Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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Footage from a few hours ago.

There's no food. People are starving.

Most of the people you see in this video will be dead within the next two weeks.

That's 1.9 million people.

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The problem is that hamas takes as much as humanitarian aid to itself, and given hamas interest to maximize the casualties and the humanitarian crisis, it for sure plays a main role in this crisis.

100-200 trucks with humanitarian aid cross the border to Gaza every day.

Probably the need is higher and I hope the number will rise as a result of that.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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Survival takes on infinite forms and possibilities. This war, included.

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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8 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

You can't make a move against ISIS in the international court. They are unreasonable. They don't care about what other countries think about them.

Only Israel sets that standard for themselves in the middleast. 

Yes, such a moral country. 

Edited by Merkabah Star

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3 hours ago, Nivsch said:

The problem is that hamas takes as much as humanitarian aid to itself, and given hamas interest to maximize the casualties and the humanitarian crisis, it for sure plays a main role in this crisis

100-200 trucks with humanitarian aid cross the border to Gaza every day.

Probably the need is higher and I hope the number will rise as a result of that.

Is there any proof that Hamas takes humanitarian aid to itself? Or is this another piece of Israeli propaganda that they repeat until it becomes absolute truth?

Gaza needed 500 trucks before the Isreali assault; it should now receive more, not less than that.

Hamas is a group of Palestinians who are legitimately defending their people and their land from Israeli occupation and colonization. They are the only hope for a people that's been oppressed for decades.


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3 hours ago, Raze said:


Egypt could have chosen not to put up the blockade. They could have taken in their fellow arab civilians seeking asylum from war.

US government even agreed to forgive their huge debt they took on to build their new capital. 

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18 hours ago, kenway said:

My attitude to Israel is spawn from that same anti-Nazi spirit that I've always held. Your problem is that you are extraordinarily brainwashed, and there's no obvious way of reversing that.


So true. It’s a mindset. Lovely people in general, just don’t talk about these types of topics cause then it’s like wtf. 😀

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8 hours ago, dudts said:

Is there any proof that Hamas takes humanitarian aid to itself?


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Only Israel can be accused freely without asking for proofs ;)

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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5 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Egypt could have chosen not to put up the blockade. They could have taken in their fellow arab civilians seeking asylum from war.

Probably Egypt knows something we aren't 🤔


Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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5 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Egypt could have chosen not to put up the blockade. They could have taken in their fellow arab civilians seeking asylum from war.

US government even agreed to forgive their huge debt they took on to build their new capital. 

We remember 1948, zionists forcing people to evacuate from their homes, telling them you can get back in a week.

Since then, they lived as refugees and were never able to return to their ancestral lands , while jewish people from other western countries were able to go there and have a life there as colons, or as they like to say "Israelis", (while again, Israhell is not a country, not a legit one, except of course for the west and the US as serves their domination over the region.)

So lesson learned, leaving the lands means living as a refugee and losing more land to the occupation. In which case, death and hunger is a better option. No one can believe the Israelis, everything they say is lies. They just lie too much to be taken seriously.

About the US government, complicit in genocide, enabling the Israeli terrorist "state" or more like "gang", the US government could end it all by stopping the funding of the genocide and stopping sending resources and bombs. Only then can calm get back to the region and hostage negotiations can be initiated.


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I saw most of the six hour talks in hugue. Israel's explanations were very grounded to me succeeded easily to hold a stable healthy wide context to its claims.

In the other hand the accusation was based on fragments of claims that can indicate problems, but can never compose the puzzle to make their accusation plausible.

This is my impression I wrote here yesterday.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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21 hours ago, kenway said:

Irrelevant. I asked to provide commentary on the nature of the video, not the sect itself. The sect itself barely featured in the video.

I felt it's essential to add.

21 hours ago, kenway said:

How is this video biased against the Israeli state? Not a single person in this video advocated against Israel.

I apologize, I thought you were in favor of the destruction of Israel and wanted Palestine to be liberated from the river to the sea. So, do you support the Israeli state?

