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Posts posted by Peo

  1. Next year i'm finally old enough to vote, so how do i find the most conscious people and politics to vote for. I dont know how America works, but where i come from we have different parties to vote for. The right is more stage orange and more for free marked and less tax for ritch people. The left is more socialist for more goverment  regulation.

    My question is the left more comscious then the right?

    How do i measure what is the most conscious parti?

    Is spiral dynamics a great tool to measure for conscious politics?

  2. 49 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Of course psychedelics will never be legalized in places below stage Green.

    Scandinavian contries i do consider orange/green. They might have more green then America. I thought Scandinavian contries would be more open minded to legalizing psychedelics, but they are just so closed minded, even tho they have some green in them self. Weed has been legalized in some states in America and in canada. How can contries like Norway, Danmark, Finland and sweden not legalized weed and psychedelics.

  3. When Leo explained that non-existence did not exist i finally understod it. The duality bettween non-existence and existence collapsed. I have heard Leo talking about that non-existence does not exist before, but i did not really take it seriously. It just went through one hear and the other hear. While Leo collapsed the duality between existence and non-existence i immediately became conscious that everything is existence. My heart beat was raising and just said wow.

    Is there more depth to understanding?

    Am i just scratching the surface?

  4. I am no master in meditation, but i can silent my mind during self inquiry. Well not always, but sometimes i can. I actually manage to silent my mind and have deep equanimity my few first time doing self inquiry. I also manage to have an awakening experience with 50 min self inquiry. Maybe i was just lucky. For some reason when i am really serious about self inquiry and i concentrat i can suddenly silent my mind. Once i silent the mind wired shit happens to me and i my consciousness changes. I am basically in a different state.

    Maybe this is an cool ability i have or it just might be luck. I have to do some more testing and see if i'm able to silent my mind at will. I just find it wired that i can silent the mind for minutes with doing meditation just for 8 months and far away form mastery.

  5. 1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Remove all preconceived notions.  Consciousness is not emptiness per say.  You have a concept in your mind when you are meditating that you are gonna have a revelation of emptiness but that's an illusion in itself.

    No i actally experienced emptiness or not-knowing. I had zero concept in my mind, i was just in pure no mind state in some few minutes. Let me ask you this is it normal to have intense fear and your heart beating really fast when have you have a concept of the emptiness in your mind.

  6. I have been geting pretty frustrated with self inquiry latelly. I manage to get a enlightenment experience just doing 2 or 3 days self inquiry. In the beginning i had many experience of emptiness. This summer nothing, but looking at this emptiness or in other word my true self and waiting for awakening to strike me like lightning. I dont know what is happening. Maybe i was just lucky in the beginning. Self inquiry sorta feels like playing online video game. Gamers always want to be the best and get all the good stuff. Many gamers rage quit when they lose. I also almost just want to rage quit doing this self inquiry. 

    Any advice how to deal with furstration?

  7. 3 minutes ago, Howard said:

    Do you assume yourself to be a body? And that consciousness is something inside the body?

    No it is just so empty that to try to think about the emptiness or describe it is allerede too much. Time it self dosent even any longer exist. It is just pure formlessness.


    7 minutes ago, Howard said:

    What happens to consciousness when you go to deep sleep?

    It is just empty.

  8. Women are indeed weird creatures. you want sex with her, but she says nah bro i'm good. Sorta like you want your dog to do some awsome tricks instead the dog just stands there and looks at you. You just gone have to be better at understanding women and how they think. You need be a scientist study every move and the slightest movement they make. Study how their psychology works. Although you first need to set  a hypothesis just like you learned in school, before you do a experiment. You need to take brain scan so you know if they are in the left side or the right side. 

    Eventually you will know exactly what to say to get her to have sex with you.