
Obsession with "Elites" and antisemtism

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"The (evil) rich elites control the economy, media and government." It is fertile ground for old-style antisemitism that is making a resurgence nowadays. When I was growing up that kind of antisemitism was viewed as utterly untrue and something from a different age. Now it seems to be making a comeback.
Antisemitism has its own evolution: first people demonized Jews for being Christ-killers, then as malevolent controlling elites, Then came ww2 and the Holocaust. After which antisemitism significantly died down in the West. Then the new antisemitism became obsessing-over and hating Israel. But now we are making a comeback to the pre-WW2 era of Jews being controlling elites again. What's next hating Jews for being Christ killers again? 

Edited by Vrubel

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37 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

"The (evil) rich elites control the economy, media and government." It is fertile ground for old-style antisemitism that is making a resurgence nowadays. When I was growing up that kind of antisemitism was viewed as utterly untrue and something from a different age. Now it seems to be making a comeback.
Antisemitism has its own evolution: first people demonized Jews for being Christ-killers, then as malevolent controlling elites, Then came ww2 and the Holocaust. After which antisemitism significantly died down in the West. Then the new antisemitism became obsessing-over and hating Israel. But now we are making a comeback to the pre-WW2 era of Jews being controlling elites again. What's next hating Jews for being Christ killers again? 

   Not just antisemitism, but also anti establishment and anti mainstream types of ideologies, too anti government, anarchic communism or libertarianism, even neo liberalism.

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I try to tell people it's a human nature problem. It's not fair to scream "jews" to the 85% of jews that aren't in the power structure. Any ethnicity of people you get or any large enough "herd" of people or any one person that accumulates enough wealth and power will tend to act and lead in the same way depending on whether they are a psychopath or not.

It does no good to target an entire ethnic group. I tell people to watch for specific individuals who support authoritarian or autocratic rule and make sure they don't get power. If they do, take them out. No need to involve innocent collateral damage. The main threat to the species are authoritarians. Left authoritarians. Right authoritarians. Doesn't matter. Autocracy doesn't work.

The Chinese Communist Party under Xi would be a classic example of what we want to avoid when we are talking about global leadership. I don't care how good your intentions, checks and balances are the best way to keep human nature at bay. :)  I find most leadership to be incompetent, but again that's just human nature. Our species needs some genetic engineering... see my post here:

All the more reason to practice radical acceptance!

Edited by sholomar

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On 24.09.2023 at 9:45 PM, Vrubel said:

What's next hating Jews for being Christ killers again? 

 No, present is hating refugees for them being in what used to be your land.

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People treat the jews like babies grow a spine the holocaust won't happen again we can not like them and not holocaust them. Why do they get such special privilege when we didn't holocaust them.

I've seen videos of Jewish people treating others like absolute dirt and then cry when a little hate gets sent back their way.

They keep the holocaust in the media as a shield against hate towards them.

Suppressing anti Semitism is the next holocaust.

You can be against muslim no one bats an eye say I don't like jews and you are hateful and anti Semitism.

I don't care about either I just don't like special treatment. This is the reason I think there is Jewish control of our media the fact that we even care about the holocaust so much. And the fact it gets suppressed so easily.


Edited by Hojo

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28 minutes ago, Hojo said:

People treat the jews like babies grow a spine the holocaust won't happen again we can not like them and not holocaust them. Why do they get such special privilege when we didn't holocaust them.

I've seen videos of Jewish people treating others like absolute dirt and then cry when a little hate gets sent back their way.

They keep the holocaust in the media as a shield against hate towards them.

Suppressing anti Semitism is the next holocaust.

You can be against muslim no one bats an eye say I don't like jews and you are hateful and anti Semitism.

I don't care about either I just don't like special treatment. This is the reason I think there is Jewish control of our media the fact that we even care about the holocaust so much. And the fact it gets suppressed so easily.


   I can agree for real, I don't like special treatment especially if said person instigated hate, then complains and victim cards or victim shields when they can't handle hate reflected back or an argument back at them. Yeah, victim mentality and playing the victim nowadays, In Nietzsche's view, to paraphrase, is the 'new opioid of the masses when confronted.', or something like that. 

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@Danioover9000  media using itself as a tool to make everyone identify themselves as a victim so that they identify with the jews. Yahwehs master plan

Edited by Hojo

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This thread is sadly proving my point. People find either new or old ways to obsess over Jews and their supposed power. 
you can find something “ugly” about each nationality/culture and then your negative concepts get reinforced by echo chambers and exposure bais. Until you keep a whole group in contempt.

Yes, Jews totally reserve the right to avoid you if you’re being nasty and disrespectful.

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Short answer, ignorance and lack of critical thinking.  People struggle to understand that we are one human organism on this planet. Regardless of what we choose to identify with. Also People cannot fathom life without an economy. However anthropology will prove that ancient civilizations were capable of amazing feats without a trade economy or centralized government. 

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For some reason, this thread attracted the biggest nutjobs here haha.

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