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Everything posted by traveler

  1. Enlightenment is merely a myth to the distraught seeker. The myth keeps hope alive and hope is fodder for the seeker. The seeker is on a journey in time, it is a denial of all there is, it lives in a dream of what has been and what is to come. It doesn't know what this is, but it hides that by living in it's stories. There is simply what is happening, what is happening is always what is longed for, appearing as change, appearing as words, as sitting on a chair, drinking soda, watching tv, looking for enlightenment, being hopeful or hopeless. Looking for enlightenment or some sort of escape is giving what is happening a reality that it does not have, it is dissatisfying. Freedom is poverty, the loss of the need for specialness, for betterment, it is the total release of the need to change what already is all there is.
  2. It is the unraveling of the dream of "me." It is the end of the energy of blablabla yap yap yap EEE EEEEEE Eeeeeeee.
  3. A thought is a thought. A description of a thought is a description of a thought.
  4. My sexual abilities are more than fine actually, great to say the least. I've never had a problem with that, so you tell me if it helps!
  5. Yeah, breathing is great. You know the feeling when you get a good deep breath into your stomach and you get a small orgasmic feeling of warmth and peace in your whole body? Try to relax your pelvic area, especially your anus, it helps with breathing more relaxed and deeply. I once realised how much tension I had in this area, don't know if it was a subconscious fear of farting in public or something, but relaxing this area has many positive effects.
  6. The "me" trying to escape is fiction, it is all there is dancing that dance. The spear in the heart is what "me" is, it is not what is happening to "me", "me" is the resistance to what is. The me does not and can not recognise that this is full and needless, because "me" is an energy of lack. The story /dream is about going from unwhole to whole, notice that it hasn't happened yet, even with all of your efforts. You want to get rid of yourself, but you want to know when you are not there anymore. Awakening is more like a checkmate than it is a realisation. When you are tired enough, when you are at the end of the road and totally fatigued from seeking a little *pop* can happen. Nothing is actually revealed, it is just that "you" the resistance to what is, is no longer. No final answer, no dinnerparty with God or a celebration with all of your idol guru's who have made it aswell, no, all of that was a dream aswell.
  7. Just take everything with a grain of salt. Non duality can not be understood nor teached, what is impossible for the "me" to understand is that everything is unknown already. Every teachings adds to your library of conceptual knowledge. How can non duality be understood when it literally points to not two? There has to be a subject and an object/a distance; duality, for something to be known. This isn't a finding, it is the death of the illusory "me" in the body that claims that this is dual. It is just what it is, the final bit of knowledge that will destroy your doubt forever is a dream. There is no end, this will never be known, it doesn't need too, it is without boundaries, it has no requirements, unconditional Love.
  8. @Javfly33 That question only makes sense from a perspective in separation.
  9. You already are infinite unconditional love and there is no reality outside or inside of you, and there isn't a you.. All there is is absolute and whole, there is no infinite unconditional love, that is just a word pointing to _______. All words will do, no words comes closer to ______ than others. You can't use this at all, so it will either be resonated with or pushed away because it leaves you starving for knowing, for something to grasp. That is why you like concepts like death, infinite love, god and so on, because all words can be conceptualised and exotic/big words meets your requirements/ideas of what you think needs to happen for you to be whole/enlightened, ______ is not a concept though.
  10. The seeker and the seeking is one and the same, it is the illusory reality that seeking/the seeker lives in that creates a distinction between the two, the seeker and the sought. The incredible thing is that it is never actually revealed, the personal energy just falls away with no conclusion, nothing to recognize. No one knows that it is unknowable, it just is. Every attempt to get it is just an energy arising saying that it needs something, it's not actually real, it doesn't actually matter at all, only to the one looking. Can't talk about it, it just is too everything to even come close to with words.
  11. Non duality points to the end of real duality, but you don't become something called non dual, it is non dual because it points to the unknowability of what is when it is not dual. Unconditional love fits well.
  12. Nothing can be proven, because nothing is real. The subject object reality of me here and someone else over there experiencing another reality, is a dream. There is no actuality to it other than in the dream of the words. The words are appearing from apparent separate users on the forum, but they are all equally empty of an actual doer behind them writing them and empty of actual meaning and substance, because what is pointed to is not in that dream of understanding something, it is the actuality of this unknowable everything appearing as these words, this chair, etc. Whatever is, is all there is.
  13. There arises a remembrance that "I" don't need to connect to the universe and that everything already is connected in that it is one.
  14. Great to hear. The freedom is not a finding, it is the end of the one looking. Love in freefall, this.
  15. The joy of being is infinite. You can resonate and feel it with your being, but you can never know it as you can know a thought or memory or a chair. You are not separate from this unconditional love/joy, it is almost as if you are too full and involved in the joy of being that you can't separate yourself from it and recognize it. The love that everything is can never be truly appreciated, because you are it. If this really touches the core it's impossible goodness will kill you. It is beautiful beyond comprehension, unconditional love is so much bigger and more wholly beautiful than you could ever imagine. It can not be spoken of and it can not be understood, but something can resonate and the experience of being separate from life can lessen or dissolve. The suffering one is unconditional love appearing as that, it sucks for that experience but it is empty, so when it stops happening it never happened. I love you, the love has brought tears to my eyes.
  16. This already is mahasamadhi, this is already the totality of all. The one who seeks awakening does not wake up, the one who feels the need for salvation doesn't get it, the one who wants to escape personhood does not escape, the one who wants something dies and all there is left is all there is. Unknowable knowableness.
  17. Unconditional love, not the fluffy pink love that "I" want. That is not satisfying for "me" though, because every question and answer dies in that. There is really no free will and real time and space where "I" am responsible for doing x y and z and where x y and z really happened. Hanging on to x y and z and making x y and z personal is the dream. When x becomes y, x never happened. When y becomes z, y never happened. Ask yourself: y do I not z that x is x y and z? Contemplate that, it is very deep stuff.
  18. I would describe the dark night of the soul as the fight against existential hopelessness after awakening, Aka. Getting your head caught in the tigers mouth and fighting to get out. This period will suck you dry of any hope to escape or achieve liberation, it will leave you nothing, but that nothing is the freedom that were always longed for. When the fighting comes to an end nothing is revealed in the sense that you hoped, the fight just comes to an end, you stop fighting with life, with the inevitable. In the end there is just what is, it was all just a dream, "your path," "your life" "your suffering" everything was and is just passing appearances, formlessness changing form, unknowable unconditional love being. Depression is hard to describe as it varies from person to person, I guess that it is more of a personal sense of hopelessness and not existential or as deep as the dark night of the soul.
  19. What is happening is not real, it has no reality outside of it, no solidity. What is happening is Love, there is no separation, there is no "where" where Love is, there is no "where" where this is really happening. This is love in free fall.
  20. There is apparently something happening but it is empty, it has no reality, and that is nothing happening. Real and unreal. Empty fullness.
  21. There is not appearance now, only apparently. No need to merge with anything, you're already dead.