
Think and grow rich vs 7 habits

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Which is the better book between Think and grow rich vs 7 habits.



7 habit is more structured to reality.  But it is very complex. Think and grow rich is more about money making and has huge potential ,but it is less grounded in reality.



Which is the superiour book

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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was a huge success. Bob Proctor made it famous. It's all about using the mind to obtain wealth. It's about becoming money not making money. Becoming the Source where money is generated from.

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As far as I remember 7 habits offered more practical tools on top of the mindset it promoted.

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@Snader my problem with 7 habit is that it is too complex and i find myself mental masturbating with all the concepts and ideas

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Then pick a self-help book that feels comfortable to you, like Think and Grow Rich. There’s plenty of value in there.

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You may find “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield a down the middle balance of the two. 

It’s broken into nice little sections, balances practical things with law of attraction type stuff.

But, really, they all have their uniqueness.

i am reading the 7 habits and it’s good but also very complicated. Going to take me time to sit with its material. 

Think and Grow Rich is a good book though. It’s more than just money in what it talks about.

Edited by Thought Art

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@Thought ArtArt

Imo think and grow rich is better than mastery be george leonard

If i rank them 


Thinki and grow rich > 7 habits > mastery by george leonard



George leonard is noob friendly. That is why it is highly rated



@Thought Art @Thought Art 

Edited by Ramanujan

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Think and Grow rich is a seminal work. 7 habits on the other hand are loosely defined and not interconnected.

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There are 2 different version for think and grow rich. The one that's adapted for 21st century think and grow rich has more practical applications inside and 20% more stuff added.

7 habits is very well written and you can easily absorbed and used most of the points in the book as compared to other self help books. And for that, 7 habits rank above most self help books.

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10 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

@hyruga @hyruga which is better according to u

Haha it's a bit hard to decide but I studied more of Napoleon Hill's books and even knew he was born in 1883 and died in 1970 aged 87. I will give my vote to Think and Grow rich. N. Hill is legendary.

Edited by hyruga

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@hyruga 7 habit  is very complex.  plus it is not unified to a point . think and grow rich is straight to the point and it points to a single direction. 7 habit point to a lot of directions . my choice is think and grow rich.

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@hyruga is it better than think ans grow rich ?

No way it is beating think and grow rich

Edited by Ramanujan

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think and grow rich is the greatest book on success. Leo need to put it as no 1 in book list instead of george leonard

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30 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

think and grow rich is the greatest book on success. Leo need to put it as no 1 in book list instead of george leonard


There is a reason why is not on his list.

7 habits is way more practical and applicable. (even if you only read the first 3 habits)

But you don't have to choose.

Re-read them 10 times each (1 time per year) applying different techniques. Focus on 1-2 chapters each time.

I read it for the first time10 years ago, and still take value from it.


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@koops so do u think 7 habits is better than think and grow rich ?


i read both first time 9 years ago. 7 habit is so op

but it is the 2nd best book on my list after think and grow rich

my ranking would be

1 think and grow rich

2 7 habits

3 getting things done

4 compound effect by darren hardy

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16 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

@koops so do u think 7 habits is better than think and grow rich ?


i read both first time 9 years ago. 7 habit is so op

but it is the 2nd best book on my list after think and grow rich

my ranking would be

1 think and grow rich

2 7 habits

3 getting things done

4 compound effect by darren hardy


There is no better or worse.

Those books are for applying them in real life.

So, whichever serves you best for this moment is the best book.

Back in the day, 48 laws of power blew my mind.

Now, meh, is just a cool book.

So depends a lot on your level of development.


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On 17/12/2023 at 6:49 PM, Ramanujan said:


my ranking would be

1 think and grow rich

2 7 habits

3 getting things done

4 compound effect by darren hardy

#1 ranking is inter changable.

either 7 habit or think and grow rich is the 1st

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