
You are all broken!

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I cannot help my self to write this topic, after reading posts here related with Tate, Vax, Politics and so on. 

Nobody seems to understand the big picture, and it makes me sad to see all of you trying to prove something to each other.

Tate is phenoma and an abstract representation of how broken the relationship between men and women. And that is it, it does not matter if he is good/bad person, the root cause is still there.

Vax or not, it is also another phenoma, how broken is the relationship between science and the common man. Scientists have lost the comunication ablitities to connect, to explain simpler, to not be pretencious because of their "degress" or titles.

Left or right politics is the same, noone is actually upset that you have to chose between two old men to run a complicated country and make decisions for the whole world.

I thought I would find some solutions here, but is just another mess of opinions.

You are mostly young, fight for unity not division, polarization will end us all, piece by piece.

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I don't really understand your post. These are opinions I have read others say here. 

Edited by Thought Art

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@Thought Art show me one topic that reached a constructive conclusion, what to do next? 

Did the discusion about Tate change something? Is just opinions flying around.


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@AdrianBartan How would one use the forum to make a big change or bring a conclusion? Society rarely has this happen. It's more an individual who must decide. 

It's a forum, it's an information space. It's not possible as far as I can see... 

Maybe the big picture is being willing to simply observe and understand. There is a lot of layers to this. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@AdrianBartan Come talk with me about the lecture I uploaded in the politics subforum. Its systemic and big picture but no one replied so far :( lmao


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Yeah, and I posted a lecture by Gabor Mate I thought added something to the tate thing but it's a tangent.

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@Thought Art I would like to see a cure to Tate, a few examples: 

1. Someone to post about a relationship that they had with the opposite sex, that healed some past trauma, red pill philosophy cure, or extreme feminism cured.

2. Try to convince Leo to do a video with one of his ex or curent girlfriends to understand a better dinamic between men and women. Both perspectives. Then us to follow on

3. Help someone that you curently know from your circle of people to move out of the space of hate and post that story.

Cure for vax:

1. Someone that has some expert knowleage on vaccines to make a Richard Feyman style explanation. (Anyone can underatand, by taking into consideration all of the antivax points). 

A good question to ask allways, what evidence you need to change your mind?

2. Leo has a big platform, ask someone from this group if they work for Pfizer or any big Pharma company that produces vaccines for a tour there, it is very helpfull. Usually this can be done for just an entry level. 

The antivax person goes there and will see something. 

Solutions have to be proactive, that involve experinece.


Edited by AdrianBartan

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58 minutes ago, AdrianBartan said:

I would like to see a cure to Tate, a few examples: 

1. Someone to post about a relationship that they had with the opposite sex, that healed some past trauma, red pill philosophy cure, or extreme feminism cured.


@AdrianBartan  This couple from the clip bellow. I meet then many times in medicine Circles. She in her creative  power he giving support, taking care of their little boy. When I meet then they were traveling Portugal in a van, living simples even when they could live in a house in London. A couple working together, delivering their gifts. Now they are probably in México serving others in their path of healing. Both following  the redpath, doing Sundance Festivals, VisionQuest, and more. I think the husband is the creator of the medicine festival that happens in London sometimes.



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@AdrianBartan Do you have any of those stories?

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Always remembering the video Leo released about what is the point of Life. To emulate Creation, by being a Creator too. Never lose the connection with the Joy of Create. And if what call you is to create an amazing relationship that brings joy to you and your partner and shine as a example to others so it can be done. 


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@Rafael Thundercat Nice I will dive deep into this it seems like an intresting story ? (it is a bit late now where I'm).

@Thought Art Yes ofcourse everyone needs to have those stories.

My red pill turning point let's say happpened in Brazil 3 years ago with a girl I met that healed me. (I was not extreme with the red pill stuff just did not connect fully with a women at that level before).

Now I'm leading a comunity of engineers so we can work together to overcome problems in the industry it is not so big with no online presence at the moment.

I have a trans story, which opened my mind to some problems related with this topic.

Politics I'm fighting with people all the time from their perspective, I think both have major issues. Basiclly, if I met a conservative I bring issues from the left and vice versa. 

I'm trying to move a friend from alcholism and tendencies of suicide, not going so well but it is a trial and error.

But enough about me, this is the point of my topic, try to heal people and gain experience in doing so, offer practical advice. 

Ok you belive in red pill stuff have you tried to trully understand women? Did you actually feel loved by one? 

Try to see things from a solution based perspective with arguments they cannot ignor, deep down all of opinions come from ourselves.

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@Rafael Thundercat The best way to repay Leo is to not be his pupil forever. He saw some problems he fixed them the way he could. 

We see problems in society we try to do our part, in a better way, be a Creator.

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7 hours ago, AdrianBartan said:

Vax or not, it is also another phenoma, how broken is the relationship between science and the common man. Scientists have lost the comunication ablitities to connect, to explain simpler, to not be pretencious because of their "degress" or titles.

The problem here is not one of science communication. It's that people are so brainwashed with anti-mainstream dogma that no matter what a scientist says they will reject vaccines.

Just go look at the PBD podcast of Neil DeGrasse Tyson explaining vaccines and read the comment section. Those people have no interest in listening. They've been brainwashed by social media. So the problem is really social media and ignorance.

As for the Tate situtation I have videos that explain all the solutions for young men. I have videos about how to escape wage slavery, how to get laid, how to start a business, etc.

I also have videos that explain Conscious Politics.

The issue is that people do not want real solutions, they just like to argue and play games.

Edited by Leo Gura

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About creativity and being a creator. I love this guy Rick Rubin. Well, there is so examples of living  a great life that I don't  know how people can complain about lack of examples. The problem is as Leo say, people dont listen and just want something easy. For me life is interesting exactly for not being easy. To easy is boring, yes to difficult can be challenging too. I play Drum and everytime I play I discover a new way to play. 


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@Leo Gura I actually do not think that the aproach should be you are brainwashed. In some ways that can turn around so it is not so effective. Again arguing about opinions is counter productive. 

When I say opinions there is a bet made about the Covid vax, that will have little negative effects on people on the long run. You can analyze the bet and call it safe, but it is still a bet. 

Some people can take that bet some do not.

About Tate, everyone needs to see that he was enabled by society to exist, and it is not the fault only of men, if women actually saw zero value in Tate and his bussiness model, how can you make a  cam studio function? 

When I go back to Bucharest I will post a picture with the bussiness that is close to the university there, half are web cam studios. 

The underling issue is still the same, no women will want to get naked on a web cam for random strangers for an extra Guici bag, and no man would want to follow Tates bussiness model or Tates behavior if they both got along.


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Many women do prostitution because of psychological manipulation and poverty. It's harder to find this in places where morality and good social and economical factors are better developed. Hence he moved to Romania. It's predation, not mutual interest.

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On 1/20/2023 at 5:35 AM, Leo Gura said:


The issue is that people do not want real solutions, they just like to argue and play games.

@AdrianBartan  I get what you mean. You are right. The main problem is this point that Leo mentioned. People are not serious enough. If you have a problem, and you are serious enough in finding the solution, you will gladly change your mind or opinion if the solution goes against it. 

What I see everywhere, not only on this forum, is people not being serious. Just doing mental games so that they can protect their beliefs from the world and themselves!

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