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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    But level of consciousness is largely genetic.


    broooo is this a joke?

    Consciousness creates genetics, consciousness can not be bound by genetics! @Leo Gura 



    By the way.... I guess you could say the predisposition of a human to explore Consciousness could be genetic (in the sense, a human might be born with very little 'seeking' orientation to Awakening, therefore it won´t explore anything related to consciousness).

    But if the intention is there, obviously all the Consciousness is available to that human!

  2. 10 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    The whole thing about enlightenment being the end of desires is a story about monks who, seeing that life is a mess, prefer to be lazy and not complicate their lives.

    Enlightenment could be said to be realizing what you are: reality. and not only realize but deeply perceive yourself as the flow of living reality all the time. but in the flow of living reality there are desires. You can perceive them as a flow of reality and partially detach yourself from them, or not at all. The issue is the perception of not stopping wanting to fuck. In fact, the normal thing is wanting it more 

    The thing about desire would be stopping having desires of evasion, like addictions, but the natural desire, the purpose because that you exist, become more definite and strong, like a natural phenomena 

    Really enlightenment could be defined like flowing without fear. And to get that psychedelic helps a lot. 

    Well, how i see it is for Enlightment basically you have to be focused on your Real Self and stablish yourself in that.

    From that place, things can appear or not. But IMO one can not take detours.

    For example, yesterday i went out for a walk and i was completely focused on myself, when i walked by through a group of people, a group of guys that were making sounds and behaving a little bit antisocial, i noticed the usual conditioned fear on my body arise.

    What i would have done in the past is fall on to that fear and i walk strangely when i would pass near them. Some kind of anxiety recorded in my psyche. 

    However, I was completely into myself, into the boundless Being. I was including everything around me. So basically what it happened was the contrary. They stopped me to say me something, and i stopped and we ended up talking for 10 minutes and it turns out it was a great conversation and great guys.

    Why i say this..., well... when you are stablished in a new way of being there are things that 'naturally' just happen for your benefit. Because you are in that open vibration. So people usually want to join you. 

    Pros are things will naturally come to you, cons are you are not going to take any detours to abandon yourself. 

    IMO Is not rejecting desire, is focusing on your self and stablishing yourself in that. Chances are if you do not live on a cave, things will come to you from time to time.

    But that shouldnt be a focus. Everything that you think you need is something you pick up from culture. This being by itself is capable of being complete withouth anything from society or culture, that definetely includes sex.

    Sex is something with 1 years old you didn´t care at all. Why you pick up that identification/bondage again? It will only detour you. But if a woman appears on the journey, the fun will be even better. 


    8 hours ago, Someone here said:


    Enlightenment/awakening/nirvana/ liberation etc is basically absolute solipsism.  You are God alone dreaming up this entire world .its becoming ever more obvious to me day after day ..and rest assured I'm not emitating Leo or anything like that ...YOU are imagining EVERYTHING right fucking now .

    Not at all. Enlightment or not being able to find your self as a thing, is the same state as MDMA state of consciousness, your Self is boundless Being, you don´t see where it begins and where it ends. 

    But also no hallucination, thought or insights, just completely clean mind. You can the next time pick up the laptop and get to work and get on a Zoom call with 10 team members of your company and the CEO and completely function as a 'self'.

    Of course there are levels. Im not saying that is the ultimate realization.

    Im just saying, the more profound you go on to this, the best it feels, the more magical, connected, profound Life feels. It does not feel wacky, weird, solipsistic, scary, or whatever else.

    When it feels like that is because you are thinking a lot, basically. 

  3. I agree, but i would add is important to have clarity in the whole aspect of reality. 

    Not because that will change who you are, what you are is what you are and that can never ever be changed.

    But because it might establish clarity. 

    Because sure, i can see I am not this or that, i can see in this experience that is happening right now, if i really pay attention, there seems to be an intelligence, Being, or whatever, that seems to be identifying with things.

    And if i pay really really attention, this Being is not anywhere, it seems it is holding the empty space where objects and phenomena is appearing.

