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Posts posted by Huz

  1. When I sit down and do doubting/self-inquiry I find it hard to go deep into my mind and find root causes of my behaviour and the foundations of my believes. The answers my mind gives are superficial. There is not structure to the process so and my mind gets easily distracted all the time (would it be better to write it down?). I find it hard to hold onto an inquiring process of a single believe. Can anyone help me with this or provide some questions which you aid me with the process. Or even give a few examples of how the process would work. :)

  2. @Leo Gura 

    You said you only know/embody 1% of self-mastry material, where are all the other 99% of material - are they from direct experience?

    One book from your book list you could only read in your life, which book would you choose?

    Would it be possible for me to come to las vegas and live and train with you (worth a shot lol), if not live then just train/self-actualise :D 

    Can the deep states of awareness that can be experienced by psychedelics be the exact possibly of awareness that can be obtained permanently by doing consciousness/enlightenment work?

  3. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:
    On 4/24/2016 at 8:59 PM, Hans said:

    Leo, you said you have cold-approached probably thousands of girls. How many of them do you still remember or talk to?

    I remember many. I talk to none.

    @Leo Gura What was the point then? Was it just purely for self-development. For me now I am forgetting all the stuff and focusing on enlightenment, then I "think" relationships will be more authentic and easier.

  4. 1 hour ago, Huz said:

    Charlie, here is a thought experiment. Imagine if I had to turn you over to torture chamber in the middle east for 6 months. Would they be able to make you suffer at all, with any method applied to you (eg blow torch, pliers etc)? 

    Would that cause you fear or does it feel the same as say going on a picnic in nature?

    Can consiousness become so liberated that even though the physical body is being destroyed, from a subjective perspective nothing is touched? 

    It had something to do with my reasoning behind this thought experiment

  5. 5 minutes ago, MarkusR said:

    @Huz No suffering ever touches our conscious true-selves right? Does that mean that no suffering was felt by Jesus him-self, it must have pierced through his will and caused him great pain since he was still bound to that body.

    I also wonder the same about those Tibetan monks that burned themselves while meditating. 

    Have you ever tried going into really cold water while meditating, you can enter calmly because it feels like the cold is just happening and it is neither here nor there in the spectrum of pain. But I am guessing that when it gets to that level of pain no one can escape your bodies automatic reaction.

    Yeah, I get this from my experiences from strong determination sitting. Thats why I am asking. There are points where there is a lot of pain experienced. But when you are able to be mindful over it and your thoughts ,the pain doesn't cause you to suffer. My awareness if very low and I can imagine when training your whole life and are self-liberated you can get to stages where you can bare pain unimaginable to us at the moment and it wont cause suffering.

  6. 1 minute ago, Mal said:

    This reminds me of what Christ allegedly said to Pontious Pilate before his alleged crucifixion. 

    "Dont you realise I have the power to have you crucified?"

    Christ replied

    "You would not have this power had it not been given to you from above"

    But, Christ suffered on the cross, didn't he? Reported to have anyway. 

    So what to make of this?

    I believe to people observing his body on the outside it looked like he was suffering. But there was no him to suffer. Him as consiousness wasn't touched.

  7. 17 minutes ago, charlie2dogs said:

    have you ever seen an enlightened being tortured, i have never heard of such a thing.  once a king went to a masters home and when the master didnt respond the way the king wanted, the king said, do you not know that i have the power to take your life, the master replied do you not know that i have the power to let you.

    Nope I haven't. I have heard Jesus being crucified but that is just a story. I was just asking that if it did happen would an enlightened being suffer while being tortured?

  8. 8 minutes ago, Mal said:

    The context is enlightenment work, rather than materialism. I don't see anybody else here apart from these 3 who understands first hand what this work is about. Do you?:) But this is just my assumption really, I've blocked most of the other stuff here because it has no value to me whatsoever. Now that's pompous!


