
It's here — the dreaded Destiny and MrGirl bridge nuke

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48 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   What are your thoughts?

I'm only 1 minute in, but my predictions are that MrGirl will make him look bad no matter what happens and that he'll make another manifesto, and then it'll fizzle out like the other stuff.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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20 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

I'm only 1 minute in, but my predictions are that MrGirl will make him look bad no matter what happens and that he'll make another manifesto, and then it'll fizzle out like the other stuff.

   Seems likely. Funny enough, before the drama and Mr. Girl being well known, my first viewing of Mr. Girl was the Vaush discussion. I've always looked at him sideways intuitively, although after the vaush debate I gained some respect for Mr. Girl's non-judgmental and way to approach a conversation in an open-minded manner and being a bit perspectival, contrasted with how close minded and guarded Vaush ways even when Mr. Girl wasn't accusing Vaush of anything ways interesting. I've also first time watched Destiny about 5 years ago, don't know what it was about other than Destiny being Destiny in a debate being rapid fire.

   Now, my eyes are crossing each other, giving both of them the sideways glances. This ideological and narrative warfare they're doing is just crazy.

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I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to actually care about anything involving Destiny or Mr Girl.

The "bridge nuke" was inevitable; the only reason Destiny was favorable towards Mr Girl is because Vaush dismissed him as a deranged pedophile, but since Destiny childishly hates anyone who holds him to account for his asinine conduct (such as Vaush), Desinty used every modicum of mental gymnastics to find the positives in Mr Girl, when in reality he was always a deranged pedophile. Vaush predicted this bridge nuke ages ago, shit's too funny.

I will now be given warning points by @Carl-Richard for saying something bad about Destiny. This happened about a week ago as well. Crazy power tripping.

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   Hopefully it's nothing serious that it would drag them both in court.

   Also, What's a manifesto?

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3 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

I will now be given warning points by @Carl-Richard for saying something bad about Destiny. This happened about a week ago as well. Crazy power tripping.

You got a warning for trolling a forum member.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 minute ago, DrugsBunny said:

I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to actually care about anything involving Destiny or Mr Girl.

The "bridge nuke" was inevitable; the only reason Destiny was favorable towards Mr Girl is because Vaush dismissed him as a deranged pedophile, but since Destiny childishly hates anyone who holds him to account for his asinine conduct (such as Vaush), Desinty used every modicum of mental gymnastics to find the positives in Mr Girl, when in reality he was always a deranged pedophile. Vaush predicted this bridge nuke ages ago, shit's too funny.

I will now be given warning points by @Carl-Richard for saying something bad about Destiny. This happened about a week ago as well. Crazy power tripping.

   Why is it hard for you to imagine if some people find interest involving Destiny's or Mr. Girl's takes on other topics?

   That may be because Vaush and Destiny had a falling out due to the Kyle Rittenhouse case, the BLM rioters and how Destiny expressed his heated views that the police or anyone on blue lives matters has his 'blessing to mow the looters down' if they can't respect people who are open carrying and are actively provoking them to aim and fire. Of course, Vaush is more left leaning and disagrees, and also uses this opportunity to split from Destiny, which felt to Destiny like a betrayal especially after he was banned from Twitch and had his partnership revoked, and also his twitter account canceled for his transphobic joke and other infractions.


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   With this level of toxic erama making, why is Destiny allowed anywhere bear YouTube? Even though Mr. Girl's content is a bit more edgy, he makes deeper points.

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On 24.11.2022 at 7:55 PM, KH2 said:

Such is the nature

of a "self improvement" forum;

members improving on paper,

but still being an epitome of boredom.

Bruh we all need some mindless entertainment.


I was supposed to take a break from this forum, but I had an insight I wanted to write down. The moment somebody introduces the concept of "manipulation", saying "this person is manipulative", this is in itself a form of manipulation, because from that moment on, you'll start second-guessing everything that person does, even if it's not out of the ordinary, and it will inevitably shape how you view them (in this case in Destiny's favor). That said, I'm not saying Destiny is wrong by saying it, but even that in itself is even more dangerous, because it's virtually certain that you'll find small clues that confirms him being right, and because he is making such charged statements ("Max is the most manipulative person I've ever come across), you'll very likely blow it out of proportion. And I don't this was a lucky mistake on Destiny's part. I think he deliberately used this to his advantage as much as he could, because 1. he is not an idiot, 2. he has the personality traits for it, 3. he says he has manipulated people in the past, 4. it's a pretty serious situation, and 5. if he were to do exactly that, this is what it would look like.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

Bruh we all need some mindless entertainment.


