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About joeyi99

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  1. DMT and MOAI Question
    DMT and MOAI Question
    Of course DMT should be used with harmala extract.
    But don't combine it with 5-MeOs.

  2. Fluoride toothpaste gives me brainfog. Non-Fluoride toothpastes gives me cavities
    Fluoride toothpaste gives me brainfog. Non-Fluoride toothpastes gives me cavities
    I've used non-flouride charcoal toothpaste for like 10 years now and I haven't had problems with cavities. I also consume plenty of sugar.
    But there is a genetic factor here. Some people have bad teeth genetics.
    I would say, experiment with more kinds of toothpaste until you find something that suits you.
    You can also go to the dentist and get your teeth sealed with a compound that prevents cavities from forming. Ask your dentist about it.

  3. Dear Leo, a question about Jack Black
    Dear Leo, a question about Jack Black
    It's not that.
    The best guy in game who I ever met was a natural. He didn't even know about pickup. But he's better than RSD pickup coaches.
    I tried teaching him some game concepts, like state. He said, "What's state?" I explained it to him, and he said, "Oh! I'm in state as soon as I get in my car!" This guy was a natural salesman. He could sell condoms to a nun.
    He told me he hated his mother and didn't trust any women because she was a selfish bitch.
    It's not about parents. It's about extroversion genetics.
    If you look carefully, all the best pickup coaches are natural extroverts. That's the secret to game which they don't tell you. The introverts will never have as good game, no matter how much they practice. The more introverted you are the harder game will be for you. Your brain is just not wired for it. However, your brain is wired for other better things like contemplation.
    Owen modeled his game after naturals. Then he sold everything he learned from naturals to chumps through RSD. I met the natural Owen modeled his game from. This is why Owen's game is not the best. His magic was not in game, it was in selling you desperate chumps. Owen is a marketing genius, not a game genius. With that said, I'm not saying his game is shit. So don't misunderstand me.
    Now you understand the whole secret to RSD. Owen used his marketing genius to selling natural game to millions of desperate introverted guys. Not because he was great at game, but because he was great at marketing.

  4. Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)
    Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)
    Can and could, but not must, and not even a majority I would guess.
    It feels like you want to put pickup guys into this shame box which you have constructed in your own mind. Of course some of them fit in that box, but I would be careful about over-generalizing, especially since you don't have personal experience going through pickup, so you're sorta speculating about what it's like to be a man and why men act as they do.
    It would be sorta like if I said that women overeat because they feel hidden shame. Or maybe some women just like to eat junk.

  5. Is starting a pickup community dangerous?
    Is starting a pickup community dangerous?
    @Dodo It's important to keep the following context in mind:
    Many men are natural pussyhunters, regardless of pickup. Pickup just formalized the activity and gave it a name. But pussyhunting is a natural aspect of masculinity regardless of you views of it.
    It does not take a lot of brains to be interested in pussyhunting.

  6. Why doesnt the West, especially the US, abandon Israel?
    Why doesnt the West, especially the US, abandon Israel?
    Survival. The job of the military is to serve its tribe, not international law.
    The world is not developed far enough for international law to trump national law.

  7. The Missing Element of
    The Missing Element of
    All of morality just boils down to minimizing the suffering your selfishness causes others.

  8. Something Leo said in forum really has been bothering me lately lol.
    Something Leo said in forum really has been bothering me lately lol.
    Part of the challenge here in how you define "core".
    Sorta by definition, if you are able to change some part of yourself then it wasn't core to you. Core would be the stuff that refuses to change even after much effort.
    Obviously there are part of yourself and your life which you can change. But human minds are not infinitely flexible. There is a core to your personality which ties in with your brain chemistry, genetics, childhood conditioning, baseline state of consciousness, physical health, and so on.
    In a certain sense you must learn to live with yourself.
    What makes it tricky is that you don't always know what is core to you and what is not, what you can change and what you cannot. So you have to be careful not to create limiting beliefs. But you also have to be careful not to brainwash yourself with fantasies.
    In the end you're just gonna have to put in a lot of effort and see what sticks and what doesn't. Some change will come naturally and some change will be like iceskating uphill.

  9. Leo you misunderstand Hitler completely
    Leo you misunderstand Hitler completely
    Hitler was not conservative. You probably consumed propaganda. Just hear original Hitler speeches like this one
    Hitler said you should have respect of the past but you should not identify with it (big difference !!). You should respect their achievements but that should not mean that what they did is still good.
    Hitler said, It is good to build up from ancestors achievements but then put your own will into it. So just copy what the ancestors did is utterly stupid.
    A conservative would never said that.
    Hitler: Nationalsocialism is based on biological insights and not on ancient tradition.

