
Help me understand your perspective better

10 posts in this topic

The intention of this post is to understand why different perspectives seem to exist.


Let's consider the typing of this post...

Do you think you type this?

Do you think someone else types this?

Or do you think that no one types this?


Could you also provide some sort of explanation for why you think so? Thank you.

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Right now, I am thinking that I see= black markings on a screen that contain ideas that I would like to consider. Who is typing it, does not enter my mind.  So, I have to make up an answer on the spot. I am faced with questions. What do you mean by typing of this post? Do you mean the one that I am currently writing? Typing is an action, reading is a reception.   Since the question is offered in present tense and I am currently typing, Obviously, I think I am the one typing this because I can feel my fingers clanking on a keyboard and can see a letter pop up after a button I push, so it leads me to the notion that I am the one currently creating the effect. 

This is my current perspective. I think people try to force high-consciousness concepts right up their ass, hoping that shit will stick. Well, good luck with that one, lol. 

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@davecraw I suspect the prevailing theory on this forum is there is only one god or awareness. As an example he/she wants to experience giving a gift. So god needs multiple perspectives to experience "giving a gift." I give you a gift and we are both actually god so I get to experience the giving and you get to experience the receiving.

This theory may be guilty of projecting our mindset onto god or anthropomorphizing god or using the anthropic principle.

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25 minutes ago, Ajax said:

Right now, I am thinking that I see= black markings on a screen that contain ideas that I would like to consider. Who is typing it, does not enter my mind.  So, I have to make up an answer on the spot. I am faced with questions. What do you mean by typing of this post? Do you mean the one that I am currently writing? Typing is an action, reading is a reception.   Since the question is offered in present tense and I am currently typing, Obviously, I think I am the one typing this because I can feel my fingers clanking on a keyboard and can see a letter pop up after a button I push, so it leads me to the notion that I am the one currently creating the effect. 

This is my current perspective. I think people try to force high-consciousness concepts right up their ass, hoping that shit will stick. Well, good luck with that one, lol. 

To be clear "this post" is the one by davecraw and not Ajax.

Edited by davecraw

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4 minutes ago, davecraw said:

To be clear "this post" is the one by davecraw and not Ajax.

Then the mystery is solved. It has been written by the one by davecraw by clarification of this post. Unless, unless it is all a lie! OMG:o

lol don't mind me, I am just being silly. 

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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4 hours ago, davecraw said:

The intention of this post is to understand why different perspectives seem to exist.


Let's consider the typing of this post...

Do you think you type this?

Do you think someone else types this?

Or do you think that no one types this?


Could you also provide some sort of explanation for why you think so? Thank you.

Nobody typed that and nobody is typing this either. As soon as you start thinking there is somebody who sees or types or whatever, then you are seeing a separation, or AT LEAST a mixing of two different parts, like the one who types it plus what is typed.

It's not clear to me right now and is something I only touched for the briefest moment, but it should be logically obvious:

If there is ONLY reality itself and nothing more, then even if there is someone who sees something, what could be doing that seeing except from reality itself?

Someone sent me a post earlier and it is true, when we are seeing from our eyes with an ego active, it is impossible for the sight to look anything other than in front of us. We can't envision the sight being behind or beside us. Because our minds are adding a fictional layer of a position of observing to that image. And the position of observing is where the ego lives. If the ego is taken out of the image completely, and you leave ONLY the image, then every time that image appears, no matter who it seems to be appearing to, it appears the same.

It is also important to consider that all categorical divides are just thoughts in your head. In reality there is no categorical difference between qualia and dead matter in some distant galaxy, without a mind to apply a categorical division dead matter is not substantially different to qualia. Dead matter seems impersonal to us, like atoms can exist before our birth and after our death, and even without any living being at all. If you can comprehend qualia existing just as impersonally as that, you might get it.

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If the thought is that you type this, then the thought is that you type this. If the thought is that someone else types this, then the thought is that someone else types this. If the thought is that no one types this, then the thought is that no one types this.

The thought is that all is qualia. Therefore the thought is that all is qualia.

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14 hours ago, ryandesreu said:

If the thought is that you type this, then the thought is that you type this. If the thought is that someone else types this, then the thought is that someone else types this. If the thought is that no one types this, then the thought is that no one types this.


There is no such thing as "true" and "untrue"; there is only perception and non-perception (actually, the latter isn't really a thing either, but let's leave that aside for now).

You either perceive something (which means that it exists) or you don't perceive it (which means that it doesn't exist). So the thought "hey look, someone wrote a message" is just as real as the screen that you are looking at; both are things that are perceived here and now. Asking if the thought is true or not is like asking if the screen is true or not. The question just doesn't make any sense, you see?

You can spin all kinds of stories on the basis of your direct perception. Maybe there is someone "out there" writing the message that you are looking at; maybe it was written by a bot; maybe you wrote the message yourself and somehow forgot about it; maybe you are lying in a coma hallucinating all of this; maybe everything you perceive in this moment is a simulation that was programmed by an alien entity called Zorg the Destroyer. But guess what, those are all assumptions (aka. mental concepts), and none of them are more true or untrue than the other. All that there is is truth itself, and you're looking at it NOW.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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It is obvious that I exist and that I am having a perspective, so I think that when I see others, they obviously have other perspectives, but the only reality is my perspective, the now. This does not mean that there are not others, I am sure that there are, but this is an idea that is occurring in the now.  In the end, my perspective is reality, and the things that come up in my perspective, like those ideas, are just movements of reality. I will never get out of my perspective, therefore, that is the reality. we can speculate conceptually what is the structure of reality, of perspectives, of infinity. This is fun, maybe necessary. but first you have to abandon this need and focus only on the opening to existence now. if the time comes when this is complete and stable, then we'll see what can be known

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My understanding is that the separation only cease to exist when we go beyond our mind and body limitations. Meditation is necessary for that. When we become merged with always present enlightening awareness and consciousness. Until that happens, we are still separate from god. Then only the true surrender can happen. Only through true surrender, the god can bring it's expression to the world.




Edited by ranaya

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