I was supposed to take a break from this forum, but I had an insight I wanted to write down. The moment somebody introduces the concept of "manipulation", saying "this person is manipulative", is in itself a form of manipulation, because from that moment on, you'll start second-guessing everything that person does, even if it's not out of the ordinary, and it will inevitably shape how you view them (in this case in Destiny's favor). That said, I'm not saying Destiny is wrong by saying it, but even that in itself is even more dangerous, because it's virtually certain that you'll find small clues that confirms him being right, and because he is making such charged statements ("Max is the most manipulative person I've ever come across), you'll very likely blow it way out of proportion. And I don't this was a lucky mistake on the part of Destiny. I think he deliberately took this to his advantage as much as he could, because 1. he is not an idiot, 2. he has the personality traits for it, 3. he says he has manipulated people in the past, 4. it's a pretty serious situation, and 5. if he were to do exactly that, this is what it would look like.

   I agree, it's a form of crying wolf, but in reverse. If you keep telling a lie repeatedly, it may well eventually be true. This dynamic exists in many forms and at varying degrees and scale. Even countries in war time do exactly that with their propaganda, for example WW2 pacific war between America and Japan, look at how the USA painted a hyper exaggerated picture of the Japanese.

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16 hours ago, KH2 said:

 No problem whatsoever there is

in a bit of entertainment.

But letting life past you just whizz

is a rather foolish derangement.

If you had to ask, I'm writing my first scientific research paper (technically second) :)

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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   Um, Destiny, you bitch, I think you forgot the part where you were the one that preemptively released that narrative of Mr. Girl?


   Ripped off and inspired by Mr. Girls stream, yours truly:

   Just like that stream, clearly not a biased interrogation, clearly not corrupted and not weaponizing facts, clearly good faith and not overly ideological warfare and narrative warfare or anything!

Edited by Danioover9000

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

@Danioover9000 Language ?

   Sorry, my slanguage came out.

   I feel like a unicyclist, Destiny on one hand, girly in the other, while riding the town bicycle to sooth my woodpecker (OOF!). I really loving open relationships: never ending relations related to a spider's web: a meme line.



Edited by Danioover9000

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@KH2 Oh, that was a poem xD That's what past me just whizzed.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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@Carl-Richard  Destiny is so manipulative and a hypocrite that he even still reacts to Mr. Girl's content and makes a video about him, in, Mr. Girl's own website when Mr. Girl is doing a livestream interrogation stream with Mr. Girl's own orbiters. Does that even breach YouTube copywrite laws? Is that a justified copywrite strike? Did he even ask Mr. Girl's permission to upload a video of Mr. Girl's livestream on Mr. Girl's website? If you are now enemies with a person that allegedly falsely accuses you of being a sexual predator, a sexual abuser, why are you still making content about the person in question? Why haven't you sued for defamation and slander? Why haven't you contacted the FBI or other third party to investigate this alleged claim against your public character?

   Compare and contrast this to the other video:

   Why hasn't Mr. Girl, also, filed a lawsuit against Destiny for being a 'sexual abuser', for 'grooming' and 'gaslighting' female users?

   This entire drama is nonsense, both parties are too biased and require a third party to investigate these allegations being accused at each side. Otherwise, this entire internet drama is nonsense and a damage to actual real crimes that are being committed and to those audience members who are in the younger demographic or older demographic.

   For those reading, if you are being groomed or gaslighted on the internet, getting sexted, getting 'dogpiled' which is another form of cyber bullying, or cyber stalking, maybe go contact the appropriate authorities instead of making video content and cashing in on the drama?

Edited by Danioover9000

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   Also, should we cancel/censor Mr. Girl and Destiny at this point? The majority of their content is drama driven and designed to take away as much freedom of time and energy of the youth these days to be watching their content as much as possible. Look at how Destiny records his live streams; he starts from live debates, to live streams of debates and online discussions with other streamers that clock to hours long content, then records and stores them in his main YouTube channel Destiny and Destiny vault for the 4–8 hours long streams, and the Last Night with Destiny for content and video streaming literally the night prior or 2 nights prior, and eventually he divides to edits/clips of several or so medium to short videos of 20-10-7 minute clips and sends them to his DDG Channel. This is clearly taking advantage of stealing as much possible space from other types of YouTube content creation, from education to entertainment, because there's a limit to how many thumbnails fit in a homepage. Does this sound familiar? It should, because I levied criticism to react content creators in YouTube and similar social media platforms of making a video reacting to an original content without permission of most of the original content creators. Is all of this exploitative? 

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7 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Why hasn't Mr. Girl, also, filed a lawsuit against Destiny for being a 'sexual abuser', for 'grooming' and 'gaslighting' female users?

mrgirl is not claiming that Destiny is doing something illegal, he specifically is making a moral claim. If you were to insult your spouse all the time, that is not illegal, but that might constitute abuse. And mrgirl thinks if you publically demean someone with the amount of power Destiny holds while  secretly engaging with them sexually behind the scenes, that it constitutes sexual abuse.


mrgirl already made the case for why he thinks he is the best person to investigate this, he explained it in the orbiter interrogation stream.


Also: Nice Questatements.

Edited by Scholar

Glory to Israel

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11 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Also: Nice Questatements.

There is nothing wrong with asking rhetorical questions, certainly not in absentia ?

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