    To me this work is about Truth. That is a state of being, which lies between the web of knowledge you have created and become attached to in your life. It is to question your concepts and what you believed in a very self-honest way. I found numerous techniques that are helping me do this, like deconstructing phenomena through careful observation, sitting and doing absolutely nothing and ways to become consious of consiousness - self enquiry, observing what is true in your experience. 

    It is a way to become liberated from the human identity, which causes the suffering in your life. Then once you have become a being of consciousness you go back to people in the world and guide them to discover their true-self and to help them go through the tough times in which they experience.

    But I have only recently started this work this year and no way near ready to teach a guide people, becuase my ego isn't going with out a fight to say. But I am young and got years ahead.

  9. 1 minute ago, Mal said:



    Identity is contracted energy local to the body. But liberation doesn't mean that consciousness is not also this body. I imagine that would be extremely painful. But just not happening to any particular separate self sense.

    Yes, the pain will be there while being tortured. I was meant to ask wether he would suffer when going through this. 

    It is the resistance to the pain by your identity which causes your suffering. I was wondering that with sufficient awareness, can you say to someone what I just mentioned to Charlie, who is a self-liberated being and them not to be fearful of what is about to happen. Can you still be in equanimity? 

  10. 2 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

    hi markus, the human identity will never know the truth of anything, the human identity is the illusion, the illusion cannot know truth.  so in order to know the truth one must become the truth, and to become the truth one has to become something other than a human being identity body.  the only thing left is consciousness, and to transition from the human being to a being of consciousness, is like being an invisible being with a set of eyeballs floating in space fully aware, fully conscious. existing only in the moment, as an observer of what takes place in that moment, without attachment, without the giving of attention.  to experience the awakened consciousness as a being of consciousness and not the human identity is what enlightenment or self realization is,  it is the realization and the experience of not functioning as the human identity. One teacher stated, I and the father are one,  few have understood that, the term father that was used was representative of consciousness,  and to be one with it is to be self realized. some have this idea that everyone is enlightened, that is nothing more than a newage theory.  until the consciousness that became trapped in the illusion and forgot its true estate,  has fully awakened and taken up its true state of being,  it is only the illusion, what is rooted within consciousness is what is keeping one in the illusion.  Many are primarily gathering information, speculating and making assumptions that end up becoming a belief,  there is no room for a belief system with a self realized being.  to be enlightened or self realized one must achieve a state of liberation, in that the consciousness is cleansed, and the being leaves the physical body as a liberated being, not as consciousness that is trapped in the illusion, still carrying all that has been rooted in it, and the human identity cannot cleanse the consciousness, it can only be done by functioning as a being of consciousness, as it then dissolves and flows away from the liberated being. an enlightened being must maintain at least one desire in order to remain grounded in this dimension.  the experience of being a being of consciousness rather than a human being cannot be fully grasp until it happens and then the dream and illusion is over, in some teachings this is known as the transition from the third eye chakra to the crown chakra, there is no road map for this, no one can take you there, it requires complete surrender and that includes your belief system, programing, and warped perception of life and even your fictitious identity.

    Charlie, here is a thought experiment. Imagine if I had to turn you over to torture chamber in the middle east for 6 months. Would they be able to make you suffer at all, with any method applied to you (eg blow torch, pliers etc)? 

    Would that cause you fear or does it feel the same as say going on a picnic in nature?

    Can consiousness become so liberated that even though the physical body is being destroyed, from a subjective perspective nothing is touched? 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Huz Sure, because Truth technically has nothing to do with morality or proper conduct.

    One could know the Truth and nuke the entire planet, just like one could know that 1+1=2 and then murder their family. Knowing 1+1=2 isn't necessarily connected to any particular mode of behavior. Just because I know 1+1=2 doesn't necessarily mean I'll be nice to you.

    Many spiritual aspirants make the mistake of conflating Truth with moral behavior. The reality is that immoral behavior is equally as true as moral behavior.

    Yep I certainly was a bit skeptical of those scandals to be honest initially. But that there was no free will on the matter, it was just consiousness at play. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, this is one of the wrinkles commonly encountered on this path.