  10. How is pick up a low conscious activity?
    How is pick up a low conscious activity?
    The manipulation of people to maximize sexual opportunity is low consciousness.
    Just in general, sex and everything revolving around sex is low consciousness. The reason that is, is because the only reason you care about sex at all is because it is mechanically coded in your animal nature. And as you pursue that sex you lose consciousness to attain it. You lie. You manipulate. You cheat. You hurt others. All for a few minutes of pleasure and excitement.
    Have sex if you wish. Just notice what you're doing to get it.
    But also, if you repress, deny, or neglect your sex drive, that could be even worse.

  11. Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Human survival has always been more about social skill than physical size.
    Which is why women are most attracted to leadership, status, charisma, and social intelligence.
    Women aren't stupid. They like exactly what helps their children survive.
    Women don't need your muscles, they need your leadership and social connections.

  12. Kundalini Remedy
    Got initiated into Kriya Yoga
    I've had kundalini awakenings before I knew what they were. I think there is a lot of dramatization with the whole thing.
    It's wild but you'll be okay in the end. Kundalini is the embodied consciousness of physicality, ground up consciousness, instead of top down consciousness, it's the whole body awakening like hitting an asleep cobra with a stick.
    If someone is worried of messing up the kundalini, buy a good rudraksha mala and wear it. That really helps a lot, from newbies to pros, Rudraksha helps everyone in this energetic process. I wear hundreds of Rudraksha seeds on me right now, it's one of my well kept secrets. Rudrakshas by themselves will handle and guide your kundalini better than other methodologies.

  13. Attracting hot women
    Attracting hot women
    The whole mindset of rating people is wrong. It's going to prevent you from relating to them properly, consciously.
    Even when you think stuff like, "OMG, that girl is a hottie!" That's already warping your ability to relate properly with girls. It's a selfish and immature approach.

  14. Are the large majority of women like "this"??
    Are the large majority of women like "this"??
    Yes. Those feminine qualities create emotional stimulation.
    The problem with being too masculine is that you become too logical and stoic, which is counterproductive to game.
    It's sorta paradoxical. You have to learn to be masculine but also emotionally expressive and playful.
    Gaming girls is akin to playing with children or dogs. You can't do it from a serious or logical place.

  15. Sadhguru undergoes emergency brain surgery after ‘life-threatening bleeding’
    Sadhguru undergoes emergency brain surgery after ‘life-threatening bleeding’
    People will use life purpose to avoid doing a serious inquiry into consciousness.
    (And I'm not saying Sadhguru did that. But I am saying Owen did that).
    Obviously Owen is free to live out his life playing in Maya if he so wishes. I just hoped he was more intelligent than that.
    Live your life however you want. But if you want serious consciousness then that requires deconstructing certain illusions. This doesn't mean life purpose is wrong, but you will want to become conscious of its true nature and how it is part of your survival game.
    Most people are very deeply stuck playing in Maya. Like Elon Musk and all the other billionaires. And that's what Owen is chasing.
    Sadhguru is doing something more advanced.

  16. Healthy vs unhealthy Fears
    Paranoia about getting caught buying or possessing psychedelics
    There is no algorithmic solution. There is no clear line. It's highly relative.
    But in general you can make a distinction between being hijacked by fear vs being wisely cautious. There is a difference between dysfunctional paranoia vs wise caution. If you look both ways before crossing a busy highway, that's not fear, that's wise caution. If you are so terrified of traffic that you refuse to leave your house, that's dysfunctional paranoia. And if you decide to cross the highway without looking because you think traffic is an illusion, you're an idiot.

  17. Fear vs. Caution?
    Fear vs. Caution?
    The difference is, fear is a charged emotion.
    Caution is not emotional. It's more of a cool, rational understanding and premeditated avoidance.
    If you are standing at the edge of a cliff, you could feel fear or you could not. But just because you feel no fear does not mean you must jump off. You could simply decide not to jump and you could take a step back to be sure a gust of wind doesn't blow you over. That's caution.

  18. Yoga Ideology
    Sadhguru Reveals What Happens When You Live for 84 Years
    He's a very conscious guy.
    But I think he also has a lot of weird Hindu beliefs that he picked up as part of his cultural background. There's a lot of spiritual dogma and mythology that gets drilled into one's mind if you hang around yoga retreats and so on. And if you have a proper guru, he will fill your head will all sorts of untested ideas and myths.
    Just because yoga works doesn't mean it doesn't come with many bad ideas on top of that. In fact, the more it works, the more BS you can add on top of it to fool yourself and others.
    You can be Awake and still have plenty of bad beliefs. Awakening is not a cure-all for self-deception.

