
Do The Work!

21 posts in this topic

As you guys can tell, I am rarely on this forum. However when I am I see people arguing, it is always someone who does not want to do the work arguing with someone who did a lot of work. People here want a direct answer to their questions and that is fine however Leo did not rely on an Actualized forum because he did the work. See how simple this is? Do what Leo literally did and all of your questions will be answered. If you have done a lot of work, do some more. Get his booklist it is very affordable. If everyone did the work, this forum would be an uproarious celebration of united enthusiasm... Love you all, peace. 

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I will even post here a copy of one of the most important Leo posts that I personaly copied to my Commom Book as  model of message to give when the level of a Forum lower down 

here it goes :

All rigths reserved to Leo Gura

I feel that people here need a reminder of what this place is about.

This forum is not like other social spaces on the internet where the function is to rant and rave about whatever stuff surfaces to your reptilian brain.

The function of this place is your development, maturation, and evolution to higher consciousness and selflessness. So this place has a bias by default.

It is not just willy-nilly post-whatever-you-feel-like-because-this-is-internet,-land-of-infinite-freedom.

This requires intention. This requires caring about truth. This requires observing the reactive habits of your ego-mind, which include:

  • rationalization,
  • projection,
  • denial,
  • confirmation bias
  • Emotionality
  • Gaslighting
  •  blaming
  • Judging
  •  moral posturing, etc.

 This is not a place to vent or promote ideology. It is not a place to attack others.( You own self ) It is not a place to waste time as you avoid doing work on yourself.

I see many here posting in ways as though you never even studied any of my work and you are not interested in becoming more aware of your self-deceptions and egoic reactions.


It's time to cut the monkey games and behave in ways that align with what is talked about in the videos. I am not perfect at this, I work on this too every day. I don't need you to be perfect about it, but I need to see you trying.


This forum is a place for going meta. It's a place to scrutinize yourself and find ways to make yourself better, not to nitpick others or engage in debate. It is not about the content of what you post but the structure of your mind and why you think the way you think and do the things you do. It's about deconstructing yourself.

Think long and hard about whether you are on board with this mission. If not, then this place is not for you. Go elsewhere online where you can be free to act out your ego and battle other egos. That's not what we do here. Going forward I will be keeping an eye out for this, looking to see if each of you is here to do the work, or just to vent ego. Those venting ego will eventually be kicked out.

Every time before you post, as you write your post, I want you to stop and ask yourself, "How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways?", and "Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness?"

In a nutshell, I want to see people doing more self-reflection and being more conscious of their behavior at the meta level.

Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development?

Are you acting in a mature or immature way?

Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication?

 Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?


Basically, I want more Tier 2 discussions rather than Tier 1 discussions. So make sure you study that difference and strive to discuss topics in a Tier 2 fashion. Tier 2 requires you to be more aware of your biases and less self-absorbed in your personal emotional baggage and survival agenda. Notice how most of the stuff you post is just a cry from your survival agenda, nothing more. Like a baby crying for candy and throwing a tantrum or using tricks to manipulate others.

You are still allowed to have fun here, but don't get carried away with petty human nonsense. Watch your own tricks like hawk. No one else can do this for you. This is your job. This is how you grow. It's not about me policing you, it's about you learning to police yourself because that's what conscious beings do because they respect life.


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Couldn't agree more. I haven't been here much in the last year, and it now seems everyone's just discussing solipsism and mentally masturbating over the hot topic of the day 

Question- Are you happy? No? Best get to work then! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 Exactly! And even though I am completely happy I still have a lot of work to do, as I am not fully awake, but awake enough to be very happy!

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Aho. Couldn’t agree more. 

That book list is pure gold. I find that people want the best resources but we actually have them!

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Nice post


There is no failure, only feedback

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@BlessedLion Yes! At first I thought it was strange for Leo to charge for a random list of books, but then when a read a few, wow, so much value so worth the $35 or whatever it was... 

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@Ulax Thanks my friend, how has your journey been so far? 

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15 hours ago, Max1993 said:

@Ulax Thanks my friend, how has your journey been so far? 

@Max1993 I had to escape from a life of persecution and abuse, and I've now made it out the other side. 

How about you?


There is no failure, only feedback

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All the work and its results are Completely Fictitious. Feel free to be however you seek fit in each magical, mundane moment.

Previous limitations are broken when you finally start questioning and approaching them with an open heart.

Edited by Yimpa

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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On 1/10/2024 at 8:05 PM, Max1993 said:

@BlessedLion Yes! At first I thought it was strange for Leo to charge for a random list of books, but then when a read a few, wow, so much value so worth the $35 or whatever it was... 

By design. You’d have nothing to live for if everything was free.

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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Agree, but not fully. Sometimes you need that pep talk. All gurus do is to school adult children to do the work.

You can be so good in one area in your life and do the work, yet be blocked, unmotivated and withdrawn in other areas, where you need to wonder, crash in a few places and sufferings to realize what you really need to move on. However yes, you can crash all your life without trying also.

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42 minutes ago, Applegarden8 said:

Agree, but not fully.

This is also part of the work. Not fully agreeing opens up the possibility for new learning.

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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Get to a point where you’re interacting with this work for the pure joy of it, not because you’re being told what to do and what to think.

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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@Ulax So proud and happy for you, similar case here... 

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@Applegarden8 Yeah true. I see a lot of narcissists here who argue just for the sake of feeding off of peoples reactions, like they know the logic of it but they wanna be a contrarian anyways just for the sake of their own unrecognized sadism... I genuinely feel pleasure when someone is doing well, while others feel nothing but jealousy and competition... 

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3 hours ago, Max1993 said:

@Ulax So proud and happy for you, similar case here... 

@Max1993 Thank you bro. Congrats on your own accomplishments as well


There is no failure, only feedback

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