    Including the body, the laptop im writing this phrases, etc... and it seems i can not really pinpoing what, where or if this being is even alive.

    Is just here, but no idea what is it. It seems it is in the world, but not of the world. I don´t understand nothing about this mysterios being. I try to remain conscious of it. 

    Do not identify myself with anything, remain observant, free.

    But there is no clarity yet what is it. What is it doing here, Most important, why there seems to be a world happening!!?? 

    Of course this are questions of the mind, but im just saying, im having difficulty staying on my being, because i dont know what is my being. Actually everyday i know less, im reaching a point of total confusion, is crazy.

    Sorry for the long post lol lol blessings my friend

  4. On 28/05/2024 at 10:51 AM, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Notice what you are doing here. You are coming up with mental stories that are supposed to validate your mental stories, which is like proving the reality of a movie with more movie content.

    What happened to "I don't know what reality is"? Was that just empty posturing, or did you actually mean it?

    I still don´t know what reality is :P That haven´t changed

  5. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It also is a thought though. That's one of the things that many nondualists and Buddhists get wrong.

    You definitely can grasp Infinity with thoughts and mind, however it does require a shift in your state.


     Im sure 99% of buddhists as well as typical non dual meditators havent gone to the depths of what is possible. It requires a super intense energy of consciousness. Which typical meditation traditions do not touch.

    They are interested in just no self/separation from Thoughts and thats It. And with that, It might provide some peacefulness but that doesn't let you see even 0.1% of the cake.

    In my experience Infinity goes beyond human experience and It can be verified such thing. 

    I have become conscious my body is literally Infinity, not as a thought, but literally i know that i can access any memory/information in the dream because i have become as a body truly boundless consciousness. 

    It seems Is an Infinite Mind and for the sake of the Game It limits it into human bodies, but if you generate enough willingness, you can trascend the limit, It opens Up just a bit, in order to not lose your Mind. (Talking from my experience, dont know about You).

    Of course i wont transform into a kangaroo if not i wont be a human anymore, but i mean as Consciousness the memory/information is accesible. (With memory i mean literally the "physical world" which really is not physical of course, just my own Infinite body)

    Dont know what you mean with grasping Infinity with a thought, maybe we are talking about different things. 

  6. 21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I have used my mind to grasp Infinity so deeply that I cannot even begin to explain it to ya'll. Of course my grasping it was far beyond thinking about it or having ideas.

    I get you. When you truly grasp It is not an idea or a thought, is truly grasping it. It can not be explained

  7.   I really discourage people to do kriya or any yoga on psychedelics, it will hurt the practice big time. 

    On 19/01/2024 at 4:18 PM, Yimpa said:

    I never got it. It was a convincing story that I fell for for a while. I experienced immense horror and insanity so that I could learn how my mind works, how it makes things up, and how I, too, hurt other people with my ignorance. 


    That´s crazy man. Have you ever tried 3-meo-pcp

  8. Photo from tigour7777 (1).jpg


    1. The horizontal line is the singular one consciousness all creation comes from.
    2. The bodies that come out of it are memory bags of consciousness that form singular bodies and singular minds, they are completely united with the singular consciousness, but since they are creating a certain form they are bound to a certain physical limitation/boundary.


    The process of consciousness to slowly dissolve this memory, to a point where it dissolves completely with the horizontal infinite line again.

    When all beings (or better said, all individual memory bags of consciousness) merge back to the infinite line, the process of this creation is finished, no more form. 


    Warning, once you merge with the infinite truly there´s no more recreation for you of any bag of memory. 

    When all bags are dissolved (you are a bag of memory within infinite, not a separate being) we say the creation is finished.


    Everyone got a piece of the puzzle, you can play some time with this piece, but you will have end up giving it back, so infinity has all of their pieces reunited again. 

    We all walking ourselves to the Infinite Reunion, (or the Infinite Dissolution, however is more funny to you) 

    Aren´t you excited. 

