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Posts posted by Peo

  1. 2 hours ago, Ramanujan said:

    but i am 27 . in India people have bachelors and masters by this age

    A master degree only takes 5 years, by the time you are 32 years old you can have a degree. Still very young yet. Also don't compare yourself to others Some people go back to school when they are 40. so why do you care about what age other people are. 

  2. After quite a few trips on shrooms I have started to contemplate what reality and existence is. My conclusion is that consciousness can take any form it likes. My mind is imagining me as an ego. In a sense I am creating reality with my own mind. Although when I am sober it stays rather finite. If I take a high dose of shrooms it all starts to become crazy fluid. 

    Also another insight I got is that reality is just really different perspectives on existence in both the mundane human life, but also at different states of consciousness. After many trips, I feel like I don't know anything. Not knowing is more truthful than anything else. What is really the Absolute truth? Is there such a thing as an absolute truth? 

    The problem is that on a psychedelic trip my mind can come up with a bunch of nonsense or maybe shrooms are bad for spiritual work. Need to try some other psychedelics before I can be sure though. For example one time after a trip I was like now I understand what time is. Then one day I took an even larger dose of shrooms and understood that I was wrong. Time literally does not exist; it is only the present moment that lasts for eternity. My mind is deceiving me with the idea that time is really there.

    How do I know what is the truth when self deception exists? Can’t your own mind deceive you even in a psychedelic trip, so how does Leo sort the falsehood from the truth.

    So how do i know my mind is not deceiving me on a psychedelic trip or with an insight. 

    Can you trust psychedelics to give you the truth?


  3. People here seem to forget there exists something called plastic surgery. You can just get a surgeon either with money or free healthcare to change your physical looks.

    Personaly thats what i did. I was born with a deformed face, so the surgeon fixed me. Not sure if it has helped me to attract more girls tho. It definitely boosted my confident when i go out on nightclubs, no longer so insecure about my looks anymore. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Davino said:

    Take it in the morning after digesting a good breakfast, so that you can eat at midnight when you have hunger.

    Tripping at night in LSD is amazing but it really destroys your night cycle and you'll be very tired the next days. Although you mustr try it at least once, maybe not the first time

    I usually don't like taking drugs in the morning. I do a lot of studying, thinking and exercise in the morning so LSD will prevent me from doing any work. I guess taking 1 day vacation to trip wont do much harm, but still...

  5. I have in possession 3 tabs of LSD 110 uq each.

    I am 21 years old and i have lost count over how many shrooms trips i have done, but a good amount times. 

    I have done 3+ grams of shrooms 4 times now. So I have gotten a bit of experience in using shrooms at higher doses. I have heard LSD is stronger than shrooms so I should be more careful right.


    My questions about LSD:

    • Should I use a trip sitter? 
    • How are shrooms and LSD different from each other? I don't want any surprises. 
    • Can I walk outside in nature? I love looking at trees and clouds melting. I really enjoyed the visual effects of shrooms.
    • Do i just put the tabs in my mouth and it will work? I guess i can also just ask my source. 


  6. I am 21 years old and a very ambitious guy with a lot of passion for life. The only problem is there are just so many things in life I want to do and with limited time. There are so many things I want to master or at least get very good at. Here is a list:

    • Physics
    • Chemistry
    • Math
    • Biology
    • Life-purpose (painting/art)
    • Politics and geopolitics
    • Pick-up (10000 approaches) my goal
    • Working out for health and decent body-physique
    • 100% clean diet.
    • Get rich
    • Speak fluently in German, Spanish and French
    • Learn martial art
    • Reach deepest awakenings one can get to (spirituality)
    • Reach stage stage turquoise spiral dynamics
    • Explore different states on consciousness on over 61 different psychedelics

    I am having a hard time figuring out where to put my time and energy into. It might be a bad idea to focus on all of them at once each day.

    Currently I am working on learning math, chemistry, working out, life-purpose and pick-up. Any pro advice? 

    1. How many things should I focus on during each day, how many hours for each thing? 
    2. What should I prioritize to get the best life possible?
    3.  Can I master more than 1 thing?
    4. How do I learn it all during my lifetime? Learning to speak fluently in German, Spanish and french might take some time. 

  7. So i have done 10 trips on shrooms so far, i have started to sorta understand how shrooms work. I have been analyzing all of my shrooms trips to see the commonalities and differences.  How shrooms morph consciousness and common patterns that occur depending on the dose. 

    Note: This is my own personal experience, these might not be the same case for you, since psychedelics affect everyone differently. 

    For me there occur 2 phases in my shroom trips with common patterns on almost all my trips on dose between 1.5 - 3.5 gram. 

    1. The come up 30 - 120 minutes: This is the worst phase, with the highest probability of a bad trip to occur.

    Physical effects:

    • High heart rate 
    • stomach pain 
    • uncomfortable body load 
    • cold as fuck. Like I wonder if I am sick or have the flu. 

    Then mentally I will get low consciousness desires or thoughts. Feeling horny wanting to have sex or jerk off, play video games, watch porn and listen to music. Then I start to get voices inside my head with negative self-talk. Like telling me “you are a failure” or “you will die alone”. Feeling lonely and wanting to talk to anyone, but a bad idea on shrooms. 

    2. Mid peak and come down 2.5 - 5 hours: If i survive the come up i reach heaven. This is a completely new state of consciousness where I feel ecstasy, love and peace. 

    Physical effects:

    • Uncomfortable body load goes away and I start to feel ecstasy in my body 
    • Getting warm in my body 
    • Heart rate is less intense
    • Feeling very energetic, feeling like taking a walk.

    Visual effects usually occur on 2 grams +. Mentally I get insane clarity, being able to think straight. More in control of what thoughts enter my mind. This clarity sometimes feels so heightened that it gives the illusion of me thinking I am sober. This is why shrooms are such an amazing spiritual tool for contemplation. Not only does it spark clarity, but also curiosity in understanding what reality is. I feel complete. Materialistic desires for sex, money and entertainment fade away. The come down is generally much the same, just less intense. 

    One common pattern in these 2 phases is what I call Singularity of consciousness. If I focus  on a thought, object or a question for long enough I get sucked into it like a black hole. For example if I get negative thoughts and I keep my focus on these thoughts they will intensify and become more rapid. This singularity of consciousness is what will cause a bad trip. Another example if I focus on the question “what is reality”? I will start after some time to get insights into the question and it will affect my ego, where it will lead to ego death. I start to get scared of the question and I feel like I am dying.   

    The good news is that when I start to understand these mechanisms of shrooms, I can make predictions of what will happen during my trip. This helps in controlling the trip for spiritual growth and avoiding bad  trips. Although I would not be able to predict what would happen if I took a dose higher than 3.5 grams, that is unknown territory for me. 

    What are your thoughts on this? Why is the come up such a hell?


  8. @NoSelfSelf Never said i was perfect, they still gave me fake numbers. Also i do plentey of mistakes, i don't really know what the hell i am doing. I just  experiement, try stuff out. Try different lines, see what i can get away with or what would be wired to say. Like saying  "I am to shy to come home with you".  I tried it on different girls to see what their reaction would be. Some laughed other gave me the "your a creep look". 

    I am  totally noob when it comes to talking to girls, never even kissed girl either. I am just trying to get some insights on what i am doing wrong and what i could improve on.

    Sorry if i sounded like i was boasting. I just report what i experience.