    Traditionally you would be beaten and yelled at for questioning a head monk in a Zen temple.

    And that tradition still runs through many spiritual teachings.

    But also there's something to it. Because many people who come into spiritual work are sooooo off-base that they need a good slap across the face to sober up from all their fantasies. The trick is in finding the right balance between harsh truths and compassion for the clueless newbie. Some teachers are more compassionate than others. Some teachers are less mature and self-developed than others. Some teachers are straight up assholes.

    And even some masters, like one of the most senior Zen masters Joshu Sasaki Roshi have been at the forefront of controversy. He was Shinzen Young's teacher (when Shinzen was himself a master), whom he was described the most senior Zen Roshi in the world and he was engaging in sexual misconduct with students.

  13. 1 minute ago, Leon Bell said:

    Actually I do have first hand experience of what I spoke about. I don't want to get too deep into it, but I have created supplements that use these principles and have helped many people. I don't really want to argue about it, because I have seen the positive impact of my work on others and also your view is as valid as mine, they are both beliefs. Even your belief about beliefs.

    But to change focus back to your main point. And that I completely agree with. The ability to change how you perceive and react to life is amazing. Without meditation I would have never tapped into this world of actualization and growth.

    I like what Leo said about mastering emotions. How you can become a super conductor for them. So I will attempt to do something similar with my withdrawal symptoms. To channel them. I hope one day I can get to the level where I am content with them.

    Maybe my wording was off. By first hand experience I meant that you haven't experienced the brain or the neuro-receptors first hand. But as you said it doesn't matter. I just want you too eventually give up smoking and hope my advice was helpful :) 

    Good luck!

  14. 24 minutes ago, Leon Bell said:

    Nicotine addiction has a very real impact on your brain. Your brain even has special receptors for nicotine, that during withdrawal cause your body to experience discomfort. The receptors raise a "Brain Storm" or neurotransmitter activity overload in your brain. No amount of mindfulness will completely eliminate this process. Ego does not play a role in this mechanism. What meditation can offer is a way to cope with the withdrawal. 

    There is a very real distinction between the body and mind. So when I say the "Body" I mean biological processes you have no control over, and when I say the "Mind" I mean physiological processes you do have control over. Higher Consciousness does not change your Biological structure. I do believe we have Mastery over how we react and perceive messages the brain sends.

    To learn more:

    You can convince your self of these beliefs, and they will only keep you addicted. You have no first hand experience of what you have just said in the first paragraph. You do have first hand experience of what arising in the present moment. I didn't say you have control over the physical sensations your body experiences when you stop smoking and same with the mind. Your mind will do its thing and do its best to draw you back to smoking and with help with the bodily sensations. They will be there. But with sufficient mindfulness you dont have to identify yourself with these phenomena.

    You're labeling things which are making you stuck. Your are labeling withdrawal symptoms as "discomfort". Why are they not comfortable, they are the same phenomena arising in the present moment as the sensations of you sitting down. It is only your mind which creates perspective of comfort and discomfort. With practice your can observe the sensations of withdrawal and become perfectly content with them in the present moment. Thats why meditation is useful, it is self observation, and breaks down the barrier between what I have just mentioned. 

    With me a shift in perspective occurred because the absurdity of what I was doing to body was more significant then sensations experienced. With no external help or nicotine substitutes used.

    I hope you overcome this dude. Good luck :) 

  15. 36 minutes ago, Mal said:

    @Huz No Harri,

    It's not a helpful reminder.  I'm saying that this self development path is a complete illusion. Just talk that gets us nowhere fast. 

    Im done with it.  "Self development" has absolutely nothing to do with being a human being.  It's just baseless ideas being adopted to give one the feeling that they are in control, that goes against ones destiny and makes us more unhappy, locked in some ideological nonsense of improvement.  Shifting ideas around in the dream keeping us locked in the dream and taking us away from any real opportunities for change. It's indeed a trap but something we all fall for.  How many years wasted on trying to be something else when all that time we never had any real control over this? 

