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Posts posted by Nivsch

  1. 14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    IDF is a gang of young men raised in wealth, given a gun and told to shoot people.

    I was in the IDF. Not a troop but still got a gun like everyone. From what I have been tought and educated there, this isn't true at all.

    To say many IDF soldiers has not lost their sanity out of revenge emotions? I can't say that because this, however, is true. I wish it wasn't.

  2. 9 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    What is striking is when the US media who throws tantrum on the slightest remark of racism in the US is dead silent of the gross injustices on apartheid state of Israel.

    Provide a reasonable example for that or don't drop dehumanization slogans to the air.

    There is racism. No apparheid. I added an hour long interview of an arab muslim in the thread I opened she is here from birth and disagree with you.

    You know what leave it. Think what fits you. Anyway the discussion here devolved into a competition and not truth.

  3. On 6.4.2024 at 1:21 AM, Yimpa said:

    How do you embrace more of your dark side? 

    Two years ago my anxiety had a big flare up that was constantly accompanied by health anxiety, such as for example - fear that a certain very harsh movement in my body or my head could harm or even kill me (because maybe do something to the brain etc) so what I felt is that I must do the movement, to see that it didn't hurt me, and then I relaxed. There were such unrational anxiety attacks all the time.

    But then, one day in the winter of 2022, I was at my Dad's house, and then again such a thought came. But this time, I really gave in to the thought and agreed to accept the position of the thought's content. Ok anxiety. Maybe there is a 1% chance that this bad thing could happen. Then a magic happened and the anxiety just dissolved and was no longer threatening. The sense of danger is gone.

    From that moment I began to see the thoughts differently, and to understand that making an alliance with them is the truly right way. I really began to understand that the disturbing thoughts are not against us, they just wear a scary mask, but the solution is actually to unite with them and trust them. Because, a one interpetation I like to take, is that they represent a fear of the inner child who just needs love and a certain approval from us.

    And the test is to show the brain (the inner child?) that you are willing to sacrifice something from the ego and precisely give the thought something and throw it a bone. It's like he's testing you, deliberately putting a scary thought on you to test your love for him, and you have to be brave and agree with it a little, and after you've passed the test he basically tells you "I've cheated on you, there's no danger at all".

    Becuse what I think happens here is that returning love to yourself is a challenging process, manifests itself as scary masks that translate to you this fact in a very twisted way. You can never think that something your mind is sending you is against you, because than it will become reality. If you try to oppose your brain, it will give you back more scary content because it is you all the time! Acting like a mirror.

    The process still isn't thrivial nor linear, and everytime I see I need to do a slightly different action, what makes sense of course, because widening the limits is always like walking to the unknown.

  4. On 7.4.2024 at 6:10 AM, Leo Gura said:

    And Hitler was a vegetarian.


    This thread is not to show how wonderful we are, but to somehow fix an incredibly cruel dehumanization I feel we are going through in other threads here and in the media. Of course the blame is not at all on you but on immature users.

    Believe me I have my own identity I have built to far away from only shallow nationalistic ideas, but from the moment this war started it gets to me too.

    I know that maybe my talking are being filtered now to as less important because Israelis are talking from a privilleged position, but this is a skewed paradigm. Jews and Arabs in this whole land (including west bank and Gaza) are almost equal in their number. 7.1 million Jews to 6.7 million Arabs. And also similar in the size of area they live on.

    The only difference is that Israelis Jews were "unfortunate" to become much stronger militarily because this was the only way to survive against 6 Arab countries, and from that, an illusionary, highly skewed picture of 'oppression' is being created.

    Don't get me wrong there are indeed big problems in the way Israelis manage this friction I agreed to in the conversations here, but this is still very far from being this A-symmetric fantasy scheme Al jazeera and the like are trying to draw.

  5. 10 hours ago, Raze said:

    Every year the UN has a proposal on the two states settlement and Israel and the U.S. block it. The PLO gave up armed resistance decades ago and now they’re at the mercy of violent settlers. When Israel made peaceful settlement impossible they made violent resistance inevitable.

    When Israel let thousands of Gazans to work in its area for years, when Israel proposed the palestinians countless times a solution for the conflict, when Israel built a billion dollars fence to not have to mess with Gaza, when Israel gave hamas hunderds of million of dollars of qataric money for years to help him become more moderate...

