Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, kenway said:

And generally, seen through that neutral lens, it becomes obvious that Israel is not just a little bit mischievous, but actually very very very fucking evil. 

Not at all from neutrality.

From a combination of two main positions depending on the population (but there are more less dominant):

1. Stage red to blue point of view holds by hundreds of millions from where aljazeera for example takes its influence.

2. Stage green good intentions but naive "victim-opressor" scheme that doesn't hold at all in this conflict and actually very twisted in many senses in reality.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, kenway said:


@Nivsch Tell me, how do you justify this? I searched and 926 civilians killed from Palestine and 3 civilians killed from Israel. Total killed in Palestine 1166 to 1417 and 13 in Israel (including 4 soldiers death by enemy fire).

How does your peace lover Israeli IDF justify this barbarity?

Picking the exact time childreen are on the streets to beging bombing is one of the most diabolical things I have ever heard.

And they dare call Hamas evil.

They are as inhumane.


Edited by Karmadhi

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Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, kenway said:

This hardcore quasifascist Zionist mindset would go on to define Israel, from its genesis right through to the current (wow-didn't-see-this-coming) genocide. 

The "genocide" claim is a total joke 😄

But problems with IDF behaviour? Yes. Of course there are problems.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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1 minute ago, Nivsch said:

Not at all from neutrality.

From a combination of two main positions depending on the population (but there are more less dominant):

1. Stage red to blue point of view holds by handreths of millions from where aljazeera for example takes its influence.

2. Stage green good intentions but naive "victim-opressor" scheme that doesn't hold at all in this conflict and actually very twisted in many senses in reality.


Possibly true, but Stage Yellow would spit Israel out no differently.

I've already said many times that there's no such thing as family, and that if you love family more than you do strangers you've made a fundamental ontological mistake.

Israel is an ethno-state defined by the "fear of death / love of family" animalistic complex that has no place in stage yellow or anything equivalent to that or anything above that.

An ethno-state (such as a Jewish state) is fundamentally incompatible with an advanced civilisation, which is precisely why Israel has a shelf life.

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1 minute ago, Nivsch said:

The "genocide" claim is a total joke 😄

Okay, well the ICJ court case is on Thursday.

If you're confident in that one-liner then perhaps you should offer your legal services on behalf of your country.


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Posted (edited)


59 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Quite a lot of supported evidence have been accumulated throghout the years from the 1920's until today.

   List all them empty evidences then. Don't tell me empty claims and educated guesses you have for Palestinians, come with some proof, provided it ain't corrupted and distorted by your side of the aisle. You just empty air at this point.

35 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

The "genocide" claim is a total joke 😄

But problems with IDF behaviour? Yes. Of course there are problems.

   And you telling us these genocidal claims are a joke? Are you serious? Is everyone seeing this? I'll let the readers decide who's the fucking joke here.

Edited by Danioover9000

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Nivsch said:

It also worth emphasize that Israel, as oppose to the palesinians, has shown very serious desire for peace over the years and there was always one side who rejected all of its proposals.

2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

@zazen Nothing is good enough for the Palestinians. Even when many countries were mediates in the negotiations including Russia and the Arab League. 


They just know that if they agree a deal, it mean the acceptance of Israel and the Jews right to settle here in an independent state.

Their true goal is to diminish Israel completely.

Good to see both sides at the table rather than on fighting for sure. The number of proposals is always given as if to show Israel as the peacemaker and the Palestinians as the savages who deny deal after deal - what's left out are the details of the proposals. For example just from the Annapolis conference link you shared:

'Abbas refused to sign on Olmert's peace offer as Olmert did not allow Abbas more than one day to study the map. Nevertheless negotiations continued, but got increasingly difficult as Olmert became entangled in domestic corruption charges.' - surely you should be given more than a day to study the map of what will be your peoples future state.

'The Israeli settlement of Ariel, deep inside a potential Palestinian state, was a controversial issue for Olmert and Abbas' - why would any state have a settlement or area from a former state they had such hostility with which could put their future state at risk. Would Ukrainians ever agree to have a Russian settlement in Ukraine after the war ends?

'Negotiations were formally suspended in January 2009, when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip. But Abbas continued to call on the US to broker a deal.' - sounds like the Palestinian side wanted peace unlike what is portrayed as Abbas called on the US to continue the process. 

Israels shown a very serious desire for peace? Eating away at land at the West Bank continuously no matter which government has been in power since decades isn't a sign of being serious about it.  In the words of Avi Shlaim - Israel is like a man who pretends to be negotiating the division of a pizza while he keeps eating it lol.

Edited by zazen

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15 minutes ago, zazen said:

Good to see both sides at the table rather than on fighting for sure. The number of proposals is always given as if to show Israel as the peacemaker and the Palestinians as the savages who deny deal after deal - what's left out are the details of the proposals. For example just from the Annapolis conference link you shared:

'Abbas refused to sign on Olmert's peace offer as Olmert did not allow Abbas more than one day to study the map. Nevertheless negotiations continued, but got increasingly difficult as Olmert became entangled in domestic corruption charges.' - surely you should be given more than a day to study the map of what will be your peoples future state.