21 hours ago, kenway said:

That's fine and I don't deny that Israel is beautiful. Maybe you could post such videos yourself if you can be sure that it's not propaganda?

I always share here what I find valuable and represents the reality.


21 hours ago, kenway said:

Israel and Hamas are both modern day Nazis.

And seeing as you're talking about Nazis by the way:-

I used to be a fully paid member of various anti-Nazi organisations for about 5 years.  My family fought actual Nazis in World War 2. My great great great great grandmother was Ashkenazi Jewish. The only reason I’m not Jewish today is because my aforementioned grandmother (for reasons unknown) abandoned her new born daughter onto the steps of a Christian church.

My attitude to Israel is spawn from that same anti-Nazi spirit that I've always held. Your problem is that you are extraordinarily brainwashed, and there's no obvious way of reversing that.

This is not a correct comparison between Hamas and Israel. Hamas is not Israel and Israel is not Hamas, one of them has Nazi ideology while the other not.

Just because your great grandmother was an Ashkenazi Jew, holocaust survivor, isn't automatically makes your statements correct.

Just because Mate Gabor is an holocaust survivor, doesn't make his analysis of the conflict correct. Both of you are people who never grow up in Israel, never experienced this violence from the other side. There is no one who can understand Israel's enemy better than Israel. You can call me brainwashed, if it sooths your ego and makes it more psychologically easy to keep holding your biased narrative. From my perspective, you are ignorant and luck experience to judge this situation property.

The majority of Jewish population, including holocaust survivors (especially them) is pro Israel and have a clear understanding what Nazis really are and who they are, and who are resembling them today, which are radical Islamists more than anything.

21 hours ago, kenway said:

It was actually the Zionists that were cooperating with the Nazis.

Not only did Nazism legitimise Theodore Herz's 1896 document "The Jewish State' it also served as a sufficiently "scary event" to force the Jews out of Europe down into Palestine where the Zionists wanted and needed them.

This is the conspiracy theory that you want to believe in, but has nothing to do with reality. Notice that in your view, all the people you consider "bad" (Zionists) were cooperating with the Nazis while the people you consider to be "good" (non-Zionists) were the victims of Nazis, this is a polished story to fit your narrative.

Can you hold in your psyche the reality that the gross majority of Holocaust victims and survivors were Zionists and pro-Israel state? Could you understand why people who experienced hell in Europe would like to have their autonomacy in a form of an Israeli state?



Edited by Lila9

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34 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

So, do you support the Israeli state?

I support a one-state solution shared by both Jews and Arabs predicated on a constitution defined by principles, rather than the current defacto ethnostate.

Or in other words, a return to the borders prior to 1948, but under an Internationally policed mandate rather than a British mandate. (aka International Israel.)

Ideally I would like to see a total reboot of the United Nations, and a process of dezionification similar to the denazification process that occurred in Germany post 1945.


34 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

This is the conspiracy theory that you want to believe in, but has nothing to do with reality. Notice that in your view, all the people you consider "bad" (Zionists) were cooperating with the Nazis while the people you consider to be "good" (non-Zionists) were the victims of Nazis, this is a polished story to fit your narrative.

That's kind of a strawman. But in any case, cooperation between the Zionists and Nazis is well documented. One such example is the Haavara Agreement:-



34 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Can you hold in your psyche the reality that the gross majority of Holocaust victims and survivors were Zionists and pro-Israel state?

That's simply not true. That is quite literally false.

The overwhelming majority of Holocaust survivors chose destinations other than Israel/Palestine. (e.g the United States).

I recommend you watch this. @Lila9


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Very informative discussion from a UN aid worker who has just returned from Gaza.


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2 hours ago, Lila9 said:

This is the conspiracy theory that you want to believe in, but has nothing to do with reality. Notice that in your view, all the people you consider "bad" (Zionists) were cooperating with the Nazis while the people you consider to be "good" (non-Zionists) were the victims of Nazis, this is a polished story to fit your narrative.

I think that Japan were co-operating with US in WW2 and the atomic bomb was just a distruction from the REAL co-operation that we couldn't see because of the destruction ;)

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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