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More vaccine misinformation exposed :)

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Pfizer did not even test for for viral transmission during their trials before the vac entered the market, which the entire rollout was based on "you're getting it to protect others" xD

Enjoy :)

Maybe the fines will be trillions this time? :)

I guess some criminals don't learn from their mistakes.



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"Pfizer did not claim that a clinical trial for its COVID-19 vaccine was testing whether the vaccine prevented transmission of the coronavirus to other people. The aim of the drug trial was to study whether the vaccine was safe and if it prevented disease from SARS-CoV-2.

Details of Pfizer’s clinical trial for its COVID-19 vaccine have been available online since November 2020.

When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced in December 2020 its emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine, the agency said there was no data available on whether the shot prevented transmission from person to person."

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14 hours ago, AuroraDream said:

Pfizer did not even test for for viral transmission during their trials before the vac entered the market, which the entire rollout was based on "you're getting it to protect others" xD

Enjoy :)

Maybe the fines will be trillions this time? :)

I guess some criminals don't learn from their mistakes.



I'm just curious, what are you trying to get from posting this over and over again here? What message are you trying to tell us and why are you doing it?

Love is the truth, love, love, love.❤️

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They approved their boosters for children aged 5 and above based on trial data of 8 mice. This is getting more and more ridiculous. Are americans that stupid?

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@Tefikos What do you even mean dude? I'm trying to expose something that I believe is true that is being so arrogantly and immediately denied on here, a forum thats supposed to be about "truth at all costs" mentality

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@Consept I dont know where you're from but in UK and north America the MAIN reason that was so heavily pushed to get the vaccine was to get it protect OTHERS because they (the gov, news media, and pharma rep) ALL pushed so hard that you're doing it to protect others. Because or significant transmission reduction. I'm surprised you don't know about this. This was the main point of the civil war in UK and North America. All the disagreements and bullying was based on this very fact that those who don't get vaccinated are basically murderers. I dont know if you're honestly trying to gaslight or just don't know. That was the entire narrative surrounding it. The UK and Canadian gov at one point even declared that this was a pandemic of the "unvaccinated" which is now clearly not true, countless people who got the vac got covid and spread it. I wish people would stop acting like this was never true.

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Your claim is that Pfizer were deceitful in that they stated that they tested for transmission, but actually they didn't and just said they did. The quote I posted along with the link show that there was never such a claim made by Pfizer, in fact the actual clinical trial papers have been available since Nov 2020 and they do not state anything to do with testing for transmission efficacy. 

Therefore if you were to take them to court let's say and you say, 'hey you lied about how effective this is at stopping transmission' all they would have to say is 'no we have our official clinical trials papers which have been available for nearly 2 years, that clearly say we were not testing for transmission'. Your case would definitely get thrown out. 

You could maybe point at governments or media if they misrepresented the efficacy on transmission, but you'd have to pull up specific comments. Either way your post was specifically about Pfizer and I don't think the position is correct. 

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uhhhh..... xD


Here you go 

and here you go

In case you weren't aware, that's the Pfizer CEO speaking in the video. Cheers.Screenshot_20221014-174219_Twitter.jpg

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3 hours ago, AuroraDream said:

"Our highest priority".... "but we don't test for transmission in our clinical trials".... xD

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Again and respectfully, i dont think a company saying our highest priorty is to achieve something is the same as saying they have achieved something, especially in this situation where things were moving so fast. Think whether this would hold up in court if youre accusing them of lying, your evidence is basically 'they said they wanted to stop transmission, but they didn't test for it'. 

The truth is if you look into testing for transmission it's actually very difficult to do and can probably only be done once it's given out en masse. Your issue should be more with the government who I agree did overstate how effective I was on transmission. 

"Dr. Walter Orenstein, associate director of the vaccine center at Emory University, told the AP that the fact that Pfizer did not address the vaccine’s impact on transmission during clinical trials is not unusual, because transmission is a complex metric to measure.

