
Confessions of a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker

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I woke up today and I immediately thought of all the other people in the world waking up with me: some of them would wake up alone, some with a hangover, some in bed with their husbands or wives, some with a new partner - some of them wouldn’t have slept at all! I imagined the natural light or the variety of alarm sounds which might have woken them up. I asked myself: “What is the first thought that will run through their minds? What truly motivates and inspires them? What are they going to do today?” In my minds eye I saw millions of individual days playing out before me like a fractal pattern of morning-to-nights.

I was able to do all of this because… I am a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker.

So how did I get here? As a precocious youngster I studied many subjects, but I was never satisfied. Even then, I was to able to intuitively sense that most of the big ideas that could be grasped within an academic setting had already been arrived at. The great geniuses of the past - the likes of Einstein, Wittgenstein and Rothberg - already had their photos on the wall, and I knew that I couldn’t compete with them.

Most of the intellectuals I came across had lived austere and isolated lives, and I certainly didn’t want to do that! Even worse, I knew that most of the ideas they had expressed would not be popular today… Given that I did not want an academic career, mainstream popularity was very important to me. If I wanted to be successful, I would have to limit myself to presenting ideas that are compatible with our advanced and inclusive times. 

That’s when I hit upon my idea of genius: I would go through the works of all of the great thinkers and philosophers, borrowing the ideas that were compatible with what is popular today and discarding the rest! After a while, I had even forgotten why I was doing this, and I was able to really believe that I was distilling the gems of truth from otherwise hopelessly outdated material!

This is the story of how I became a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker. What is most beautiful about this is that I am able to look down on the first tier of humanity from my Tier 2 perspective whilst maintaining our shared belief in equality and democracy!

But I’m still human. There are still wounds within me that need to be healed and shadows to bring to the light. In dealing with my own traumas, I am able to have compassion with myself whilst remaining detached. This is my innovation and my superpower.

I’ve built myself a beautiful body, a beautiful mind, and - most importantly - a beautiful spirit. I built these through my own ingenuity and through the assistance of many other beautiful people. I am a walking testament to the power of individualism and collectivism spiralling in love together, forever.

Mark my words. One day, all of the world is going to be like me. They don’t know it yet, but they will. The wisdom of the higher stages which I embody so perfectly will be simply irresistible. Only then, when everyone is like me, will the world finally know the peace and joy of Divine Unity.

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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Actually genius ?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I suppose anybody can be anything when the label is being self-ascribed. Forgive me for cracking up at the idea that someone who denounces the "globalists" (classic dog-whistle for the Jews) and describes LGBT as "sexual deviants" could be a "stage yellow systems thinker".



Edited by DrugsBunny

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lol another thread that reads like satire.

10 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

Mark my words. One day, all of the world is going to be like me. They don’t know it yet, but they will.

Echoing bunny's sentiments above, I sure hope not.

Edited by thepixelmonk

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I woke up today and I immediately thought of all the other people in the world waking up with me: some of them would wake up alone, some with a hangover, some in bed with their husbands or wives, some with a new partner - some of them wouldn’t have slept at all! I imagined the natural light or the variety of alarm sounds which might have woken them up. I asked myself: “What is the first thought that will run through their minds? What truly motivates and inspires them? What are they going to do today?” In my minds eye I saw millions of individual days playing out before me like a fractal pattern of morning-to-nights.

I was able to do all of this because… I am a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker.

So how did I get here? As a precocious youngster I studied many subjects, but I was never satisfied. Even then, I was to able to intuitively sense that most of the big ideas that could be grasped within an academic setting had already been arrived at. The great geniuses of the past - the likes of Einstein, Wittgenstein and Rothberg - already had their photos on the wall, and I knew that I couldn’t compete with them.

Most of the intellectuals I came across had lived austere and isolated lives, and I certainly didn’t want to do that! Even worse, I knew that most of the ideas they had expressed would not be popular today… Given that I did not want an academic career, mainstream popularity was very important to me. If I wanted to be successful, I would have to limit myself to presenting ideas that are compatible with our advanced and inclusive times. 

