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About Angie

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  • Birthday 03/15/1998
  1. Health before anything else, you are right. Without health and an actualized mind, we can't do much for others. Everything starts from within, and if the inside is infected, you'll spread only disease. I support your choice, keep up your work and results will be bigger and sweeter.
  2. The most important thing is, that you and your boyfriends are all happy. Just go with the flow. It may be harder for you to explain your emotions to other people, but hey, deviance isn't always something negative. Enjoy!
  3. I think it's fine for a short-term clense. But the thing with raw diets is that you are missing out on some high quality nutrient-dense foods like potatoes, rice, beans and lentils. They provide you with heaps of iron, protein and calcium. Vegan diets are actually abundant with food choices, there is no need to cut down some of the healthiest vegetables. Even if it's for weight loss. If that's the case, you could just limit your fat, oil and salt intake, and you'll be fine.