  19. How does the illusion of time work?
    How does the illusion of time work?
    You have to be extremely careful to distinguish time from change. Change is more real than time. Change is happening and then time is an imaginary construct projected on top of change. Change does not require time, and in fact change happens within Eternity. Every moment is Eternal, but then this Eternity is hidden from your awareness because you imagine a context for the moment which we call time. Time is you imaginig seconds, minutes, days, weeks, years, past, future, etc. This generates an artificial context for Consciousness which would otherwise be Eternal or timeless. But just because it is Eternal and timeless does not mean it doesn't change. It still flows. But the flow is not happening within any context and hence not within time.
    Time is something the mind constructs and projects onto Consciousness. Likewise with space. Space is a construct, however that does not mean that you cease experiencing a 3D room. The room is still there, but you can strip the room of the projection called space.
    Time and space are more than mere conceptual constructs. They are constructs of a deeper sort. You are literally dreaming time and space into being. But you can also undream them.
    Time and space are contexts for Consciousness, which is naturally context-less unless you construct a context for it. What I mean by context is something like: you can imagine that your experience right now is a VR simulation. That would be you creating a context to situate your raw experience. Or you could remove that context and then you would have no idea what your raw experience is. You would just have raw experience, unexplained by anything, not situated in anything. Not in time, not in space, not in a brain, not in a Universe, not even part of a human life. All those are contexts. And Consciousness in its purest form simply has no context of any kind. Or you could say Consciousness is situated in the NULL context. Which is just another way to say Nothingness. Experience is nothing, nowhere, nowhen, nohow, noway.

  20. Elliot Hulse is a cult leader right?
    Elliot Hulse is a cult leader right?
    Sounds like its a problem of hyper-masculinity. Attachment to the macho identity.
    Although I haven't watched his videos for about 4 years. Sounds like he's drunk the MGTOW Kool-Aid. Which is a shame. It means he's developing a stage Green shadow a la Jordan Peterson.

  21. Night out report
    Night out report
    @Dorotheus Great work!
    Now just do that a couple hundred more times.
    Don't worry, you will be amazed at how fast your skills improve.
    Do not be detered by rejection or awkard moments. Those are all totally normal and they don't matter. Get very used to girls rejecting you or ignoring you.
    Work on your body language, strong eye contact, commanding vocal tone, flirty smile, and plowing conservations without ejecting from set.
    Your conversations should be slightly sexually charged. Don't be talking to her like a gay friend. She needs to register within 5 minutes that if she gets in a room alone with you, you're gonna bang her. But do not verbalize sex. This is something she must pick up from your flirty manner and the way you look at her.
    Practice looking at her like you are a lion looking at a juicy gazelle. Get that chemistry going immediately upon approach. Don't be talking to her about work.
    Your goal should be to reach the hook-point in the set, where it is clear that she's attracted to you. It usually takes 0-5 minutes to hit the attraction hook-point. Attraction happens surprisingly fast.

  22. Is suicide the most powerful method for reaching total enlightenment?
    Is suicide the most powerful method for reaching total enlightenment?
    What's the difference?
    Karma is not some mechanism of doling out punishment to bad people.
    Karma is the natural consequence of whatever finite form you have and whatever actions it takes.
    When you throw a rock in the air and it lands on your head -- that's karma.

  23. Dear Leo, after all of your awakenings, is karma real or b.s.?
    Dear Leo, after all of your awakenings, is karma real or b.s.?
    Depends on how you define what karma is.
    If you simply mean that acting selfishly will produce natural negative blowback for you, then of course that's true.
    If you mean that God is somehow inflicting punishment on you for your evil ways, then that is a fantasy.
    Karma is not some kind of perfect or fair universal accounting system. It's possible to be extremely selfish but also lucky in avoiding blowback. But you could also be unlucky and experience extreme blowback to the point of unfairness.

  24. Strategic Thinking After Reading Book Of Not Knowing
    Strategic Thinking After Reading Book Of Not Knowing
    @Dan94 Just keep in mind, Peter Ralston's life purpose was to become a world-class martial artist. And he did that! One of the best in the world. Trained for many years. Alongside enlightenment.
    I once asked Ralston how he managed to navigate this conflict. He looked at me funny and said, "What conflict???"
    So both can be done, and the conflict is really just in your mind.
    Notice that many enlightened people are also masterful at many other things in life, and have thriving careers. The motivation, commitment, discipline, flexibility, passion, long-term planning, and striving towards excellence which is required to reach the deepest levels of enlightenment are exactly the same qualities required for mastery of any other field of life.

  25. AGI is coming
    AGI is coming
    @Bobby_2021 You have a naive view of how capitalism extracts money out of people. It's not just because you buy stuff at the store.
    For example, all these large tech companies have made billions by selling your private data which they effectively stole from the poplution without consent. It's very hard to make billions without cheating someone in the process.