“It’s much more difficult to evaluate impact on transmission,” Orenstein, a professor of infectious diseases at the Emory School of Medicine, wrote in an email. “What is usually done is a randomized placebo controlled study, in which the recipients are ‘blinded (i.e., do not know whether they received placebo or vaccine.’”


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Nothing surprising about this.

These vaccines were developed at rapid pace by design. The usual method for making a vaccines take 5 years. The government asked multiple vaccine makers to mass-produce vaccines before anyone even knew whether the vaccines would work. This had to be done in order to have 100s of millions of doses available for once the clinical trials concluded. The vaccines which did not pass clinical trial would simply be thrown away.

Stop fear-mongering about vaccines. The data clearly shows vaccines save lives.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@AuroraDream It's odd, isn't it. In most cases, those who fell for it, they will double down and defend the company's and government's decisions. My cousin was one of the first people to care for a covid patient in a hospital in BC, Canada. She was parroting the narrative at first but now is saying most of the doctors in her hospital are saying that if one gets 4 shots they will usually see all sorts of strange reactions. She herself had a stroke, bell palsy, bizarre vaginal problems and her sister has odd heart complications and fortunately they are now questioning it. 

It's bizarre, all the all knowing gods on this site who can't see the foolishness of manipulating the body on such a subtle level. Why are we treating the body as if it's like a computer or a car? Why has god forgotten how intelligent his design is and if you tinker with it like Bill Gates what do you think will happen? and why do people keep comparing this jab to other traditional vaccines? Is it because the tv and adults said so? 


Edited by Johnny Galt

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@Consept I just showed you footage of the Pfizer ceo saying it was about stopping transmission. The fucking head of the company itself, i dont think there's more i can do for you. 

The connection with phrama and government are suspically very close so they're hardly separate entities. It would hold up in court. Countless people lost their jobs through mandates on the premise that they were getting it to prevent transmission to their coworkers. Have people all of sudden just forgot about all this??


@Leo Gura

Nothing surprising about this lol... then the people who lost their jobs over the mandates should just get their jobs back...

You are in for a rude awakening soon man. You doubled down on the wrong thing, without having and open enough mind to study and look into basic government corruption thats becoming more and more overwhelmingly blatant. Truth is coming out, and its gonna be hard for such a "truth lover" like yourself to accept.

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13 minutes ago, AuroraDream said:

Nothing surprising about this lol... then the people who lost their jobs over the mandates should just get their jobs back...

You are in for a rude awakening soon man. You doubled down on the wrong thing, without having and open enough mind to study and look into basic government corruption thats becoming more and more overwhelmingly blatant. Truth is coming out, and its gonna be hard for such a "truth lover" like yourself to accept.

Spare me your nonsense.

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@AuroraDream What point are you making? Are you saying that the covid vaccine from pfizer didn't have actually saves lives? Or something else?


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@AuroraDream Ye I don't understand what point you were making from what you said or from the video.

Are you saying someone lied or acted illegally or something else?


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@Ulax yes many people got vacced under the heavily pushed idea that vaccines prevent transmission of covid 19 from person to person. It was heavily pushed. Civil War started. People were bullied and told they were bad if they didnt because they would be spreading covid and killing granny. People lost their jobs because the mandates were introduced as a means to stop transmission and "protect" people at work.

Its now common knowledge that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, aad the video above proves another shocking point, that Pfizer never even tested for transmission efficacy, let alone transmission, in their trials at all before the rollout.


How people here don't see the problem here is baffling.

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Just now, AuroraDream said:

@Ulax yes many people got vacced under the heavily pushed idea that vaccines prevent transmission of covid 19 from person to person. It was heavily pushed. Civil War started. People were bullied and told they were bad if they didnt because they would be spreading covid and killing granny. People lost their jobs because the mandates were introduced as a means to stop transmission and "protect" people at work.

Its now common knowledge that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, aad the video above proves another shocking point, that Pfizer never even tested for transmission efficacy, let alone transmission, in their trials at all before the rollout.


How people here don't see the problem here is baffling.

@AuroraDream Interesting. Assuming your claim is based on evidence, can you show me the evidence that bases your claim that covid vaccines do not prevent transmission from person to person?



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