
Passport bros

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So this is a term coined by black men in the USA. Basically guys who move abroad to date and meet women. I’m white and I’ve been living abroad since 2016 so I definitely support this and understand why this is kinda a viral thing now in mens groups online. I guess you could say I’m a passport bro before it was a thing and I’m sure it was a thing long before me. I think this is actually the best decision you can ever make for yourself if you are having issues dating in the USA. I think as long as you respect the local customs and laws where you go, make an effort to learn the language and don’t overly objectify the women, then this is some great stuff. I’m headed to South America if shit falls through where I am. Currently studying Spanish and wanna date some beautiful Colombian women. Any guys living the expat life or passport bro life here ?

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Passport Bros… fuck now there’s a term for it? This isn’t good


I guess I’ve been a passport bro for 6 years now and I’ve completely lost interest in American women as a result of it. Once you taste the deep feminine and light hearted energy of Brazilian, Argentinian, and Russian women, i can’t even justify going for American chicks. I pretty much solely date Latina women now because they are so passionate, feminine, and fucking incredibly sexy. Brazilians are just another breed completely, I really hope these passport bros don’t start going to Brazil, please don’t ruin Brazil, it’s my happy place and being a gringo there you are rare and just clean up. I hooked up with Brazilian models, 19, 20 year old babes, non stop and they were down for everything in bed and just had the hottest energy and vibe. There was no bullshit or ass kissing or weird feminine masculine dynamic, like in the US or Canada. 

Ya. I’ve been passport bro-ing hard, that Shit turned me into a man :P

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22 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

Passport Bros… fuck now there’s a term for it? This isn’t good


I guess I’ve been a passport bro for 6 years now and I’ve completely lost interest in American women as a result of it. Once you taste the deep feminine and light hearted energy of Brazilian, Argentinian, and Russian women, i can’t even justify going for American chicks. I pretty much solely date Latina women now because they are so passionate, feminine, and fucking incredibly sexy. Brazilians are just another breed completely, I really hope these passport bros don’t start going to Brazil, please don’t ruin Brazil, it’s my happy place and being a gringo there you are rare and just clean up. I hooked up with Brazilian models, 19, 20 year old babes, non stop and they were down for everything in bed and just had the hottest energy and vibe. There was no bullshit or ass kissing or weird feminine masculine dynamic, like in the US or Canada. 

Ya. I’ve been passport bro-ing hard, that Shit turned me into a man :P

How’s the logistics for staying in Brazil long term? (1-2 years)

Portuguese is a pretty challenging language, we’re you able to learn some ? 

My experience is in Eastern Europe and I agree with you but since this war started I’m switching over to South America. Spanish is easy so I’m gonna just go over there and look for Colombian and Argentina ladies (Brazil sounds interesting as well) till I can return back to Eastern Europe when it’s more stable, ideally Russia. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Not sure where you’re from but an American I go t a Brazilian visa so I can do 3 month stints then I just leave and go back. Portuguese is tough but if you go to the cities like Rio and São Paulo many women there know at least some English and even if they don’t I created relationships and sex buddies with women who spoke no English. It’s so much more about the energy there. 

if you’re between Colombia or Argentina I’d say go to Argentina. The women are hotter and more open to foreigners. Brazil is the best by miles though imo. 

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5 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

Not sure where you’re from but an American I go t a Brazilian visa so I can do 3 month stints then I just leave and go back. Portuguese is tough but if you go to the cities like Rio and São Paulo many women there know at least some English and even if they don’t I created relationships and sex buddies with women who spoke no English. It’s so much more about the energy there. 

if you’re between Colombia or Argentina I’d say go to Argentina. The women are hotter and more open to foreigners. Brazil is the best by miles though imo. 

It’s interesting you list Argentina because I’ve heard Colombian women are more open to dating foreigners. I’ve heard that Argentina is less friendly and more like a European country while Colombia is more lively. Apparently you get less gringo / foreigner points in Argentina compared to Colombia. How was Argentina for dating ?

I think there is a way to get a long term visa which allows for longer than six months. I’d like 1 year minimum. 

Edited by Lyubov

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I lived in Colombia for 6 months and had a Colombian girlfriend for about 3 years. Highly recommended, the people there are so kind and loving. Lots of hot women and they literally approached me on the street. Also the spanish they speak there is very clear, it is the best place to learn spanish imo.

With German passport you can stay 6 months and if you want to stay longer you just have to pay them. I think I would move there if it was financially possible.

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5 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

I lived in Colombia for 6 months and had a Colombian girlfriend for about 3 years. Highly recommended, the people there are so kind and loving. Lots of hot women and they literally approached me on the street. Also the spanish they speak there is very clear, it is the best place to learn spanish imo.

With German passport you can stay 6 months and if you want to stay longer you just have to pay them. I think I would move there if it was financially possible.

This is my plan if things fall through here. Bounce over to Colombia, learn Spanish. Costs $600 a month at the best university for 20 hours of classroom time a week. Takes six months to get to B1 level of Spanish which is enough to be on your own and have little problems with daily life stuff and meeting women. Can live there really well for like $1000-2000 a month. If you basically don’t drink and splurge on luxuries, can easily live there for $1000 a month. I am hoping to change to a remote job that pays me $4000 a month and I think I could live like a king there on that salary. Definitely able to make it work on a budget. Heard women are super cool and fun and the locals are some of the most amazing people in South America. I’m definitely excited and I’m glad I have this plan in case my relationship ends and I need a new place to start over. Not going back to the USA which has been destroyed by gender/culture wars. 

