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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. 46 minutes ago, Meditationdude said:

    Ive been on this growth journey for over 4 years and I haven’t had any real gains lately (past 6 months) and life is stagnating hard. My meditations suck and my attention levels suck and I’m always bored. 

    What the fuck is going on?!? 

    Inquire into this. Perhaps you have been addicted to the dopamine rush of success? Putting focus into being ok being stagnate is actually where a lot of growth can happen. 

    Avoiding boredom is often a cause from being addicted to the stimulation. Put some time into being bored. Get with it. Flow with it. Don't beat yourself up for your meditation and attention levels, its counter-productive to getting better. Put attention into accepting those aspects of yourself. You are exactly who you are suppose to be right now, there is pretty of room in the future for doing better. Its ok.

  2. 1 hour ago, Shaun said:

    Happy people doing what happy people do is not a problem. They aren't going around spreading toxic shit. Leo's teachings just make people even more isolated and disconnected from each other than they were when they were living in blissful ignorance within the materialist paradigm. 

    Have you ever thought it seems toxic to you because you actually don't understand what is being said?

    Blaming Leo for your own misapplication of his teachings is just going to dig you further into the hole you are in. This is what happens when you have too much theory and not enough practice. Leo is teaching advanced stuff, more people should start with his earlier videos and work up. They work in a very progression-based order. Leo is not at fault for people getting ahead of themselves. Some responsibility needs to be taken here.

    Since you are still around, it gives me the impression you know all of this, but still have a lot of shit to sort through that you are projecting outward.

    I do hope you can move forward. Once you direct experience what is being told, it all becomes clear and your life will be much more fulfilling instead of torturing yourself with all this theory.

  3. This is why we create a distinction in absolute and relative matters. 

    By piercing through the veil of the relative and see where its origins are, the absolute, you can then jump back to the relative perspective with much more insight. Get to know the box entirely before you begin working with the box.

    Good/bad right/wrong are of course all relative, but conscious politics is exactly that, politics to promote a more conscious society. So of course such words will be adapted to such a goal.

    Moralization is more of a map of direction. Those who truly understand the morals though are not bound by them. They become more of just rules to those who don't understand why they are said though.

  4. You need to find something you love to do, a hobby, any activity. Your creativity is to turn mind to form.

    When you work on something you enjoy, you love it, your vision is filled with it, you get lost in its design and the details you wish for it to have. Pass all of your intelligent design onto it. 

    I'm a programmer myself and when I start a project I am REALLY into, I will work on it for 5 hours/day or more. Passion and discipline will see it to start to finish.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Tausif Ahmed said:

    @Leo Gura Majority of Muslims are ignorant just like Christians or Hindus. They dont really read their scriptures do they..?


    They do read them but don't understand. Even Leo's words get constantly twisted and distorted by people and we think the mass population will take even more vague religious texts properly? Doubt it. 

    How can you know what Jesus was saying without first getting some glimpse of such states of consciousness? Can't understand by words alone. This makes enlightenment work even more difficult. 

  6. Just a model to help you introspect into your own behaviors. The goal is to not get rid of it, but to not be limited by it. To transcend it. 

    Ego is a great tool when you control it and are not lost in its attachments and reactionary mechanisms. You ever felt like someone threatened your survival or identity and caught yourself in the middle of that before you let yourself get out of hand? That's the power of awareness rather than getting lost in those feelings. That's disidentification with it. Shattered egos need love to heal too. It's a part of you. You are healing aspects of you that needed healing. 

    Let the body experience what it needs to. That's how it heals and processes things. ?

  7. 45 minutes ago, Aeris said:

    You get that on black market too ? Cause dxm in syrup only thing you'll plateau is toilet

    You can, but I usually don't. I don't know what the forum rule is for sourcing legal otc substances so I'll avoid any store or branding mentions but there are two main forms of dxm. Hbr and polisterex. Poli is extended release so it takes double the time to get the dosage, while Hbr is all at once. I Mainly use Hbr. 

