Leo Gura

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About Leo Gura

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    Las Vegas, USA
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  1. Ambition is probably the least recognized yet most important personality trait.
  2. Probably not without some technology. What really where the whole tech cycle is headed in the long-run. All human technology is a joke next to the technology to permanently augment the brain for higher consciousness.
  3. @Miguel1 Yup, that's how it goes.
  4. BPD can be a really taxing, stubborn, life-long condition. It's hard for such people to live normal well-functioning lives because their mind is so chaotic. It's no surprise that such people have a high suicide rate. It's hard for a normal person to understand the hell that BPD can be and how stubborn it is.
  5. Obviously your DNA mostly doesn't change. Obviously your metaphysical identity as God doesn't change. But I wasn't talking about those. I was talking about your core personality. That also doesn't really change. Your personality is deeply connected to your strengths and values. But your personality requires work to unearth and blossom. So what changes is that you unearth yourself. And then of course stuff like your mind, your worldview, your beliefs, and your habits can change a lot if you pursue serious growth, development, and life experience.
  6. I don't think it's realistic.
  7. No Some day I will explain. But not soon.
  8. Destiny is not a demagogue. He has consistent and well-reasoned positions.
  9. There may be some shadow stuff you gotta work out. But again, just showing up and getting to work is the ultimate solution. You just do it and turn off your mind.
  10. The solution to procrastination is to just take action and stop thinking about it. The solution to addiction is to find healthier and more meaningful things to do. Basically, if your life purpose is strong and compelling enough, then you won't have time to procrastinate or be addicted. You just pour yourself into your LP and watch all the toxic stuff receed into the background. If you have no higher inspirational vision of what to do with your life then you will have a lot of time to waste in stupid and self-destructive behavior. So vision is the ultimate key.
  11. As I said from the start, it's a matter of political will. For sure such a class as I suggest would get politicized to hell by radicals from both sides today. This is why we can't have nice things. It's a shame because kids really need such a class. The politics on this issue is just noise.
  12. @Jayson G Consider people like Peter Ralston, Daniel Ingram, or Sadhguru. Ralston: mastered martial arts, ran a school, had a child and family. Ingram: is a busy emergency room doctor. Sadhguru: Had a child, ran a business, now runs a large community. Notice how active these guys are in life. They are not just sitting on a cushion meditating all day. And if they did, they would probably be miserable people. Life requires engagement and raw experience. That raw experience is then grist for the contemplation mill. It's hard to be properly motivated and engaged if all you do is sit around and think all day.
  13. You ask some good questions. This depends on how you do it, of course. You can get lost in fantasies, speculation, and mental masturbation. However, proper contemplation and study can produce serious and valuable insight and understanding into the nature of reality and any systems within it. Do not discount the importance of high quality sensemaking and serious understanding that's grounded in direct experience and genuine insight rather than speculation, belief, and fantasy. The real work is in seeing past the fantasies to see how nature really works. My solution is to do both. In fact, you need something tangible like artistic work or business to keep you from getting lost in pure theory. If all you do is philophy you will get too stuck in your mind and it won't feel good. It could even turn into mental illness. Life is long enough for you to pursue art, business, and philosophy. And they all balance out the excesses and limitions of each by themselves. Only doing philosophy and nothing else is NOT healthy. You also need pursuits to ground you in the realities of life. This can be business, art, sport, family, pickup, running a community, etc. For a healthy, happy life you must engage not just pure mind, but also your body and you heart. And you must not only master the theory but also engage in practice. Do practical stuff like art, craft, business, or raising a family. A healthy life is something like 80% action and practical affairs and only 20% pure philosophy. If you get this ratio backwards you will run into problems.
  14. Sure there are. Most people who take the LP course never post here, they are off working on their unique LPs. Your LP does not need to be about personal dev or spirituality. Look at someone like Elon Musk. His LP is about colonizing Mars and technology. You don't need people here to tell you that your LP can be totally different than mine.