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Posts posted by Huz

  1. 6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

    My part time job is ethical hacking.

    Hacking is very different to software engineering, and learning and mastering a particular language or set of languages isn't going to boost your career.

    Instead try and break into as much stuff as possible. Buy smart appliances or devices from shops and try to hack into them. Find websites on the internet which allow hacking and try to hack into them. Download websites and github repositories or applications, without looking at the source code, run them locally and try and hack into them. 

    If you want to be a hacker, start hacking! The really fun stuff is hacking embedded systems and electronics. Also hacking operating systems is one of my favourites. Once you got some skill, try hacking websites in the dark web. 

    How do you get into AI? What skills do you needs?

  2. Wow. Just had this insight after my kriya yoga meditation. I needed to write this down. It feels like I have seen through the physicality of reality. 

    I had to draw it out on a piece of paper.

    I felt like I was this lucid bubble, inside the bubble are a set of sights, sounds, feeling, sensations, thoughts that float around in nothingness. My bubble fuses with other bubbles that contain a set of different sensations. What the fuck is going on hahaha. These sensations are located precisely nowhere! 

    How am I creating this? Consciousness is the container of experience but how is it actually creating it?


  3. 4 hours ago, Martin123 said:

    Holy shit man thats beautiful!!! Im hungry and in aw simultaneouly!

    Btw what happened to enlighetened therapist?! U ditchin it for food??!!!!!

    well... whod blame you hahaha food is amazing. :)

    Haha dude, the enlightened therapist... Where do I begin. I feel that phase came from a place of lack. And the "I want to help other people before I help myself" phase.

  4. 4 hours ago, Dodo said:

    Can I hire you for my transition from vegetarian to vegan one day?

    Yep!! I would love that. Start of with salads. Easy and can make them tasty. You can do so much with nuts it's not even funny. I made this salad today. Used sunflower seeds to create a parmasgne like "cheese". The kale is raw! I made a kashew based dressing with some acid, and massaged that into the kale. It breaks down the kale. Cooks it in a way. This takes away the harshness, and it tastes sooo good. But honstley, get yourself a high class vegan cook book and start experimenting. It's so fun! Start with kale salads.


  5. This is advice from Shinzen Young. It seems it is possible. Definitely. But are you willing to do it. Do you have the vision? Does the vision make you cry thinking about it? I guess a lot of factors play into account also. Eg age ( younger the better imo), genetics, you conditioning/life circumstances, being good at strategy. I am sure you can pull it off. As said in the email, people go to monastic training and go back into Jobs. I personally am really confused which one to take. Enlightenment before work or the other way round. I choose to focus on what I want to create now, whilst doing mediation and self inquiry during the day. Also plan to use 5-MeO in the near future.


  6. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Electron You can push things a bit, but you're not going to become passionate about something you don't care about. You have natural passions already within you which must be unearthed, and then cultivated.

    What you're asking is sorta like trying to get a ball to roll up hill. Even if you could do it, it's not worth the energy. You want to become more organic as you grow, not more contrived and forceful.

    Is this a paradox? As it seems when you try to master things you are passionate about, there is huge resistance. This is what I encountered when I studied at uni.

  7. Ahh ok, but I thought that Ralston was also pursuing martial arts when he was young. But you are right, each to their own.

    Yeah then @zunnyman I would focus on one. Personally I find Maslow's model a good guide. I would focus on life purpose first, get financial stability, and continue with personal development. Then when you are more grounded and emotionally stable, go for enlightenment. Also, realise that you got a cheat code at hand: 5-MeO-DMT. So when you do years of personal development work, experiment with 5-MeO and see where that takes you, if you feel that is the right way of course.

    But this is just the way I would probably do it. You could completely disagree.

  8. Why don't you do both? I mean work on life purpose during the day, then during the evening focus on spirtual seeking. Allow yourself to attend retreats, and do psychedelics once a week. 

    Also, it is possible to self inquire throughout the whole day, and apply mindfulness 24/7. So merge both practices, don't make LP and enlightenment work seperate. It's a lifestyle. Peter Ralston managed to do it. 

    @Leo Gura what do you think of this?

  9. On 20/05/2017 at 9:08 PM, Leo Gura said:

    You got it backwards.

    This is very counter-intuitive stuff. Which is why it's so rarely actualized.

    Why not pursue your LP right now? It might seem like money is stopping you, but is that really true? Look very honesty into this question. What's really stopping you? Isn't it fear, not money?

    But where would be if you didn't make enough money from, or start, your online business?

  10. @electroBeam One conscious hippy, whom wants to put in his effort to make a bad ass motherfucking buissness, is right here. My skillsets are, unconditional love and happiness, being able to handle high doses of psychedelics, being able to introduce people to god, I eat like a squirrel hippy -nuts and stuff, able to turn into a fluorescent wolf on demand, meditation, self inquiry, and know some computer languages, good at maths, and I love you. What more could you want from a candidate? :x:P

  11. Ok here is the UK it is exam season. I have had a lot of people coming up to me and stressing the fuck out by exams, asking for help. From my point of view I see no reason for them too. It espically touching for me, because I used to be in the same position. I just thought I would share my feeling on this here.

    I like to think of it like this. Exams are unpredictable. You could have a bad day, or a bad paper, or a bad marker. This ain't in your control. It's in realities hand. So no point stressing on the results you wanna get. Don't focus on the results. Focus on the work you put in. That's the only thing in your control. And it's really not about the grade you get. Or your ability to do well in exams. It is about the experience, about the resources you have, the university you are at, the information you study, the people you meet. What are results anyway? Just a number or letter you attribute meaning too. To much emphasis on society is put onto the result. Irconically my results have got better when I care about them less. 

