Thought Art

I Committed to 12 Months of Toast Masters

19 posts in this topic

I’ve decided I am going to attend ToastMasters once a week for the next 12 months. 

Goals within this 12 months:

1. Do at 3 speeches or more at the toastmasters meetings

2. Enter both a speech competition and a table talk competition 

3. Complete one of the Pathways online courses: Visionary Communication (still learning about these).

4. With the momentum of these meetings find an actual speaking Gig talking about Workplace Stress, Qigong and how to have less stress and more energy throughout the workweek. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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15 minutes ago, thepixelmonk said:

Lesson #1: 



My favorite comment: "Leo's legs got actualized"

Describe a thought.

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@Osaid Leo’s leg are myth

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I am building myself into a Man and a leader. I want to be well known, and well paid stress coach and Qigong teacher. I want to be able to speak at a professional level, and teach Qigong to westerners at a professional level. 

I am definitely in a learning and building phase.

My day job is pushing and challenging me every day

My Qigong education is pushing me every day

My marketing course and business  is pushing me every day

And my art pushes me too

and spiritually I am growing all the time 

I will act now 

I will persist until I succeed 

I will live this day as if it is my last

I will laugh at the world 

I will greet this day with love in my heart

I am Nature’s greatest miracle 

I will master my emotions 

I will multiply my value a hundredfold

I am the greatest salesman in the world 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I recommend putting some good effort into evaluations. That is worthwhile to compete in for sure. 

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Sheesh I don't mean to dissuade you but toastmasters/public speaking and sales are 2 diff skillsets. Idk the fields indepth though and I am sure there is some overlap which is prob why you're doing it. 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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@Jacob Morres It’s bigger than just sales. I work on sales with my marketing course every other day of the week: copy, brand/ branding, social media, sales calls/ scripts, copy. Etc

ToastMasters is to work on my speech and presentation skills, leaderships skills, networking. Public speaking is a powerful marketing technique. There’s also pathways on persuasive motivation. 

I want my brand to be well known, and have a decent impact on the lives of people with busy stressful jobs. I’ve got a long time horizon on this as well. I am still young, immature and growing. 

There are many sales/ marketing strategies each with a host of different tactics. Public speaking and networking are in this. I am still working through this. 

I just know I’m 12 months I want to be well versed in toast masters. This will make me stronger, more confident, a better speaker, leader etc. They also have a coaching pathway which interests me because I am becoming a coach. I am also looking at doing IPEC in next 3 years. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Average Investor what do you mean?

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15 hours ago, Thought Art said:

I am the greatest salesman in the world 

That would be me. -_-

But besides that, good shit. That's the energy we need a lot more of here.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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@Average Investor Yeah, there is evaluations for each meeting. I think even the table talks get evaluated.

I did get best table talk this week ^_^

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Give updates, I would like to know how it goes. I am considering joining a toastmasters group as well.

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Second meeting is tonight ?

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Tonight went well. I really enjoy being around these types for people. There was an inspiring speech today. Bigger group this week!

Table talks went well and they are inspiring to listen and take part in. 

I highly recommend you guys go if they have a toast masters in your area. 

Hoping to sign up for the membership  once they straightened that up for me.

Oh, and I won best table talk again!

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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