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I'm experiencing signs from the universe but Idk how to interpret

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38 minutes ago, Water by the River said:



That video is great, but the reality is that crucifixion could seem paliative care compared to being kept alive until old age in an indefinable state, without foundation, without perspective, alone and in a state of deep depression. Remember that most people who play these spiritual games will one day realize that what they have achieved is absolutely nothing, a mirage. then reality will say: hello!

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Water by the River 

Longing, the engine of life, but there comes a time when it has no possible direction and it happens like in the song, it sinks into the ocean. Life is merciless 



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17 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

That video is great, but the reality is that crucifixion could seem paliative care compared to being kept alive until old age in an indefinable state, without foundation, without perspective, alone and in a state of deep depression. Remember that most people who play these spiritual games will one day realize that what they have achieved is absolutely nothing, a mirage. then reality will say: hello!


I just had to laugh on your usage of the word euthanasia.

Spiritual Bypassing is a less than smart idea for 95%+ of its aficionados, for reasons I described above.

And reality always says hello! sooner or later... And one can spiritual bypass up and down Maslows pyramid. There have even been endeavours to get a camera that can take pictures of ET on the very top of the thing. 

Edited by Water by the River

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@Breakingthewall @Water by the River

Guys, I would appreciate your perspective on the following video. Dropping the idea of long life and gaining security was something that saved me many years of spiritual practice. I still took care of financials and all but that is important concept to uninstall, and you still can behave inteligently.


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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15 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

@Breakingthewall @Water by the River

Guys, I would appreciate your perspective on the following video. Dropping the idea of long life and gaining security was something that saved me many years of spiritual practice. I still took care of financials and all but that is important concept to uninstall, and you still can behave inteligently.


His approach is interesting. I see it as it is impossible for most to avoid the social programming that creates the timeline, the vision of your life as a process. There are energetic buttons of enormous power genetically implanted in our energy pattern. We escape rejection and seek acceptance, which is perceived as death and life. People like Ramana Maharshi, who is completely outside of this game, are very rare. On these bases we build the human psyche, the software that makes us worker bees of the hive. our role is to lend our processing power to the collective ego and give it life and power. There is no problem with this, the collective ego is a living being, we must not despise it, we must serve it voluntarily and consciously. be the master of the situation, not a puppet

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I beleive if you experience it alot it must be an important time in your life. If you see deja vu as checkpoints it would mean that these moments were pivotal branches and you want to live them again and re do it.

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@Hojo like how you can rewatch a movie multiple times and still find new meaning or details you may have missed the previous times.

The key is to explore, rather than needing things to be a particular way.

Edited by Yimpa

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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