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Posts posted by Cocolove

  1. I'm in like 40 girls's friend zones. I have a ton of female friends that I get along great with, say hi to and hang out with in classes.

    I asked one girl on a date recently and got awkwardly turned down. (she said to snap chat her but never answered the question).

    I'm kind of having a mid life crisis because I haven't had sex in a year and I'm a horny teenager.

    What I notice happening is that I'll meet an attractive girl through my female friends, talk with them and get along and then I'm their friend, I always fail to make a  move, which I don't do because I don't wanna develop a reputation as someone who does that all the time in a small place like high school.


  2. Those are the names of standardized tests which determine getting into college, scholarships too.

    I was going to just take a basic nootropic stack, as I don't want to risk taking modafinil a lot because I'm worried it would be unhealthy. Should I order modafinil for those tests? they are very important.

    Would modafinil help with doing questions in a short ammount of time, creative problem solving,  & short term memory?

    Would this be kinda fucked up if it gives me an advantage?

  3. On 2/10/2019 at 5:12 PM, Girzo said:

    I like Gamana's Kriya Bow. For some reason, it makes the practice enjoyable. Before adding it every session has felt like a chore, now I am happy to sit and concentrate.

    I did it for the first time today, and I agree, I love it. makes the routine longer but it's worth it. maha mudra felt way clearer and slower(breathing).


    @BuddhaTree absolutely, KSR is good for techs but not much beyond.

    @herghly half open, when I did it I could barely see because they were pointed up, so not much need to close them.

  4. @Mart Use kriya bow to build up to being able to do kriya supreme fire, santata gamana's secret power of  kriya yoga has instructions

    also I'm no expert but be careful mixing wim hof with kriya, I wouldn't do it.

    @MM1988 comprehensive instriuctions, basic theory. You might get some results just doing basic practices. Gamana's books are likely gonna make no sense if you have no basic theory. 

    Question time(just started reading gamana today):

    Stevens says only to do yoni mudra at night, gamana doesn't specify. Is Stevens full of shit on this one? bc I do kriya a half hour after waking up.

    Gamana says to sit cross legged, I can't(bad knees). Is it okay to do it in a chair straight back no backrest good posture.



  5. man I haven't read this whole thread but I just gotta say you should be very careful.(and maybe not do it)

    Take into consideration that whatever you say will be open for interpretation and most people(almost all) will not hear close to what you're trying to say. Look at contemporary culture. Are you trying to teach turquoise to orange?, it won't work. 

    I'm in highschool too (Junior), and I never talk about spirituality, except my friends know I meditate. I am very cautious that people would take it so wrongly, but it might just be some fears I have taking it out of proportion.

  6. thanks.

    read over info from the Stevens book and yea he said it takes years before you're ready for omkar and above.

    Stevens routines are weird, his suggested nightly routine is just maha mudra, short breath kriya, and yoni mudra. no pranayama but ig all those are like it


    On 1/26/2019 at 0:32 PM, Cocolove said:

    and where do you learn Kriya supreme fire.

    Gamana's book? Secret power of kriya yoga book?

    just checked the book list and found that secret power of kriya yoga is by Gamana lmao didn't realize that. Ordering that and others by him