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Posts posted by Nivsch

  1. The covid vaccine works, but every manipulation on our biology has its prices even if the chances of dangerous side effect are very low it is still a valid concern.

    Not every anti vaccine claim is equaly false or stupid. There are also smart insights some claims are based on in their essence.

    But when the benefit outweight the price, then vaccination is the better choice at least at the beginning of the pandemic it was true in my opinion.

    Personally I chose to do the first and second covid vaccine, but not the third one that turned out to be not really necessary to young people, which was also right before the weaker varient Omicron started.

    I don't believe complex health problem can be solved only with psychology, but it is wise to use it too. It is mainly about hard work with a broad and holistic approach over a long time.

  2. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Just because the Palestinians breed vigorously does not mean ethic cleansing hasn't been happening.

    The claim is not that Israel will succeed in exterminating all the Palestinians. The claim is more subtle than that. Obviously in the 21st century ethnic cleansing must be done in a more nuanced way than in centuries past.

    But all the peace offers contradicts that.

    And the situation right now is difficult to judge, because what happens now is an explosion from a feeling of fear and terror been accumulated in the Israelis for 30 years and the last straw 3 months ago cause them to explode.

  3. @Vrubel Yes. After the the peace agreement with Jordan, Israel was determined to make peace also with Syria and with the Palestinians, at least that was the vibe I got from my family and my surrounding at that time. But is was exploded on the Israelis in october 2000 when the palestinians chose to start the second intifada right after Camp David.

  4. @martins name Thank you a lot and I will try this!

    I found out today again that there is another layer of complexity here, because after a while, the desire to dive into the emotions starts to be counter productive, and then actually to do the opposite and let the system run its own course without trying to improve it, this is actually the most therapuetic action at that moment.

    This is always changing and more tricky than what it seems. In the essense its like to walk in a dark cave when every step takes you closer to be more unite, accepting and loving, but you never know exactly what will be the next step and this is always suprises you.

    Thats the reason in my opinion why CBT, DBT and another every fixed psychological method is still so limited and gross. Without independent thinking on this I would never get to reduce significantly my ocd, I got to succeed to do and to reach the relatively good situation I am in today only with a self reliance trans method attitude.

    I want to say that actually I am very into to feel directly my emotions and often times I am kind of friendly with this so this is not my concern.

  5. Its been couple of years the I have a beliefe that it is, maybe, enough to just feel the emotions fully and to enough time in order to gradually understand yourself better through communication with your subconscious directly, and that intelectualization about the emotiom/thought gets in the way of it, and actually breaks that connection and prevent you from really tapping into your subconscious and your so to speak higher self.

    But I don't know, because if it was so simple, then the magic of this therapy process would diminish and in some sense I don't want it to be so simplistic, and I really think that some intelectualization and a complex inner communication is helpful or maybe necessary. And this is interesting for me to know what do you think?

    And after all, there is no a clear line between to just flow with an emotion/thought and to also think about it very consciously (to intelectualize) and we are always found anywhere in the scale.

  6. 2 hours ago, Merkabah Star said:

    I love how the Israelis here think they are fighting some big war. all they did was bomb the fuck out of the place, and still are,  killing women and children and destroying everything in sight before they went in, oh so bravely, to fight on the ground. So brave to fight against the “savages” who have no major weapons, maybe some children will throw rocks at them?. Better bomb and kill 50 people for that, that seems moral and fair. 

    Any idiot can see they are going to push everyone out of Gaza and make it Israel. Next step will be taking over southern Lebanon, in their moral fight for humanity, then they can ship everyone from Gaza to southern Lebanon. Egypt might be paid by the USA to take some. That’s my prediction. 


     I see it in another way,

    A country that been tortured by a terror organization that traumatized thousands of children in shelters since 2000, murdered hundrets of Israelis in suicide bombing when their fellows refused any peace suggestion you can think of, causing Israel to do countless operations when hiding, using and disguising to civilians making the world put the pressure on the wrong side drawing Israel as an opressor when it doesn't deserve this, and in the end kills, rape, butches and kidnapp 1600 Israelis.

    Thats why Israel has been exploded.

    The moralizers can get down their mountain and visit here for couple of days or stay quiet.

    Enough is enough. Israel response might have flaws tactically but absolutely and utterly understandable to me.

  7. 4 hours ago, zazen said:

    US did say to lower the intensity of the war by new year. IDF partially pulling out of Gaza now - maybe to be redeployed in the north after the Hamas leader drone attack in Beirut? Quite a escalation to pull Hezbollah and US into the war.

    The commander who was eliminated today was from what I heard the big brain behind all the terror initiations of hamas in the west bank. Quite important and significant I think.

    Stage three of the war with less soldiers and more concentrated operations against hamas will take at least one year and no south africa nor anything will prevent that from happening.

  8. 8 minutes ago, hundreth said:

    It's generally a no win situation for Israel, whose aid money is stolen and turned back into attacks against them. I believe if Israel could fund the Palestinians into a peaceful and prosperous state, they would. Especially with Hamas in place, this isn't possible. 

    Right now no one should be sending them money, all it does is fund Hamas. There's a path forward, but will involve the international community having feet on the ground. Even if the world sent billions of dollars, it wouldn't solve a thing. There needs to be a direct intervention here.

    +1 🧡

  9. hamas is firing missiles on israeli villages near gaza strip since the year 2000, traumatizing thousands of children who had only 15 seconds to catch a safe zone, for years.

    That was the reason to the countless operations Israel did during the last 15 years. Smart and intelligence based operations in an average surgicality of ~70% I checked them all and calculated myself.

    This surgicality rate is quite good if we consider hamas strategy to hide, use and disguise to civilians.

    I read this quote which is fulled of La La land mentality. Light years away from being any decent, mature or fair critisizm.

  10. 9 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    I would advise the people on this thread to be more critical of the sources you share. They are mostly highly selected snippets from purposeful and obvious propaganda channels. 

    As pro-Israel as I am, I still can see when propaganda skews the truth and is too eager to jump to conclusions from both sides. For example, I don't like the title of the Iran video. Quickly jumping to a conclusion that fits your agenda is a sign of a mushy mind that cannot be taken seriously or at least with a huge grain of salt. 

    Yes this is brainwashing.

    Every 6 hours to just flood the thread with links to the most extreme cases and out of thousands mostly right and that have a reason for.

    I have read an article about a commander who say from his experience that hamas has its footprint in almost every house in Gaza.

    You can argue on that but please people here are naive and don't understand that what is right to the western world isn't right in the middle east.