    What a waste

    Granted, but there are people who are at places in their psychology who's believe system about themselves and the world is so negative and they have such little awareness of the fact that they are illusions that there is massive suffering in their lives.They have associated themselves with a weak identity. Personal development is a means of replacing those believes with more "positive" believes about themselves. Yes, they will still suffer but at least it is less then before, then maybe if they want too are ready to transcend all believes.

    It was a very helpful reminder for people who are at sufficient stages in development to drop all this shit when they get caught up in it. And to those who are using the concepts to get them out of depression say, have in mind that eventually they will have to drop them.

    Thanks :) 

  16. 28 minutes ago, Mal said:

    @charlie2dogs Hi Charlie, as I read your words here I notice myself astonished how you are able to continue to wade through this brick wall of b.s, lies, resistance, projections, insults and disrespect. I would have given up by now, in fact I HAVE given up, because I cannot continue to read any more of this nonsense on here and at the same time dismantle my belief system. 

    I cannot believe people are buying into this stuff they are reading. I have lost faith in everything I've learned because I know now that it only made me worse and kept me locked in my head.  


    Thanks Mal, a helpful reminder. A trap in which people here, including myself, fall into. 

  17. 11 minutes ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

    Seeing the parliament building from across the water at night was one of the most beautiful cityscapes I've ever seen. We didn't get a chance to go to any of the bath houses, when we went a few years ago but it's on the to-do list for the future. The bath houses actually come from the Turkish influence in Hungary since Turkey occupied Hungary for a reasonable chunk of time... if memory serves. The Buda castle is really pretty too. 

    Really, didn't know that. I assumed they were Roman. Yeah, just was reading up on it, the new bath houses which are there now are Turkish. The Romans colonized the area West of River Danube to make use of the springs - they built their baths there, but they are in ruin now. Yeah saw the castle from the river also, was very nice. And I love the citadel - was a workout to get to the top though!

  18. 4 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

    Have you been to Budapest? My husband is originally from Szekesfehervar which is about an hour away from Budapest. It's a beautiful city.

    Yeah I went last year with friends from university. It is my favourite place I have been too in Europe. Such a cool city. The night life is ridiculous and absolutely loved the spas. Made me feel like an ancient Roman when I went to them, then they turn it into a massive party during the night. Oh yeah and went on a boat party we had this view of the parliament building. 


    Lol bit of topic of self-actualisation, but anyone who top authentic value is travel ( which are key to your happiness) then I recommend you go Budapest.

  19. 9 hours ago, cetus56 said:

    @Huz88 Sounds like you have a good idea what I'm talking about than. I experienced that level twice. Once in Sept. and again in January. The first time it was great when it first happened but than it hit me like a ton of bricks hours later. I didn't even know there was a name for it until I watched the video. What does Shizen Young call it? Dipping below the (something) level? Just a guess, but I think maybe the sub-conscious seen it coming and was already at work in making it not happen. Like I said, I didn't expect that so it caught me off guard. Had I been somewhat prepared I would have worked through it. I was sabotaged by my own mind! Lol As far as how to get to that level. I've tried to induce it but it never happens. It seems to be a hit or miss thing maybe?  I finally get my chance and I bailed out-great! The first time I was inducing the no-self experience and it happened suddenly. The second time it just happened in meditation. That time was great and no "hangover" at all. Is odd that I didn't go all the way this time because 3 days ago I had the direct experience of no-self really strong and held it for over an hour after my meditation. That's the longest I have ever gone. So this is what I'm working through at this point. Just to mention- It's great to have someone to relate to on this matter. Cool! I thought maybe I freaked everyone out yesterday when I said I realized what may have happened. You know how it is, this level needs to be experienced or else it could be an odd subject.

    Yeah I think don't try to force trying to get into deep, samadhi like experiences. It is about maintaining high states off concentration during the sit and if it happens it happens. Well thats what it is like for me. Yeah that what this forum is for, I am sure this sort of stuff happens to people. Thanks for all you input bro! Has been helpful to me as well :D