    My dad taught me this lesson last year. He is 65 now. When I was revising for a set of exams, I was stressing the fuck out. He told me, "Once you get to my age, you realise how pointless the stress you create is". This hit me deeply. All this stress is pointless. It doesn't help in one bit. See it AS the form of procrastination you have (and love that, it's funny ?). What it does it that it actually takes the beauty, and "interestingness", out of the subject you are studying. Making you want to study it less. Then making you actually stress out more. See this game, chill out, and enjoy studying your subject. 

    The thing that counts in your heart is that you know you gave it your best shot. So deep down the result you get doesn't matter. Also, realise you are a complex being, living in a complex time. It is common to experience to self-deception and resistance in your work. Sometimes we procrastinate, sometimes we work hard. This is natural, so even when you do find yourself slacking off. Give yourself compassion, its common for everyone, it is probs part of our mechanism. So be aware of that, then move forward back into work. I used to beat myself up for procrastination, because I was fearful of getting bad results. The more I did this the more difficult it would be for me to work. A less harsh-on-yourself-mindset, less stress, and more compassion to yourself during these FUCKING hard exam periods is what is needed. I have taken this approach this year. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Siim Land said:

    Did you pick up any other habits as a substitute? You might be compensating for it by eating less ideal food or anything else.

    Yep. The main one is food and over thinking like crazy. I noticed that my cravings for sugar went up massively. It is interesting. I was a fat boy. Then I lost 20kgs. But after that period on hard workouts, I started drinking heavily. My addications for sweets and sugar hid under the booze. When I stopped drinking they have come back with a bang haha.

  13. It's weird. I gave up everything toxic in terms of drugs, boozes, and fags over the period of 2 years. Last substance I gave up was alcohol last July. I felt way more crazy after giving them up for a period of 6-8 months, along with doing mediation and stuff. I felt like I was  going insanse. With more brain fog and emotional pain. I hope it gets better. I think I am coming out of it now. 

  14. 19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @DrMobius No, I haven't tried smoking it. Snorting works great for me. I know Martin prefers smoking. That may be because he's using freebase vs HCl.

    Don't worry, your ego won't be able to resist 30mg snorted either. It's stronger than you can ever imagine. It will haunt your dreams for years to come and leave you trembling in anxiety just thinking of snorting 30mg again.

    Huge respect for people like Martin Ball to do what they did. He really must have been at the brinking point of life to give himself up like that. Takes so much balls. 

  15. 6 hours ago, JKG said:

    Maybe I am not 1 in 1000-10000, but at least 1 in 100 or 200. I would say that I am (one of) the best in school in my whole year in maths, computer science, chemistry and physics.

    This reminded me of my life. I am not saying you are arrogant. But be aware if you notice any arrogance in yourself, with respect to your work. I am only saying this because this is what happened to me. Everyone told me I was the best at maths/sciences at college. I would help people out, they would come to me. I got complacent, cocky, started smoking weed, focusing less on work. Because I had this believe that "I was the best, I don't need to work". For A-Levels I didn't. I didn't need to work that hard to get the best results. The shock came when I went to uni. I carried the complaceny with me. I partied more, got into drugs, thinking I can do the work without effort. This backfired and I nearly failed first year. Since Leo I have been working hard and am pushing for top results. My spark for maths has come back. But I nearly let it slip. Becareful of this. It's so sneaky haha. They key is to humble yourself to your work. You truly know nothing at all.

  16. @Alex K Good question. The truth is that I dont specifically know what I am gunna pursue. I like a lot of things. I find it challenging to actually pick one. But the important thing for me is just to take action. You learn about yourself through life experiences, not thinking about the perfect fit. However, at the moment it seems like AI. You use advanced level mathematics to create intelligence. To me it sounds to good to be true. Something I am eager to study and implant to create.

    @JKG It seems like so. Vector/linear algebra and probability theory are used to express AI. 

  17. 11 hours ago, Alex K said:

    Hello, I'm a mediocre software developer thus inferiority complex ))== To make some serious breakthrough work in AI field, you need to be at a real high phd in applied math scientist level with asperger, just watch some vids from Watson coding team - and they just barely process cold knowledge. It is not good enough to be "naturaly good at math", you should be 1 in 1000-10000 good at math I'd estimate which is the level when you win at chess with mediocre adults at 5 years old, like to program at 7, finish math bachelor at 15 etc....

    My advice is not to destroy yout next 15 years with CS. Do something humane like being an MD, a teacher, a jurist to some high-consciousness organization like GreenPeace or Civil Rights protector, an artist, a conscious business owner, be an economist on a panel to create new models for sustainable world etc... Just don't spend your life carefully wording your message to a bunch of computers!

    Maybe he is this maths genius. Maybe he isn't. Researchers in AI are the people making breakthroughs. But the AI community is generally open. They share their results. That means you can take their breakthroughs, and merge that with your values of consciousness and self actualisation. And create fucking cool shit.

    I feel the same with what I am doing right now. I am studying mathematics for general relativity right now for my exams coming up. Did I invent this theory? Course not. It took one of the most imaginative and best scientist that ever lived to do that. He was a 1 in 1000000. However does that stop me of learning his beautiful theory? No of course not. Does it stop me of working hard to get the mathematics down to understand it conceptually? Of course not. Do I love trying to understand the concepts of general relativity, of course I do. Can I apply the language to solve problems and get creative with maths? Yeah I can. 

    As can @JKG, take and implement AI theory in to practice to create cool shit. Let the theoreticians push the theoriteical boundaries, let the engineers build stuff. But choose what you wanna be. But yeah this field seems exiting!!