  6. 10 hours ago, Emerald said:

    Those things are all well and good... but being more open to gay people and having more Vegans doesn't mean that the Israeli government isn't committing a genocide.

    Lots of imperialist nations have very socially progressive people within them (the US is one of them)... but it doesn't mean that their treatment of those in countries/cultures considered "other" will be fair or just or good.

    I can undersrand the concern when a foregin country (from your view) bombs a small country for a while when after that the aid for this country people started to lessen. This smells bad and listen. I can really understand the conotations it brings.

    But a good production still doesn't mean reality. When I, at least, take a closer look I see no real "flesh" inside this eco chambered genocide narrative of the anti Israeli camp, and I wrote what I think countless times, so I want to ask you, if you disagree with me, why do you think there is a genocide?

    Nevertheless, what I can admit is that Netanyahu's policy is highly irresponasible, harmful, cost lives of Gazans, clumsy, selfish, personal survival based and amateur in the way he manage this war. I think on that we can maybe both agree.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

    The Chatgtp version:

    In the meadow's arid grasp, where plants wither and gasp, Stands the thistle, bold and grand, defying drought's demand. While others wilt and fade away, its verdant hue won't sway, For the thistle, ever tough, in resilience, reigns each day.

    This is really true. They are the last ones to stay after everything dry out at the beginning of May.

    Another photo of them I took today, in Modiin, which is exactly in the middle way betweem the coastal plan and Judea mountain - the mountain shelf.


  8. 6 minutes ago, yetineti said:

    Israel has overreacted. They have killed a completely disproportionate amount of people many of which are women and children.

    Do you add to this equation the human shield strategy of hamas, or you think they are innocent and dumb that just surrender their physical inferiority and let IDF kill them?

    9 minutes ago, yetineti said:

    own people waving white flags.

    Right. A mistake of IDF.

    10 minutes ago, yetineti said:

    Israel has overreacted


    12 minutes ago, yetineti said:



  9. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Like Palestinians? ;)

    Leo I understand this whole issue is so complicated right now and you don't have to agree with me, but what would you do if your friends and their family members you know from Las Vegas were hostages in mexico and found in a risk of executing, when their parents, friends and siblings are blocking the border to reduce aid from entering the bombed mexico in order to put much more pressure on mexico leaders - when they know much of this aid is abused and utilized by mexican terror groups for themselves - until mexico leaders will agree to release their loved ones.

    Would you just arrest them with all of your power? or that you would round the edges, and let them partially block the passage because you identified with them deeply?


    2 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    @Nivsch The thistles are blooming I see. They are one of my favorite plants because they can survive in arid and hostile conditions and yet are so beautiful.

    Yes they are now at their peak :)

    2 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Maybe a metaphor for something, I don't know(;


    I will send you more photos I took in my trip soon.

  11. A poll from 2016 📊

    Another poll from 2017:

    Another source says even 79% while 60% are purely for (same sex) marriage:

    Why Tel Aviv Is One of the Most LGBTQ-Friendly Cities in the World:

    Jerusalem too does not stay behind with thousands march in 2023:


    Veganism 🥑🍏

    Israel ranks 3rd on list of 2020's most popular countries for vegans:

    How did Tel Aviv became the vegan capital of the world?


    Two States solution 🇮🇱🇵🇸

    Approximately 50% of the Israelis support two states solution, a detailed analysis inside:

    Israeli views on the peace process from Wiki:

    Note that honestly oct 7th event might and probably will somehow complicate this picture.


    Appartheid?! 🤷‍♂️ 🕌⛪️

    Lucy Aharish, the most popular Arab Muslim Journalist in the Israeli mainstream media in an in depth (1 hour long) video. Don't worry this is a well balanced very authentic self-documented video on which she talks also about problems she went through including racism. Worth watching:


    SD Green spirituality 🎑 🌱

    New Age festivals. Quite strong in Israel:

    I will add more content I will find to this thread to show our advanced aspects of our society to contribute to a more real, balanced and fair big picture.

    Hope you enjoy reading, and every question or concern of course ask freely.

    Jerusalem pride parade 2023

    Gay parade jerusalem.jpg

  12. Fundamentaly emotions cannot be grasped but relatively to one another. That is why if you want to feel more happiness you need to embrace more your dark side. Happiness in its root correlated perfectly with your ability to love yourself, but love is being tested when it is difficult.