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Posts posted by Actualizer777

  1. @ivankiss But why does he not say it in a way where I cannot interpret it like this. It seems like he actively wants to communicate the idea of relative solipsism. Otherwise he could say: "Other people have the same illusion of identity and subjectivity as you but all of it is imagined by the real YOU". Instead he says only my perspective exists. Only what is in front of me right now.

  2. @An young being But it doesn't sound like that. Look at Leo's first response in this post:

    User asks: So are other people also having an experience of life the way I am?

    Leo says: No. You imagine that. Your consciousness is absolute.

    And later on: You are typing a message to yourself because you are asleep and seeking to awaken.

    As if Leo doesn't have a relative perspective the way I (Actualizer777) have one.

  3. @ivankiss So this does mean that all of this is an imagination in the mind of god (in MY mind) but at the same time God (or I) subdivides itself into seemingly separate identities? Meaning that I am my Mom and my Mom is me. I am you and you are me. But in the same way that this avatar seems to have it's own perspective, my mom's avatar and yours are having seemingly separate perspectives?

  4. @ivankiss  Ok but the question is whether there only exist the thoughts of my (Actualizer777) avatar or if similar thoughts exist for you (ivankiss). I am not talking about the metaphysical understanding of this. If all of this is fake or imagined. I just want to know if my mom, Leo, you etc. exist at least in the same fake way that this avatar right here (Actualizer777) exists.

  5. @Someone here It is not possible right now for me and it is driving me crazy. I would love to follow the path to awakening but this misinterpretation pushes me away from it. It leads me to wanting to end my life. But Leo himself said that if his teachings are causing depression or nihilism, one is misunderstanding them. And I just want to know if I am misunderstanding solipsism to be about my ego. I don't have issues with absolute solipsism. Everything being god and all of us not really existing but existing as partitions and simultaneous dreams of god. But in this one thread it doesn't sound like that. It sounds like he is saying I am the only partition. Nobody else is a partition but just images in my limited perspective.

  6. @Yimpa  I don't understand your answer. See, the problem is I am really struggling with this. I am not well mentally because of this. I appreciate the fact that this is hard to articulate but I would love to hear an answer that my limited perspective can somewhat understand. I am extremely depressed and suicidal because of this idea of relative solipsism.

    So I just want to know if Leo means absolute solipsism as in "there is no SELF but YOU" on a high level or if he literally means that this avatar right now is the ONLY first person hallucination or imagination of GOD. Or if my mom, Leo, you etc. are all also a first person hallucination of GOD that this particular avatar right now is oblivious to.

  7. @Someone here  Yes but this is exactly what my question is. I have this same experience in this point of view. And Leo's infinity of gods video would be inline with there being multiple such experiences, even though when viewed from an absolute higher consciousness level they are all one and illusions. But in this thread and in the solipsism video he literally says that there is only one limited ego perspective, which would even contradict infinity. Infinity, since it is infinite, would include infinitely many subjective points of view, at least on a relative level.

  8. @Someone here But in this threads he answers the questions as if he himself doesn't even have a conscious experience. Even on the relative level. He communicates to the person reading this that there is just this limited perspective. He explicitly states that it's not from the absolute view but from the ego view. That's what doesn't make sense to me. And I would like to know how this does not contradict the infinite gods insight, where there is a sovereign god behind every person even though it is all one.

  9. Hello, I have a very important question that aims to clarify a misunderstanding I have. I watched Leo's video "New Kind Of Awakening: Infinity Of Gods". There he talks about the fact that solipsism is always true on an absolute level. There is always just one consciousness, one infinity. All is one. That is absolute solipsism.

    I agree with that and I understand this. But I also watched his video on Solipsism and I saw this forum thread:

    Leo uses very clear language here to suggest metaphysical solipsism on a subjective relative level as well, which contradicts what he says in his newer video about infinity of gods.

    So my question is: While understanding that fundamentally there is only the I or God or Infinity and every "other" is imagined, are these other imaginations happening in the same way that my Avatar is being imagined right now? So is the Avatar of my mother imagined in the same way that my Avatar is imagined from a first person perspective? On a relative illusory level at least? Because in the thread Leo clearly says NO only the limited experience right in front of this Avatar's eyes is all that exists. Which contradicts the infinity of gods.