
Don't know what kind of doctors to contact

34 posts in this topic

On 5.3.2024 at 10:54 AM, Bandman said:

Diet consists of pretty unhealthy things as well as healthy things

Lots of grains and sugars honestly, lots of milk

also vegetables and meats, all various kinds

Try this, see if it helps:

I can PM you the book as a PDF if you want.

Best wishes! 🙏

Why so serious?


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On 5.3.2024 at 10:54 AM, Bandman said:

this feels more like my body is disfunctioning and turning against itself, and that all my energies are very much not flowing how they should be, it feels like energy can't be properly released and now my body is overflowing with energy

It feels strange to say it but Sadhguru once said you have an energy body that is deeper than the material body
My energy body feels overflowing, but my material body feels anxious, stiff and inert, it feels like i can't flow the energy from the energy body anymore to the material body in a smooth and proper way,
"energy dissociation" is honestly how i can describe it

my lower 3 chackras feel extremely constricted and blocked, especially my 2nd and 3rd chackra, my gut is always extremely tense, i can't control or move it properly, it's like the trauma energy is completely in charge of it, this also seems to be part of the cause of the speaking problem, since you need proper movement of the gut to be able to speak and project correctly

This might sound a bit "woo-woo", but apart from the avenues that others have suggested you might also want to consider getting in touch with an energy healer. A trustworthy and competent practitioner can help with removing energetic blocks... I've tried it once, and it was almost like a kind of exorcism, lol. Much more intense than expected.

Again, good luck.

Why so serious?


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On 3/5/2024 at 2:43 PM, Girzo said:

you make the typo all the time.

fun fact, I learned from a powerful mentor who had dyslexia. I learned way more about life from her than I did in English class back in my school years. We all learn and interact with the world differently. Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily wrong. 

Edited by Yimpa

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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Thanks for the help guys, I will research all of the sources you guys shared with me and contemplate on it. I've done some research but it was really difficult, because my condition feels really difficult to describe and feels like there are many connected symptoms all over the body and mind but that its only one condition. I couldn't really find any specific condition that felt like that was what i'm experiencing. 

I did a mushroom trip of 15g truffles. During the trip I was just tripping, I did contemplate my life and condition but it didn't feel like I broke through something. However the next day and day after (which was yesterday) I felt so much better in my body and mind, my symptoms were almost even gone. I was able to go out and socialize and talk! It seems 100% clear to me that the physical motor symptoms i'm experiencing are coming from energy/mental/consciousness stream disfunctions for the most part. I'm not cured but I feel like there is hope.

I'm going to experiment with shroom microdosing and try out phenibut to see what it can do. And probably do a shroom trip again in a few weeks.



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On 7-3-2024 at 9:02 AM, Bazooka Jesus said:

This might sound a bit "woo-woo", but apart from the avenues that others have suggested you might also want to consider getting in touch with an energy healer. A trustworthy and competent practitioner can help with removing energetic blocks... I've tried it once, and it was almost like a kind of exorcism, lol. Much more intense than expected.

Again, good luck.

Doesn't feel woo woo to me, if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't. What kind of energy healers can you recommend, something like Reiki healers or something? or literal Christian exorcists? Acupuncture?



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On 7-3-2024 at 8:51 AM, Bazooka Jesus said:

Try this, see if it helps:

I can PM you the book as a PDF if you want.

Best wishes! 🙏

Thanks man, if you could PM me that would be great. Did this truly work for you? I've heard a lot of skepticism about raw diets and that kind of stuff. I kind of also don't want to give up meat because i want to build muscle and meat is also a lot easier for me to digest. Grains and fruits, but grains the most, cause problems for me, even more than raw sugar. White rice doesn't cause any problems however. This makes me suspect that i have some allergy for the grain shells. 



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On 7-3-2024 at 1:03 AM, Kamo said:

So far it sounds like PTSD. What happened that was traumatic in your life?

Some form of sexual trauma that I wouldn't share here. I've read that this trauma gets stored in the pelvis muscles and other parts of the gut, which is exactly how it feels for me. Do you have experience or knowledge about releasing this stuff ?



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On 6-3-2024 at 5:40 AM, MsNobody said:

@Bandman Precision medicine looks at the genetics, environment, and lifestyle of a person in order to select treatment that could work best for you. It's more holistic and treats the root cause. Once they figure out your genes they will see if you have any underlying disease, what foods are best for your body ( they do a microbiota, extensive blood and genetics test), how your body process certain foods etc.

I know a good doctor but he is in Brazil, he even does work with psychedelics in his clinic, not sure how easy it is to find one here in US but finding a good precision medicine doctor will save you so much time, instead of going to all the other doctors that blindly scramble you to find an issue and then not even solving the root cause. The main thing for you to understand is that most of the doctors dont really care about you, they are deep into the conventional medicine system, brainwashed and just making money off of sick people. Take your health into your own hands, the same way our fingerprints are different so is your body, you know more about your own body than anyone else, we have a tendency to not trust our body because we were taught to disconnect from it, but this whole thing that is happening is your body communicating with you. 