  9. The impac is if it doesn´t crush you it moves the shit out of you. 

    In the past i was close to suicide and mental insanity, psychedelics saved me out of that and from that it started a path. Now i can say nothing can break me, because reality has broken me so much i have merged with it, i have surrendered to it, now there´s no "i" and "reality", only "reality" (or only "I").

    Is all crushing down process of the ego to stop existing and only God remains. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Where is birth and death in the Here and Now?

    These are just mental stories.

    Yes, but they have importance. 

    Birth and death are relative and not absolute, but just because they are relative does not mean they don´t exist.

    My car is also a story in the Here and Now, but if i go now to the parking ill find my car parked there.

    The dream has rules, we have created them, now we have to play by them.

  11. On 27/05/2024 at 1:06 AM, Leo Gura said:


     MIND is always making shit up. That's how reality is created. People are creating their own realities and living in them. Enlightened people are not above this.

    This is why I proritize understanding. Without understanding you will not understand how MIND is doing this. MIND is a tricky fucking beast and enlightenment is not the end it.


    Please describe what you mean by MIND. 

    Because in my experience Enlightment is realizing with the Mind you never ever grasp Infinite. 

    (Which is why no one can think his way into mystical states of consciousness)

  12. 6 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    But liberation has nothing to do with trying to get rid of anything. Liberation is simply the recognition of the inherent divinity and perfection of all of creation, the "good" as well as the "bad".

    Liberation is dissolving into Infinity for ever. 

    Stopping the cycle of birth and death.  

    But first for that you have to feel in a certain sense of Liberation while you have a physical body for some quite time, so when time come you can consciously exit the body and not reincarnate again. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

    @Javfly33 I think again we have to make a distinction between Pain and Suffering, Pain is needed in life, mostly on the physical end of things, without physical pain most would destroy their bodies before 30 for the sake of fashion, its good for our survival in the beginning of life, mental pain is good is small ways it brings awareness of the different thought patterns that can come up..But Suffering is totally from the Mind, its reliving the pain over and over again, that is compulsiveness not Consciousness..

    We can have a society without all this Suffering in so many ways going on, we will never eliminate Pain and we shouldn't but there is a difference btwn the two...

    Definetely, but to get to a level of solid non identification with body and mind , is no easy task

  14. On 26/5/2024 at 2:04 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Nothing hilarous about it.

    You get to set your own point.

    I set my point as understanding. I don't care about your bliss. If you care about it, good for you. But don't tell me what I care about.

    Eventually you will realize that all the bliss in the world still left gaps in your understanding.

    @Leo Gura fair point, ill just ask... Doesn't make more sense to you to first establish your way of being  and then explore anything?

    If you go out to an expedition which guy you think Will go more Deep? The Guy that is full of energy and with confortable clothes or someone that is not and might avoid some places because of fear of suffering?

    Is obvious there might be Legit information to explore that Buddhists Will never get just meditating. 

    I respect your ways but lets say I find weird how you are going to access that information if you are not able to first generate a good state of consciousness internally.

    In other words, How you are going to get your hands dirty into the Infinite Mind of God without a good internal expedition kit, It Will allow to go much deeper, not limit you.


    On 26/5/2024 at 8:40 AM, Alexop said:


  15. Interesting subject suffering, and one a the core of Life. All of my drive is to end suffering, yet if i look at the most intense moments of suffering of my Life those were crucial in order to move me and progress to more evolved ways of Being.

    You could say that suffering is a measurement tool to tell you you are not in an envolved state of consciousness as a human, and the suffering moves you like no other thing. 

    For example, habits like drinking alcohol, using drugs in a habitual way, cheap entertainment, etc... Are ways of the ego to block suffering, to not allow the movement to happen .

    Ultimately suffering is your being in an state of distortion with reality. Reality wants to move towards alignment and symmetry, therefore Reality suffers the inbalance.

