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About digitalkaine

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  1. Good stuff<3
    It's time for Leo to start a real life ''fight club''
    The central irony of Fight Club is that Tyler Durden advocated not being one of the sheeple and carving out your own path, but in the end, the cult he created ended up worshiping him as a living messiah, performing automaton-like behaviors and military training with machinelike precision, and completely erasing individuality. "In Project Mayhem, we have no names"--remember?
    Why call out Leo? We don't need (En)Light(enment) Club. The lesson of Fight Club is that you don't need Fight Club. If you're gonna do this thing, you do it yourself, by yourself, for yourself. You don't post about it on the internet.
    "He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god."