terms. Hence I have difficulties taking this criticism seriously, and projection of narcissism does not come off as argumentatively relevant. Inclusive thought structures have benefits, utility of packed style is not evident when analyzed from a place of wastefulness, of needlessly verbose and inappropriately persuasive conventions over symbolic arrangements requisitioning abundant energy and time for construction and interpretation in neurodivergent intuitives. 

    Consider from my point of view, this is other way around. Vocabulary, grammar, standard punctuations and capitalization are nonsensical, and most writings have boring, highly redundant structures with low conceptual integrity. With respect to intellectual diversity, reinforcing specific language patterns is counter-productive. Things may be expressed with minimal logical and|or semantic connectives in their canonical forms. It’s trivial to bridge concepts and decorations across domains to scale fundamental ideas in enthralling formattings. However originality is profoundly difficult, if not originated from miracles. Maximally expressive information structures with clear original scopes may become relevant in post-AI corpus. For instance, medieval individuals may hardly appreciate modern or academic styles, neither convinced from their strength or weakness.

    I wouldn't consider it word vomit. But your writing style and intelligence is too high for many people to understand. I personally find your thinking style fascinating.

    I did have to use chatgpt to break some of it  down lol.

  2. On 5/17/2024 at 5:13 PM, Leo Gura said:

    IQ is a poor measurent of intelligence.

    Intelligence has to be redefined so that it's also connected to level of consciousness and level of development. And even moral development should be a factor.

    Boiling intelligence down to one's ability to do complex physics calcuations is, ironically, not very intelligent.

    that would be a great video idea. i know youve talked about it. but expanding on it

  3. 6 hours ago, ricachica said:

    I have done many trips, but none high enough to reach a realization like this yet. I have read about it a lot in trip reports and of course Leo talks about it, but I feel like I have to first be a grounded and well-intentioned individual before attempting to get there, otherwise I intuit that I will have similar dark feelings about it when I realize it. I have definitely gotten closer to that grounded mental state lately, though I also know I need more refinement. 

    If many people experience solipsism on psychedelics, what's the difference in individuals who experience it as a "good" or "bad" thing? Or is it supposed to be an acceptance of both good and bad, or neither altogether? 

    Many times it scares the shit out of me and I want to go back to asleep / sleepy boy mode.

    But last week I was so depressed and frustrated with my life that solipsism brought back a sense of peace.

    But the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper. I know I'll prolly have a rough time if I really push deep.


  4. I felt like I was wasting my time doing Leo's course.

    I was wrong

    The course is sorta genius

    I have been working the "values" portion lately

    and let me tell ya...

    I find myself having to revise my values as I think more about them and reflect on my week

    Reflect on what I dont like, struggles and so forth

    And so I revise them my writing prompts for the course

    Hence, I now have a pathway towards achieving it -- based on my personality, based on my personal experiences and reflections

    So basically you are  priming your mind to seek out the solutions to your problems. To your life.

    Problem being a life that does not align with your values

    Call it a dream, yea sure, whatever... I would prefer a bit of a different dream ;)

    Anyway, if you been thinking about buying the course...

    What are you waiting for. For a small price of $249 you can start to reconfigure your mind towards the life that you want.

    Fuck a "solution" based product teaching you how to do a specific thing.

    Leo's program will aid your mind to create its own solutions specific to YOU

    You dont need to pay 1000 for some guru business course.

    That's like paying for a diamond for $1000 (like a dropshipping course)

    versus paying $250 for the diamond factory (Leo's course)


  5. 3 hours ago, Emerald said:

    I used to have a lot of these fears when I was in my 20s. And it's hell to think about it this way because it genuinely can feel like you're going to age out of lovability. And it creates this pressure to get all the love you can while you're still in your youthful years. And my identity was so wrapped up in this, that it was difficult to untangle.

    I started worrying about aging when I was 16 years old... and the fears peaked in my late 20s.

    Now I'm 35, and my perspective has shifted so much that I'm genuinely out of the woods with it... which I never thought I would be. I feel above it in most ways. It's like being able to see that the emperor has no clothes in a way.

    I had similar feelings of anxiety as a kid. When I was like 8-10 years old, I used to worry that I wouldn't grow out of childish things like playing with toys. But once I got to be a tween/teenager, I wasn't even interested in toys anymore.

    There are a few things that helped shift my paradigm most of all.

    The first thing was to realize that I was projecting my dynamic with my mom onto men as a whole group. And one of my traumas was aging out of my connection with my mom... as we were very close until I was 8 and then the relationship became strained. And so, I transferred a lot of feelings about my mom onto boys and eventually onto men where I was trying to get the love where it felt impossible to get the love and that any love and admiration that I got from men would be lost with age.

    The second thing was to see the vulnerability in men as they age. Young men are often not as conscious of this as young women are. But men want to love and be loved too. And they are really capable of loving a woman, even if you seem to see evidence online that they're not on all these alpha male podcasts. And that love extends far beyond looks... even if they are consciously fixated upon more lustful things and looks. Eventually, (usually by the mid-30s to early 40s at the latest) men start wanting to settle down and create families. But they have to first get past the fantasies of being the playboy first, if they have those. Otherwise, they will feel they're missing out. And men who end up leaving their wife in search of a very young woman are often trying to live out a fantasy that they feel will make their life somehow more fulfilling... usually to find that it doesn't scratch the itch.

    The third thing was to find secure connections and be able to define my identity outside of being desirable to the male gaze. Honestly, the male gaze is not very meaningful if you know what really drives men to focus on women so much. So, a lot of the attention and adoration that women get from men comes from insecurity and wanting to be the masculine guy with the hot young women who are interested in him. So, it doesn't come from a very deep place when a man looks for a hot young woman. But men are capable of loving very deeply if they can get past this phase. Shame will tend to hang them up in this phase though... looking for the archetypal woman to validate him.

    But most of all, getting to know mature men as friends is helpful in dispelling feelings like men aren't capable of loving and being attracted to a woman beyond youthful appearance. 

    very smart girl / human / whatever...

  6. Yes but not in a forced way generally speaking.

    So what has worked is to not make it a big deal and maybe baby step it at first.

    Meditate for only a few minutes.

    Then things take a momentum of their own because you actually enjoy doing something difficult that has a positive effect on my life.

    I could play Xbox out of habit but seems relatively un-challenging, and wont have a long term benefit.

    The key is mini habits!

    I mean the key is kinda finding the middle ground, where I nudge myself in the direction I want, without cultivating a negative attitude towards it because I am forcing myself.

  7. 1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

    They don’t for everyone 

    or at least people can be very destabilized for long periods that can adversely affect your life in ways you can’t currently imagine. 

    Is that purely because you are blind to to the consequences and dissociated from reality

    As in the consequences compound over time unbeknownst to you?

  8. 1 hour ago, bebotalk said:

    Hot women are overhyped. 
    Sure, it's good to date people one finds attractive. But looks aren't everything in a partner. 

    It's a bit infantile to want the hottest babe. For whom? One's ego? to show off to others? the point of dating is connection. it's about wanting a trophy. 

    hot women are scummy people anyhow. the brain of every hot woman alive is just been warped by early life experiences of being spoilt due to looks. they assume others have to look up to them, and don't comprehend nor get give and take. they get their bfs and husbands to beat people up who don't look up to them. and they don't get they add to social situations and it's all about them. they assume they are "on top" in every situation, even when it's not warranted. 

    Even if a hot woman was a passive angel, her looks would still turn me off on that basis. 

    I completely agree with you.

    Still, I'm sure you would agree that Russian girl's are by far the hottest