    For example, a toxic envious incel suffers deeply if his dream girl goes to have sex with the mature older guy. The incel is suffering the fact that is living Life on a distorted way, he feels itself special, he judges women, etc... therefore that distortion from Truth and symetry with reality, is payed in form of suffering.

    If the incel wants to stop suffering he Will have to evolve into more aligned ways of existing, he Will have to burn itself, inmolate his whole identity, because as much as he loves his identity (is his ego), the suffering Drive is much stronger, ultimately All beings surrender to Evolution, no Matter the cost. Because suffering is very serious. No one can avoid It.

    No one can look the other way, suffering moves the shit out of you like no other thing.

  16. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It has nothing to do with bliss or pleasure. It is simply about degree of consciousness.

    Ken Wilber's comprehension of consciousnes is good, but still limited.


    @Leo Gura That clears up a lot of things.

    Just know that you are not actually doing Spirituality, what you are doing in an endless entanglement endeavour. 

    Proper Spiritual path is discarding absolutely everything that is not moving you towards liberation. 

    The road does not end until this being is completely Free.

    How long you want to make the time on the road is up to you ,you can entangle yourself endlessly, just don´t think people that want to go in a more straight way towards the ultimate are less than you. They are actually the ones that are actually on the spiritual path.

    You are doing something else, which is fine, is just not Spirituality, you clearly demonstrate with those words, you are not on that. 



    Ironically, it is meditators and Buddhists who love to talk about sitting around basking in bliss. When they should be talking about Consciousness.


    The point is the Experience of Being. Because you are the Being. Not the understanding. 

    Understanding = Identification. 

    Your being still do not want to break the bondage. Just don´t think those who want are the dumb ones.

    Bliss is itself the Being!

    And with your pair of balls you say 'the point is not Bliss but understanding' 😂 hilarious bro.

    Much Love. Everyone goes at his own pace. ..

  17. 10 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

    The issue that after you experience heroinepsychedelic levels of blissconsciousness, nothing less will satify you.

    Ken Wilber once wrote something along the lines of certain states of bliss can only be accessed in higher subtle realms or states of Awakening, and Heroine/Opiades can give a foretaste. Of course that is addictive. It is a kind of unearned divine bliss, not accessible sobre because the structure to do that is not in place. Of course that wreaks the whole growth path and its dynamic. And that is why heroine is truly evil stuff.

    It is true that nothing less will satisfy oneself than the awakened states True Being brings along. And that it is normally a long and hard road achieving that sobre. But what is the alternative? Addiction?

    Meditation done in the right way/technique, over long time in daily practice (even if its carried into daily life and not on the cushion) early over a decade can produce fascinating results. I can testify that, and I consider even short amounts of meditation as adding up if done with the right technique. Key is getting it working in daily life, then the necessary time of thousands of hours can be added up.

    The strength of consciousness to transcend former identifications is strenghtened always, even by small amounts. Which can add up over years, decades, or lifetimes.

    I can verify I have tried Heroin (not IV, 'only' smoked and snorted), and still falls short of true exuberance Bliss you can naturally put consciousness is. I actually told Leo something like this last week. 

    (And which is why I said psychedelics do not definetely cover the range of consciousness our being is capable of, meanwhile people usually think the opposite! That psychedelics have something that their Being do not, is the opposite.)

    Not only heroin most other opiates I´ve tried and I can verify even if they might be the kind of drugs that more get close to the stillness and easiness our Being seeks, they still fall quite short, they bring down/null down certain key aspects of consciousness, providing a fake-not legit-not-fully result of the Real Deal our being can truly Be. 

    Thus, why naturally, the seeking never ends until complete Unlimited unbounded, completely free Being is realized and stablished. 

    If I am not the proof all of this is possible I don´t know what else...

     But people will keep believing their Being has limitations :( What to do. 

  18. All The rules of the game are my rules."

    To play a properly a game, if you think the rules or the game are imposed to you, would you play that game joyfully? 

    The rules are created so the dream make sense, and the most fun is possible when playing. 

    One must not forget one created every single law for the well being for oneself, but later forgot that one created the rules.