'The Israeli settlement of Ariel, deep inside a potential Palestinian state, was a controversial issue for Olmert and Abbas' - why would any state have a settlement or area from a former state they had such hostility with which could put their future state at risk. Would Ukrainians ever agree to have a Russian settlement in Ukraine after the war ends?

'Negotiations were formally suspended in January 2009, when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip. But Abbas continued to call on the US to broker a deal.' - sounds like the Palestinian side wanted peace unlike what is portrayed as Abbas called on the US to continue the process. 

Israels shown a very serious desire for peace? Eating away at land at the West Bank continuously no matter which government has been in power since decades isn't a sign of being serious about it.  In the words of Avi Shlaim - Israel is like a man who pretends to be negotiating the division of a pizza while he keeps eating it lol.

   True, how this isn't part of mainstream news is news to me.

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1 hour ago, kenway said:

The name of every person slaughtered in Gaza by Israeli bombings.



   OMG, that's a very long scroll of names killed. Damn, that's fucked up.

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49 minutes ago, kenway said:

Okay, well the ICJ court case is on Thursday.

If you're confident in that one-liner then perhaps you should offer your legal services on behalf of your country.


   His legal advice will be denial and lie to the death, and keep calling Daddy USA to protect you from the UN tribunal.

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Posted (edited)

@zazen A palestinian state = no more settlements expansion. They refused to that.

30 minutes ago, zazen said:

'The Israeli settlement of Ariel, deep inside a potential Palestinian state, was a controversial issue for Olmert and Abbas' - why would any state have a settlement or area from a former state they had such hostility with which could put their future state at risk. Would Ukrainians ever agree to have a Russian settlement in Ukraine after the war ends?

How is the city of Ariel can risk the palestinian state?

If someone needs to be really afraid is Ariel's residents.

Some extremist settlers (a very tiny minority) that do violent are not at all a security risk to the new state.

But if you mean that Ariel has to evacuate, then this is of course not realistic at all, and just proves even more that the Palestinians will make any excuse to not reach a deal.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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I'm afraid to know what these innocent girls are going through in Hamas captivaty. Per the testemonies of the realeased hostages, Hamas terrorists are sexually abusing girls and young women.

Such devilry, everything is justified to "free Palestine". Gross. 







Edited by Lila9

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Posted (edited)

46 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

True, how this isn't part of mainstream news is news to me

All about the headline not the trendlines. Propaganda is effective when it doesn't trigger people's cognitive alarms ie subtle and often - almost like ingesting microplastics through water. Tiny manipulations build up to warp our minds and control the narrative in favour of the vested interests. Sneaky af. 

32 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

@zazen A palestinian state = no more settlements expansion. They refused to that.

How the city of Ariel can risk the palestinian state?

If someone needs to be really afraid is Ariel's residents.

Some extremist settlers (a very tiny minority) that do violent are not at all a security risk to the new state.

But if you mean the Ariel has to evacuate this is of course not realistic and just proves even more that the Palestinians will make any excuse to not reach a deal.

Possibly it could be a risk in terms of intelligence sharing and spying within the state, not really a threat in terms of violence. Beyond that I'm not sure what else would be objectionable about Ariel as my knowledge is limited. Definitely the Palestinians can also be stubborn - but it must be understood why they don't feel they should be the ones conceding as they see themselves as the more wronged party.

I think that's all that most of the people in this thread are trying to shine light on and which the Israeli side can be blind to - which is that the Palestinians have been unjustly wronged. From Israel's side they can't see that it seems - maybe due to entitlement to the land ancestrally, the Gods chosen people concept or because their too traumatised and wrapped up in their own trauma caused by people on another continent (Europe) but for which the Palestinians need to suffer and pay for their sins. 

Edited by zazen

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Posted (edited)

16 minutes ago, Raze said:


Interesting, a politician in Israel has backed the genocide charges. But it looks like he’s about to get kicked out of the Knesset for it. 

He seems to believe Israel is headed towards a civil war. 

Edited by Raze

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@Raze Another one that holds the 0.01% most radical views in our society. from a couple of years of hearing about his views I know this. But hey, this is the game of this thread I kind of used to it.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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so sad for those girls, must be horrendous for them. They would have been home already if your country bothered to negotiate properly and release them via a ceasefire. Which was an easy enough outcome. But nope. The hostage situation helps fuel the destruction and death of all the children and women. 


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Posted (edited)

2 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:


so sad for those girls, must be horrendous for them. They would have been home already if your country bothered to negotiate properly and release them via a ceasefire. Which was an easy enough outcome. But nope. The hostage situation helps fuel the destruction and death of all the children and women. 


Why do you think hamas would just agree to release them?

Does not sound reasonable to me.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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4 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

@Raze Another one that holds the 0.01% most radical views in our society. from a couple of years of hearing about his views I know this. But hey, this is the game of this thread I kind of used to it.

Everything is just made up propaganda to make Israel look bad. 

So sad.

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