
Building Career

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Hey what's up guys, I'm in a place in life where I don't have a career. I work at a grocery store for 24-40 hours a week, and that's really everything I have going in my life. I was going to university to get a career in Business Administration, but that was cut short because I didn't want to foot the student loans bill. I was thinking about if I ever got rich I would go back and finish my Bachelor's degree. Like, if I made millions of dollars on crypto I would go back and work at the office, because it really is a pretty lucrative career field. Then last year I had this career plan to become a musician, but I really couldn't handle the way that the life of a musician is, I felt like working at a computer was just easier to me. I know I should be like Leo and face my problems head on, and build a career somewhere, but for now I'm working at a grocery store till something better comes around. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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Have you done the Life Purpose course?

39 minutes ago, BuddhistLover said:

I know I should be like Leo and face my problems head on, and build a career somewhere, but for now I'm working at a grocery store till something better comes around. 

Something better will not just come around. You must actively seek something better and try to get out of this situation like you have a gun to your head

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*Definitely recommend Leo's Life Purpose Course*

You sound kinda scattered but the intention/desire to want is all you need. "if I ever got rich I would go back and finish my Bachelor's degree", this sounds pretty outlandish because of how diminishing the returns would be; why would you spend years of your time to obtain a "stamp" after already being "rich"?

My top 3 pieces:

1. Build Vision - What lifestyle do you want? What WORK do you WANT to do? How do you want to contribute and add value to the world? This vision will be the engine for your emotional motivation and action-taking

2. Develop Skills - In whatever path you choose, develop SKILLS to create disparity between you and "others" (competitors, coworkers, etc.) and this will in turn lead to greater compensation & opportunities

3. Process > Event. Be careful of the "quick & easy" sh*t that you might see floating around. Don't try to cheat your way and take shortcuts but instead believe in Truth, Experience and the process. 

Good luck man.

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Sometimes you sort of need to bite a bullet. An office job, in my opinion is better than a store job. Sometimes you have to decide if that is worth the loan. If you are going to a college that is like 1 or 2 years the loan won’t be that big. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Also, don’t fool yourself into thinking crypto will make you rich or that there is some easy way out of working hard or paying the price for valuable things, like a decent job in life.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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23 hours ago, BuddhistLover said:

if I ever got rich I would go back and finish my Bachelor's degree. Like, if I made millions of dollars on crypto

I can relate to the struggles of a university student and doing a job that you're not passionate about but if this is your strategy to make it in life, you're gonna die a cashier. 

How do you exactly plan to get rich this way? Dumb luck? That's what immature folks do, they buy crypto or invest in some dead stock and they lose all their money because crypto in 2023 is almost impossible to make money on for a guy with your budget. You're competing with Fortune 200 megalocorps with unlimited amount of cashflow. 

 Don't do this to yourself. Don't squander your potential on hopes for luck and stroke of fortune. 

Put some more strategy, purpose & deliberate planning into your life. Find your nische then put couple years of effort into it. Or finish your education and get a higher tier 9-5 job, you can pay off your tuition fee with good salary easily 

If you feel lost, the life purpose course might get you started 

Edited by Michael569

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Apply to and do some internships. Figure out what you want to do from there. Once you find something you like, be consistent with it until you are offered with a full time position or you have gotten enough experiences to apply to a full time position else where. If you want to do something that is technical in nature, do a few certification courses or do something in the trades. 

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