That’s when I hit upon my idea of genius: I would go through the works of all of the great thinkers and philosophers, borrowing the ideas that were compatible with what is popular today and discarding the rest! After a while, I had even forgotten why I was doing this, and I was able to really believe that I was distilling the gems of truth from otherwise hopelessly outdated material!

This is the story of how I became a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker. What is most beautiful about this is that I am able to look down on the first tier of humanity from my Tier 2 perspective whilst maintaining our shared belief in equality and democracy!

But I’m still human. There are still wounds within me that need to be healed and shadows to bring to the light. In dealing with my own traumas, I am able to have compassion with myself whilst remaining detached. This is my innovation and my superpower.

I’ve built myself a beautiful body, a beautiful mind, and - most importantly - a beautiful spirit. I built these through my own ingenuity and through the assistance of many other beautiful people. I am a walking testament to the power of individualism and collectivism spiralling in love together, forever.

Mark my words. One day, all of the world is going to be like me. They don’t know it yet, but they will. The wisdom of the higher stages which I embody so perfectly will be simply irresistible. Only then, when everyone is like me, will the world finally know the peace and joy of Divine Unity.


There is no failure, only feedback

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41 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

I suppose anybody can be anything when the label is being self-ascribed. Forgive me for cracking up at the idea that someone who denounces the "globalists" (classic dog-whistle for the Jews) and describes LGBT as "sexual deviants" could be a "stage yellow systems thinker".

Ah, the Internet… Full of such beautiful and contemplative souls. This place is practically a virtual monastery! The perfect place for a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker like me. ;)

13 minutes ago, thepixelmonk said:

Echoing bunny's sentiments above, I sure hope not.

Me too. A world of Stage Yellow Systems Thinkers like me would be just too efficient! There would be no one to look up to me anymore. Who would I be able to bestow my spiritual gifts and powers upon?

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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18 minutes ago, thepixelmonk said:

lol another thread that reads like satire.

The next one will be even better. 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Consept Even so, it would still be pretty juvenile.

"Ha, these fools! With my cunning foresight I knew clownishly exposing my bare ass would provoke a reaction... But it was all a ploy! I WIN"

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8 minutes ago, Consept said:

Are you trolling? If so this is kinda genius 

Of course not! An advanced Stage Yellow Systems Thinker like me would never waste his time on such trifling trivialities! I could be bestowing my wisdom upon the world right now, enlightening the undeveloped masses and helping to raise them to my advanced level. 

Trolling is an extremely low-consciousness activity. Though as a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker I know that I am not yet a Stage Turquoise Great Sage, purity of mind is still very important to me. The quality of the systems that I am able to think is substantially diminished by any low-consciousness activities that I engage in.

Here is an analogy for you (as a Systems Thinker, I find it very easy to come up with analogies): Imagine a diamond. Now imagine that diamond thrown in the mud. That diamond is me. The mud is low-consciousness. 

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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6 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

@Consept Even so, it would still be pretty juvenile.

"Ha, these fools! With my cunning foresight I knew clownishly exposing my bare ass would provoke a reaction... But it was all a ploy! I WIN"

True lol, it's funny how the ego never likes being sincere, it always wants to win or at least perceive its winning. He could just be being funny though 

Edited by Consept

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11 minutes ago, Oeaohoo said:

Of course not! An advanced Stage Yellow Systems Thinker like me would never waste his time on such trifling trivialities! I could be bestowing my wisdom upon the world right now, enlightening the undeveloped masses and helping to raise them to my advanced level. 

Trolling is an extremely low-consciousness activity. Though as a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker I know that I am not yet a Stage Turquoise Great Sage, purity of mind is still very important to me. The quality of the systems that I am able to think is substantially diminished by any low-consciousness activities that I engage in.

Here is an analogy for you (as a Systems Thinker, I find it very easy to come up with analogies): Imagine a diamond. Now imagine that diamond thrown in the mud. That diamond is me. The mud is low-consciousness. 

Normally I would say 100% trolling but I have to remind myself these are the actualized forums and people can actually type stuff like this out with a straight face.