    Syrup is one route it's found in, which I could handle in my early experimenting days, but quickly became too repulsive to my stomach. I eventually moved to Hbr gel caps which I would take anywhere from 20-65 15mg gelcaps. I also found them to in general have less impact on the body avoiding all of the he syrup contents. I found a website that'd sell me 5400mg bulk for super cheap. You really don't need to go to rc vendors or dark net if you are ok with getting the medicine brands. Some brands in the US even clearly target dxm users. Especially when they go to events and set up beside weed stands ?

    Extracting poli from syrup is incredibly easy and there are many guides. I hear Hbr is less practical and needs extensive chemistry knowledge though. 

  8. Leo doesn't recommend dissociatives due to safety reasons but he has confirmed it can be used for this work too. 

    I was a big experimenter of dxm doing 1g doses at times. 3rd and 4th plateau doses can directly make you realize God. It helps you see through the veil that is form into the formless. It's habit forming though so proceed with caution with this substance but I think it has incredible spiritual potential. 

    My awakening happened with 300mg dxm and 500ug lsd in which I was shown and understood consciousness and nothingness. I could see the universe arising from the formless. It was beautiful. Mind shattering. This was before I even knew of Leo and I was saying many of the stuff he said. 

    Dxm is the vast infinite formless sea, while the lsd navigates the formed  sail. Form and formless of both substances harmonizing to show the grand paradox. 

  9. @thetrut11 Mental scaffolding, friend. Leo has said this many times before. You lack contextualization.

    @Shaun People have told you many times that your understanding is extremely distorted. I would advise you to focus on the more practical self actualization stuff before the spiritual stuff if you are going to continue to get anything beneficial out of this place. Otherwise your ego will torture you, not Leo. 

  10. @Pav I really enjoy your post, I think it hits the nail on the head.

    The actual use of the world in modern day use is a bit iffy. I completely get what people are pointing to when they say toxic masculinity. Often times societal perceptions of masculinity can be extremely distorted than if you found masculinity yourself. But the use of the word often comes with an idea of demonization because nobody wants to be perceived as toxic which the word toxic can be a bit buzzy in of itself. Very easy way to hijack it for ideology. 

    First it was the north vs south and now its men vs women, everybody seeing where the other might go wrong but not accepting where they can go wrong. If the good points about inequality and fairness from mgtow and feminism were integrated I think that would be egalitarianism and people are just trying to tip the see-saw in their favor these days. They're all hurt and they can't seem to look past the quality of the sex of the person who hurt them I assume cause of pattern recognition. I've seen animals also fear men or women in general if they were hurt by one of them.

  11. Hey, I'm a software programmer, mainly interested in game dev. I main on a platform with 100M concurrent users/mo and am currently making a game. This will be my first actual game. Its nothing ambitious and largely appeals to meme culture which I know will appeal to the majority of the user base which are kids. I mostly see it as an opportunity to add something to my portfolio and as a cashgrab. (Although I still have my own ethics in how I monetize due to my own distaste for modern video game monetization) To me this intent seems to be very orange stage, but being concerned with my own survival it seems to be the quickest option for me to become on my own. It has a high chance of success as developers with games of lower effort easily earn thousands of dollars.

    But this kind of revenue and securing my survival would pave way for me to have the time and security to push myself into a more green or yellow way of creating value.

    What do you think about such a path? I know its not the most conscious way, but it justifies in my head as aiding my survival so that I can have more room to produce more conscious value. Is there value in such a progression or should one try and jump straight up to more conscious avenues?

    I tend to embrace more green values which over-shadow a lot of orange in me I think.

  12. On 8/12/2019 at 10:44 AM, Truth Addict said:


    That's precisely correct! This is the direct non-mediated type of resistance. It comes from the same place as everything else, nowhere. It emerges from nothing. The only difference is that now you've uncovered the thoughts that used to be the medium where resistance used to occur.

    So, now you're facing resistance head-on as the 'final boss' kind of thing.

    What works for me is not trying to do anything at all, not even trying to change the situation, and then fully embracing the resistance until I merge with it and turn it into flow.

    Remember that the final boss is, after all, you.

    Thanks for this. This seems to resonate very well with me.