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Posts posted by Anderz

  1. 28 minutes ago, Jennjenn said:

    Pelosi is live right now calling for the immediate removal of Trump. 
    And also to the removal of  president of the capitol police 


    Wow, she really did say that the event was instigated by Trump and calls for the use of the 25th Amendment. I thought people talking about invoking the 25th Amendment were overreacting, but Nancy Pelosi is in a real position of political power and is making official statements.

  2. I watched the Trump speech and he did say that they were to go to the capitol, but it never occurred to me that the crowd would storm Capitol Hill. But now when I think about it, Trump must have been aware of that possibility because of all the information he gets from law enforcement and the intelligence community. So that's pretty suspicious! Sure, those who stormed the building could have been agent provocateurs, but even that would have been something Trump would have anticipated. So I'm totally confused about what is going on.

  3. Instead of impeachment, they could also use the 25th amendment:


    "The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do their job, the Vice President becomes the President." - Wikipedia

    Who knows what will happen! This is getting unprecedented.

    Edit: I now found that Trump has accepted the certification. So a plausible scenario is that not much will happen,


    ""Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th," Trump said in the statement released overnight after Congress certified his defeat." - CNN, Jan 7, 2021


  4. The crystallized Matrix which constitutes society at the personal stage is grounded in the belief in lack of sufficient requisite variety to deal with reality. And that Matrix outsources that same belief to the population in this personal stage society.

    The trick, then, to reverse that trend, is to recognize that the future does have enough requisite variety to deal with all of reality, for it is all of reality at a more evolved state at the manifested level.

  5. As I mentioned earlier, the content of the crystallized ego is different for each person while the structure is common among all people at the personal stage. So the structure of the crystallized ego is collective! It's a result of social and biological evolution. I find it useful to examine the structure of the crystallized ego from a collective perspective. We are a part of the personal stage "Matrix" and serve it simply by having our own crystallized egos.

    The primary mechanism I have noticed is that crystallized structure generates confusion and we strive to resolve the confusion which maintains and builds the crystallized ego. The crystallized ego shouldn't be dismantled prematurely since it serves the purpose of making us develop as individuals at the personal stage. It's only when we want to transcend the personal stage that the crystallized ego should start to be dismantled. And this can be done I theorize by mindfully observing the confusion-crystallization cycle.

  6. I got angry when listening to the U.S. Congress session today. And I'm not even an American! I examined the anger and it seems to stem from deep subconscious tensions.

    And the tensions are a result of social conditioning and biological inheritance. That's the crystallized ego! So lots of the crystallized ego exists on a subconscious level and can be revealed through observing agitating emotions and thoughts.

  7. Is the crystallized ego an illusion? No! It's real and the past is real. The delusion is in how it believes itself to be a separate entity. And also that the past is something that it has experienced outside of the now.

    Have we ever experienced anything outside of this present moment? Our personal memories tell us, yes we have lived in the past. And the memories are correct, but not the interpretation of them! Am I absolutely sure about my claim? No, but logically it's consistent and also direct experience is of the memories now, and only now.

    One practice is to flatten memories and examine them as information in the now and only that. And also to notice that what we perceive as future is our memories rehashed and projected into an estimated future, not the actual future.

  8. I have started to think that death is an illusion. Because from a nondual perspective reality is a wholeness which is changeless. And even aging is an illusion! Because we are all zero seconds old.

    The past is information experienced in the now and only in the now. So nobody has ever lived in a past outside of the now, because there isn't any such past. The crystallized ego is made of the past and believes that the past is separate from itself. Thus the crystallized ego is totally deluded.

  9. How will the global mind work? I think it's simply a higher abstraction level of mind. Higher abstraction means that more meaning can be captured with less information. Take the word 'iPhone' for example. That word is a label for a lot of things such as iPhone models, the iPhone infrastructure and connected to Apple Inc. and indirectly to the whole information society and so on. So that word is an example of a high abstraction level.

    Now take the abstraction concept one step further and make it billions of times more powerful. Then a single thought can capture an enormous amount of information and meaning. And in this way the global mind can think at the same speed as our individual minds yet be able to handle vastly more information.

  10. Whoa! One expert said that China already has quantum communication between two cities. I believe that Stephen Wolfram is correct that quantum computation might be infeasible in practice. However, quantum communication is something different than quantum computing.


    "Quantum communication is another promising technology which is likely to contribute considerably towards two essential criteria of 6G, namely extremely high data rate and security [15]. The inherent security feature of quantum entanglement that cannot be cloned or accessed without tampering it, makes it a rightful technology for 6G and beyond systems. A number of works already demonstrated initial practical implementation of quantum key distribution (QKD) and associated protocols." - IEEE Magazine

    So before capitalism becomes obsolete, it will probably be 5G that becomes obsolete! And that quantum 6G will replace essentially all digital communication technologies. I heard 2030 mentioned for 6G. I think it can be achieved much faster than that, and with quantum communication.