Matt Kahn has a video where he talks about how the body is in the journey, not the consciousness. Our consciousness is already elevated, it's already there, the one who is not there yet is the body. It;s a process of descending to the body. Anchoring the soul to the body. For sure there is the spiritual part, dont overlook it. Trust your body to show you the way. It's just a phase, everything will be okay soon. I know from experience that when we are going through health issues, its easy to get stuck in the thinking that it will be like that forever. It won't. It will pass. Your nervous system is too active, try to slow down a little. It could be your gut, pay attention to the food you are putting in your body.

About the suicidal thoughts, there is a part of you dying in this process you are going through, and it's coming to the surface to be released. Let it play out and be the observer. The real you will stay, let the old be shed. Your soul chose to be here and to play this out. See it all from above. 

Thanks for that wisdom. I'd be willing to go to Brazil at one point if that doctor is truly good. I'll have to do more research about him and his type of doctor though. If you could link him that'd be great. Like I said after my mushroom trip my symptoms feel very surpressed and my consciousness feels mended, although I am aware my condition is still present and can rise in the moment. So I'm a lot more convinced now that the type of healing you are describing here is the way to go for me. I also feel like there is some autoimmune condition going on here, I get rashes on my chin and this correlates perfectly with the muscular disfunction of my facial muscles and tongue.



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My current plan:

1. Go to neurologist to see if there are underlying physical neurological conditions, already made appointment

2. Test blood and urine for any form of toxicity including heavy metals, then make a detox plan according to results

3. Cleanse my consciousness and make my mind more positive with psychedelics (micro to medium dose), other chemicals and spiritual practices

4. Eliminate certain foods from my diet to look for effects, i suspect autoimmune reactions in my system

5. Try to find out if and what autoimmune disorder i have

6. Find a psychologist/psychiatrist to try to release trauma

7. Find other ways to release trauma energy from my body 




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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Bandman said:

Doesn't feel woo woo to me, if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't. What kind of energy healers can you recommend, something like Reiki healers or something? or literal Christian exorcists? Acupuncture?

I've tried Reiki and acupuncture, but it didn't do that much for me. (Not saying that they might not be effective for you though... everyone's different and reacts differently to these kinds of methods). What I had in mind when I mentioned energy healing is something called healing touch.

I've only tried it once so far, but I intend to book more sessions once I am back from my India trip; I have some pretty severe energy blocks myself (that I can feel physically) that I am still working on, even though they have become a bit lighter over the past couple of years. And that healing touch stuff might just be the thing that could help me release those blocks... we'll see.

1 hour ago, Bandman said:

Thanks man, if you could PM me that would be great. Did this truly work for you? I've heard a lot of skepticism about raw diets and that kind of stuff. I kind of also don't want to give up meat because i want to build muscle and meat is also a lot easier for me to digest. Grains and fruits, but grains the most, cause problems for me, even more than raw sugar. White rice doesn't cause any problems however. This makes me suspect that i have some allergy for the grain shells. 

Again, different strokes for different folks. What works for me might not work for you, but it's worth giving it a shot. Trying it out won't kill you or anything, so what's the worst that can happen? If it works for you, then your health may massively improve; if not, then you still won't have lost anything by trying it.

I'll PM you the book - read it and see if what you read resonates with you.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

Why so serious?


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3 hours ago, Bandman said:

My current plan:

1. Go to neurologist to see if there are underlying physical neurological conditions, already made appointment

2. Test blood and urine for any form of toxicity including heavy metals, then make a detox plan according to results

3. Cleanse my consciousness and make my mind more positive with psychedelics (micro to medium dose), other chemicals and spiritual practices

4. Eliminate certain foods from my diet to look for effects, i suspect autoimmune reactions in my system

5. Try to find out if and what autoimmune disorder i have

6. Find a psychologist/psychiatrist to try to release trauma

7. Find other ways to release trauma energy from my body 


Great. Make sure you act on that.

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3 hours ago, Bandman said:

4. Eliminate certain foods from my diet to look for effects, i suspect autoimmune reactions in my system

Specificity is key. What exactly are you going to do, an all out carnivore-style elimination diet, or more of a sniper rifle approach, one thing at a time?

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On 03/03/2024 at 5:40 PM, Ryan M said:

If you have a lot of emotional trauma I recommend reading Letting Go by David Hawkins and practice processing that trauma energy to get it out of your system 

Underrated comments. That book works for me very well. I felt enormous happiness after practising the technique. Every time I let go, the more I am free emotionally. Now, I experience trauma very little. Highly confident. The technique is simple, yet it is oil for your mind and body. You will be less rigid, and happier. You should try it! 

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On 3/12/2024 at 6:29 PM, Bandman said:

Some form of sexual trauma that I wouldn't share here. I've read that this trauma gets stored in the pelvis muscles and other parts of the gut, which is exactly how it feels for me. Do you have experience or knowledge about releasing this stuff ?

The best thing I found for releasing pent up emotions was 3.5 grams of mushrooms, while listening to music without lyrics. so just the tones, beats, rhythm and melody of a song with headphones on( I used "reading music" on Youtube) and remaining still and relaxed while laying on a bed with the intent to release. If may work for you as well. You think about letting go and surrender and shit will just come up. It probably wont all just release. but what can happen is a large depressurization of that stuff  and will reduce the overall pressure inside you. It seems to be a permanent reduction so far, for me anyway. What was released has never built back up after I did that.

Edited by Kamo

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