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1 hour ago, DrugsBunny said:

I suppose anybody can be anything when the label is being self-ascribed. Forgive me for cracking up at the idea that someone who denounces the "globalists" (classic dog-whistle for the Jews) and describes LGBT as "sexual deviants" could be a "stage yellow systems thinker".

I will admit that the thread you linked is probably one of the least convincing things I wrote on this forum. This is probably because I could sense that you are a spiteful mutant who will never be convinced of anything but their own eternal self-righteousness in defending the Empire of Lies. I have a habit of shifting to deliberately provocative rhetoric when I sense that it is pointless to discuss anything further with somebody…

My main regret is that I didn’t explain my use of the term “Faustian” very well. “Faustian man” is a useful term that Oswald Spengler used to describe European civilisation since around the time of the Renaissance. “Faustian man” seeks to break down all boundaries, to explore everything and conquer the world. “Faustian man” produced the “Age of Expansion”, the colonial European empires and the Industrial Revolution. Things which I personally view as, for the most part, highly immoral and decadent.

Since the Second World War, “Faustian man” has been castrated and as a result has become introverted. His new goal is to break down all boundaries, not of the outer but of the inner world: to explore the endless subdivisions of subjective identity. “Breaking down the boundaries” becomes a matter of breaking down all boundaries of gender, sex and race. This is framed as a “conquest” over bigotry, xenophobia, sexism and so on… Ironically, however, this is all just the conclusion of the same values which produced the horrors of the mercantile imperialism which is now condemned.

Transgenderism, as a subset of Transhumanism, is also “Faustian” in the earlier sense. It is the final destination of the technological advances and the conquest of nature that commenced with the Renaissance: man conquering his own nature. Of course, this is a complete inversion and parody of the true conquest of human nature, which is spiritual liberation. Anyway, I doubt that you will be particularly interested in any of this.

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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8 minutes ago, thepixelmonk said:

Normally I would say 100% trolling but I have to remind myself these are the actualized forums and people can actually type stuff like this out with a straight face.


He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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Drugs and Pixel have to understand that Oeaohoo is half-sarcastic here (or at least sardonically imitating what he perceives as a grotesque style of thought) and that, even if he is against "degeneracies" and progressivism, he has a pretty impressive view of the world. Obviously he's aware of this, though he himself should see more value in all the gender/sex/transing stuff that's going on nowadays.

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3 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Drugs and Pixel have to understand that Oeaohoo is half-sarcastic here (or at least sardonically imitating what he perceives as a grotesque style of thought) and that, even if he is against "degeneracies" and progressivism, he has a pretty impressive view of the world. Obviously he's aware of this, though he himself should see more value in all the gender/sex/transing stuff that's going on nowadays.

Wow, after he admitted as much you decoded his cryptic ruse! You've really one-upped us with your unrivaled wits.


If you think his outdated stance towards LGBT and his denunciation of the "globalists" constitutes an impressive worldview, just wait 'til you get a load of this Kanye West guy, you're gonna love it.

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2 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

Wow, after he admitted as much you decoded his cryptic ruse! You've really one-upped us with your unrivaled wits.

If you think his outdated stance towards LGBT and his denunciation of the "globalists" constitutes an impressive worldview, just wait 'til you get a load of this Kanye West guy, you're gonna love it.

I’m not going to react to this. As a Stage Yellow Systems Thinker, I understand that everyone - even you - is just where they need to be. As my spiritual hero says, “Everyone is right.“

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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5 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

WIf you think his outdated stance towards LGBT and his denunciation of the "globalists" constitutes an impressive worldview, just wait 'til you get a load of this Kanye West guy, you're gonna love it.

Well, we don't know that these things are good in the big picture. We're just more idealistic than conservatives.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard Interesting take, considering that our friend, the self-appointed intellectual godsend @Oeaohoo seems to know outright that "these things" are bad, but when a progressive steps in, NOW is when you care to be epistemically cautious, applying scrutiny to the values of progressivism while giving a pass to outright bigotry. This is your brain on Destiny.


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