    Edit: I looked into quantum communication and it seems that it's only for enhanced security such as secure key transmission. So it's not non-local communication since entangled states are sent through ordinary channels such as fiber optics or radio waves. But still, the 6G perspective is still valid. I read one article mentioning that 5G will actually be insufficient and that 6G will be needed instead.

    Edit2: I now discovered one big advantage with quantum communication. It can be used for long range communication with high bandwidth. In 5G the signals are very short ranged and easily blocked by buildings and trees etc.


    "Quantum physics makes nearly everything better, and communications is no exception. Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST – Gaithersburg, Maryland) are experi­menting with a low-frequency magnetic radio, using very low-frequency (VLF) digitally modulated magnetic signals. Its signals are able to travel through building materials, in water, and underground farther than conventional electromagnetic communications signals that operate at higher frequencies.

    ... “Classical communications involve a trade-off between bandwidth and sensitivity. We can get both with quantum sensors,” Howe says." - Military Embedded, Feb 20, 2018


  11. Something I predict will happen is that as we move into the transpersonal stage fear will melt away. It's even valid to say that the entire crystallized ego is a bundle of fear. Everything we do at the personal stage is grounded in fear. Even when we don't experience fear on a conscious level there is still a subconscious foundation of fear at the personal stage.

    And I mean that all fears will melt away, and then be included again at a higher level at the transpersonal stage. And this is related to the development of a collective consciousness. I think of our next evolutionary leap like how Bruce Lipton described it with his idea of fractal evolution that our whole planet will become one organism. So for example, when we meet a wild bear in nature there will be no fear! Because the bear and ourselves are at the transpersonal stage the same planetary organism.

  12. If the fluid ego is what we have at the transpersonal stage and that it includes the realization of nonduality (transcending the separate individual), then how can it be called an ego, as in a separate individual? I call it fluid ego since the individual self will be transcended and included, in an integral way.

    Then how to explain that there still is a separate individual from a nondual perspective? My explanation is that the human soul is an eternal and changeless point within reality. So the human soul is a separate individual perspective! It's just that at the transpersonal stage the individual perspective will expand into a collective consciousness.

  13. @Claymoree Yes, I wrote somewhere that China has "harvested" western technologies. My guess is that China ironically is very conservative with thousands of years of political experience. And to progress requires innovation which China because of its immense historical legacy has had problem with I think. So they have looked at what western countries have invented, and copied it. And now they are building on that foundation. And very efficiently!

    And because of China's vast history they know how to cleverly play the game. In terms of political and business manipulation they can run circles around the western powers. So what I believe will happen in the next few years is an amazing technological development in China. Here is one example:


  14. Stages of human development can be looked at as both structure and content. At the personal stage the content of the crystallized ego is of course different for each person, and at the same time the structure of the crystallized ego is the same for everybody!

    And the structure of the crystallized ego is that it believes itself to be separate from "God". That's the principle of Satan, the prince of this fallen world. It's not a mistake. It's a necessary stage of separation (the fall of humanity) for the purpose of developing unique individuals with increasing levels of personal integrity.

    Leo's video about the devil illustrates the structure of the crystallized ego.


  15. I don't know much about world politics or the situation in countries around the world, but the picture often presented in western media of China as a communist dictatorship is misleading I suspect. The west will refuse to adopt the Chinese system I think, but I expect there to be an increased global integration in which China will play a pivotal role. Here is a recent deal between the EU and China:


    "China's president and European leaders met Wednesday to mark their agreement on an investment deal between the European Union and China despite a request for talks on the issue by the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden.

    Chinese President Xi Jinping, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron joined EU leaders Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel in a video conference to conclude negotiations over the deal, which removes a number of barriers to European companies' investment in China." - NPR, Dec 30, 2020

    And China is more progressive than one might believe. For example plastic bags are removed in Beijing to save the environment.

    And China has done a tremendous job of reducing poverty in the country, and continues to do so.

    Unregulated capitalism is unlikely to remove poverty and more likely increase the wealth inequality. And too heavy regulation of the free market leads to inefficiencies. China's capitalist model is more successful than both capitalism and socialism. One problem is the Orwellian control. A possible solution for a global system is an integration of China and the west. Capitalism will then still play a large role but it will become obsolete as the dominating force for production of goods and services.

  16. Letting go of confusion is the same as dissolving tensions. That's great, but I now have an even more advanced approach. It's the crystallized ego that has (is made of) chronic tensions that produce confusion. The fluid ego is free from chronic tensions. And the crystallized ego is only a temporary stage of development necessary in order to go from undifferentiated oneness and into development of an individual person as a seemingly separate self. There isn't any actual separate self, so when the crystallized ego has served its purpose as a vehicle for personal development it will dissolve as we move into the transpersonal stage.

    The new approach is to simply expect the crystallized ego to dissolve automatically. And that this will happen because of the understanding of the evolutionary process of going from the personal stage and into the transpersonal stage.

  17. Now I have an even more radical method. Maybe too radical but I want to explore and document it. The practice is to focus on confusion and then let the confusion go.

    Sadhguru says that the mind is always confused. And as I see it that's true about the thinking mind. Thought is always limited as J. Krishnamurti said so there will always be confusion when we are stuck in thinking.