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You guys sound like my kinda dudes ?


I left the US 6 years to work and live remote. My job was paying stacks so I lived like royalty in Colombia, we rented a penthouse that overlooked the whole city and it was less than 1K each. Nuts! 

So yes, 1K/Mo you can live well, but if you can spend 2K just do that and live in a badass pad. 

I’m curious which part of Colombia you lived @acidgoofy? Because I was in Medellin and felt like the locals were kinda annoyed by the gringos, probably because there’s so many. 

Most of the women I hooked up with in Colombia were European/Canadian and American ironically. Because I just didn’t get much interaction with the locals, but maybe it’s changed or you were in a different spot. 

But yes, the locals are very warm and friendly regardless, very nice and cool people. 

I’ve actually never been to Argentina directly, every other country in SA, yes, but Argentina I haven’t yet. I make my claim based on the Argentinian women I’ve been with in other countries, so maybe they are different. But I’ve observed them to be the most beautiful , behind Brazilians of course, in South America. I heard they have a bit of a feminist culture there but it’s probably nothing compared to the cringe that is now the US dating scene. They still have the feminine masculine polarity. 

Im probably a bit biased here, because I struck out in Colombia and have done well with Argentine women.

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Obviously if you learn Spanish that’s a huge plus and an even bigger plus if you go to an actual university there. I didn’t even know that was possible. Which university? 

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2 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Sex tourism. 

There is always this guy …

No problems with it as long it’s done classy and not breaking any laws or contributing to degeneracy.

I’m not paying prostitutes for sex or dangling false hopes. I also think it’s important to keep certain parts quiet and definitely not be crude. 

You get foreign points when you travel so it’s definitely worth it to go and see a new culture, learn a new language, get some good Instagram photos, make new friends, see new places and of course get some good experience with women from different cultures not polluted by the stage green gender war found in the USA.

Every guy born in the 90s who is straight and wants to actually have abundance with beautiful feminine women owes it to himself to travel cause that ain’t really a thing for like 99% of guys in the USA. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Pretty sure Tyler is a US based woman so has a bitterness and bias towards us talking about this. The truth is there’s a much better and more attractive option and it ain’t in the US. 

This is no different than doing pick up in a club, it’s just pick up in other countries. The women love it too and get to experience something new so what’s the harm?


Sex tourism is specifically paying for sex in countries where prostitutes are cheaper, which also is fine if people want to do it. As long as no one is getting hurt. 

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If you want a really funny example of what not to do, have a look at this dude

In one of his videos he tells you a great tip for stopping a girl you like from meeting other guys on tinder while you’re chatting to her on there. The simple trick is to share her profile to your several burner phones and report her profile to get her banned! Who knew it was so simple.

But the whole premise of his channel is essentially being a rich white dude visiting poorer countries have sex with women. And of course he films it all and gives his piercing insight into his success, which is of course, definitely, far deeper than just being a rich white guy in a poorer country.

I don’t think travelling to another country to meet women is bad necessarily but it is quite easy to do it in kind of a scummy way

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It’s nice to feel appreciated by women from places like Brazil because they actually appreciate you as a man. Way less stressful in certain ways

Edited by BlessedLion

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This sounds cool af lmao.

Just don't end up like Bradicus, and have half of mexico's male population wanting to beat the fuck outta you lol


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4 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Sex tourism. 

@Tyler Robinson Nah sex tourism is about sex in foreign countries in return for money and/ or lifestyle supports. Or so wikipedia tells me.


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1 hour ago, Ulax said:

This sounds cool af lmao.

Just don't end up like Bradicus, and have half of mexico's male population wanting to beat the fuck outta you lol

I probably have some children in Brazil 

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@BlessedLion Damn bro, go find your Brazilian kid and create the next pele


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5 hours ago, something_else said:

I don’t think travelling to another country to meet women is bad necessarily but it is quite easy to do it in kind of a scummy way

I found out about David Bond a few months ago and tbh, something about him rubs me the wrong way. I don’t care for him or his contents.


You are correct. It needs to be done with finesse, cultural awareness, and respect. There is occasionally some fool who gives it a bad name. Plenty in South American who should of just stayed home. 

A good example of someone who does it well is James Marshall. That guy is from Australia but he ended up doing this out of Hungary, Ukraine and Czech. 

Edited by Lyubov

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6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

It’s nice to feel appreciated by women from places like Brazil because they actually appreciate you as a man. Way less stressful in certain ways

I don't see harm in either sex tourism or finding a partner in other countries. It's all fine. No judgement. The only thing that I don't like the idea of sex being paid for, takes away the meaning of sex. I don't like to look at sex as some commodity, but a source of intimacy and connection. 

Selling sex to me seems weird. It would be like someone said they're selling friendship. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 hour ago, Tyler Robinson said:

I don't see harm in either sex tourism or finding a partner in other countries. It's all fine. No judgement. The only thing that I don't like the idea of sex being paid for, takes away the meaning of sex. I don't like to look at sex as some commodity, but a source of intimacy and connection. 

Selling sex to me seems weird. It would be like someone said they're selling friendship. 


I am in agreement. I believe we should strive to not have sex be transactional but something two or more people so together for their own pleasure. It could be for intimacy or simply just exploring sexuality. I have no interest in paying women in poor countries money to sleep with me. I don’t think it’s right to hire prostitutes and it’s a mistake to do this. 

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