
Everything Exists. Everything is The Truth. We Already Agree!

16 posts in this topic

On this forum I've seen people argue over what's right and what's wrong. People getting caught-up in judging statements or points of view as true or false.

Falsehood only applies to statements in which you buy into some notion of correspondence with an external Reality. But Reality is purely as You understand it to be, and beyond. It is Now. It is The Moment. It needs no statements or evaluating of it's authenticity.

Truth simply is.


Statements about The Truth were never separate from The Truth! Percieved falsehoods, Judgement, was never separate from The Truth! The Illusion was never separate from The Truth! The Self was never separate from The Truth! The Mind was never separate from The Truth!


To get straight to the point;

We Are The Absolute Truth!

Therefore, We Already Agree! ♾ ? 


Whether we think so or not, We Are One.

We Already Agree!  Judgment, overthinking, misunderstandings and arguments over mere statements of perspective only come "after" the fact of Pure Being.

Therefore, start from The Beginning; You Will Find That We Already Agree!

Unconditional Love is worth maintaining in any interaction, online or otherwise; hot air created over a statement is not quite as worthwhile, in my opinion.

We Are The Truth. We Already Agree! ♾ ? 

Agreement is What Is; A Consensus Reality!

We Are One, whether "we" "think" so or not!


Edited by tuku747

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"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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To argue on this forum, or argue with anyone at all, is to argue with Yourself. Are you really getting the most out of this interaction?

I wish to see this forum evolve past arguments and resistance but instead serve as a place to understand one another's perspectives and insights and expand our horizons for what's possible in Infinite Consciousness.

We each have a unique perspective on formlessness. Let's share and seek to understand one another's perspective, and in so doing, come to understand our own perspective. Isn't that the more mature option?

Edited by tuku747

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everything is the absolute truth since nothing else exists, but you can carry out a constant fragmenting activity that makes it seem to you that reality is something that it is not, although it continues to be what it is. So, the more in that direction your constant mental processing is, the more distortion will be generated, the more confusion and suffering, which are also the absolute truth, but we want to avoid them because they lead to an experience of madness and existential horror called hell.

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22 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

everything is the absolute truth since nothing else exists, but you can carry out a constant fragmenting activity that makes it seem to you that reality is something that it is not, although it continues to be what it is. So, the more in that direction your constant mental processing is, the more distortion will be generated, the more confusion and suffering, which are also the absolute truth, but we want to avoid them because they lead to an experience of madness and existential horror called hell.

There is no "not" Reality. 

This is the Infinite Imagination.

Why attempt to exclude or limit any of it?

Simply acccept everything as is; Pure Love.

If one is not present and in thought all day, they are excluding the physical. The thoughts themselves are electrical resistance to What Is; Pure Unconditional Love.

Edited by tuku747

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@tuku747 100%. I see this place turning into a place where everyone is engaged in understanding and sharing. A community without any twisted forms of Love. I know this is a Utopian dream, but I see the potential. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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3 hours ago, HMD said:

@tuku747 100%. I see this place turning into a place where everyone is engaged in understanding and sharing. A community without any twisted forms of Love. I know this is a Utopian dream, but I see the potential. 

It’s already the case.

From a certain point of view ;)

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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@Yimpa Yeah. It's way ahead of other usual communities  But every now and then I see two people arguing over who is enlightened and who isn't. And that's an instant turn off. Like how can you be enlightened ... and argue about being enlightened ?!

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Just now, HMD said:

@Yimpa Yeah. It's way ahead of other usual communities  But every now and then I see two people arguing over who is enlightened and who isn't. And that's an instant turn off. Like how can you be Enlightened ... and argue about being enlightened ?!

:D Isn’t Consciousness amazing?!

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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@Yimpa It is unbelievable :D

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Arguing is Love.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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5 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

Arguing is Love.


Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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Perhaps try an exercise, if you have an interest in truth/awakening:

The ability to entertain a possibility without accepting it is the mark of an intelligent mind. Entertain the possibility that you have no interest in waking up. Then, not having an interest in waking up, ask yourself “what would I be doing if I were interested in waking up?” Feel intuitively into the question, silently. When the answer comes, if you don’t immediately begin doing it, you’re not interested in waking up. Or, it may spontaneously commence. If that was the course of events, 1 layer down, x-1 to go.

Go easy on it.

And don’t take it too seriously. Just an exercise.

Edited by The0Self

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On 4/13/2023 at 9:04 PM, The0Self said:

Perhaps try an exercise, if you have an interest in truth/awakening:

The ability to entertain a possibility without accepting it is the mark of an intelligent mind. Entertain the possibility that you have no interest in waking up. Then, not having an interest in waking up, ask yourself “what would I be doing if I were interested in waking up?” Feel intuitively into the question, silently. When the answer comes, if you don’t immediately begin doing it, you’re not interested in waking up. Or, it may spontaneously commence. If that was the course of events, 1 layer down, x-1 to go.

Go easy on it.

And don’t take it too seriously. Just an exercise.

I think it's time for a 6-week vipassana retreat in the woods

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8 hours ago, tuku747 said:

I think it's time for a 6-week vipassana retreat in the woods

Or 9

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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That makes sense. Every opinion is your opinion. To say that we disagree with someone is to say that their opinion is other than our own opinion. But the "I" that is holding all of my opinions and the "I" that is holding all of your opinions is the same I! So if I agree with an opinion, you already agree with it, because you are "me" agreeing with that opinion! So if someone were to disagree with that, I'd totally agree with them, by politely disagreeing! :D

Another word for agreement in that sense could be alignment. To agree with someone is to be aligned with them. We're already in perfect alignment!

beep boop

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